AoS War of the Elements


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kelogsloops present to you,
War of the Elements

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Sometime two years ago, a friend and I decided to create a map, on a free, quick idea right then and then. Not knowing, that after half a year of production, the map became something much more than what we had expected. After half a year of production during 2008, my partner decided to quit, and the map was left for me to go on with by myself, which I did, until the patch that caused most maps unable to work anymore. Only around early December 2010, I decided to work on the map again on a whim, and since then I've been fixing the reckless, stubborn errors that I left in the map. The name we gave this map was War of the Elements, which when simplified to the most simple subject, becomes 'a four way AoS'.

Map Icon


Game Intro

The Time has come...

Millions will fall...
Only one will survive...

The blistering, raging fury of fire scorches the living, the crushing tides, sweeping destruction through its watery wake, the shattering earth, pounding upon death's door, while the ripping winds, gales and storms tear the land to its roots.
The imbalance of nature, the eruption of the elements, the imbalance of the world has come. Waging war for dominion over the world, the elements fight, fighting to bathe in the glory of strength, victory, might. The war will not cease, until one proves victorious. Join your allies, defend your land, your people, lay waste to your enemies, let none stand in your way.

The War of the Elements has begun!


Choose from either the believers of flame, the believers of tides, the believers of earth and the believers of the sky.

- War of the Elements is an eight player, AoS styled game.
- You select a hero out of your tavern. The heroes are based on which element you are on, e.g. the Water tavern has water heroes only, meaning fire cannot get a water hero unless through -random.
- There are four teams meaning 2 players each. You have to defend your base while assaulting other bases to win.
- You fight against enemy heroes to gain bounties worth around 260 gold, and gives you a better chance to attack their bases while their reviving.
-Three lanes to choose from, with only two players to defend. The middle lane links directly across to the other base, while intersecting with the other two elements.
-Creeping areas that can act as 'fourth and fifth' lanes, with the extremely important Elemental gods.
-Elemental gods that can be fought to gain advantage over other elements by increasing strength of creeps and weakening enemies found in Creeping Areas.
- Four Item stores and Three Recipe stores


There's been a dramatic change in terrain since the last few versions, including an extremely dramatic change; obstacles, cliffs etc. to increase opportunities of surprise and ganking. Some slight changes in terrain to enhance a more 'all-out war' feeling'.
Added a new system which when an elemental god is killed, your race's creeps are upgraded and the god whose element belongs to, is temporarily weakened.
A new minimap icon! Hurray!

Map Progression[/B]
Heroes - 55%
Items - 85%
Modes - 30%


Since version 1.23


Current Game Commands

-random - Randomly selects a hero out of all the taverns for the player.
-ar - Selects random heroes for every player from ANY tavern.
-dc - Double creep mode, causes creeps to spawn double the amount, have double attack, armor and hit points.
-am - Allied Mode, allows a 4v4 system by teaming up Air and Earth and Fire and Water.

What we're asking for
Right now all we really need is some feedback and suggestions. We can't really fix things, balance things without some feedback or suggestions, so all we ask of you is to comment away!
If you've got an idea for a hero, spell, item or even terrain change, it'd help us greatly!
We'd also really appreciate some beta testers, as it would help us alot with balancing.
Like above, the map progression. Right now we're not getting alot of ideas, and it would help us so much!
All we ask for is an idea that maybe you've wanted to see put into action, or a long-lost forgotten idea!


Since version 1.23




Map Changelog

Here you can find the latest or oldest changes. Its missing alot because I usually forget to update.
WotE v1.0a - Released
Added new hero, Oceanite (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)

WotE v1.0b - Released
Added new hero, Eternal Flame (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)

WotE v1.0c - Released
Added new hero, Storm Chaser (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Added new hero, Druid of the Talon (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Added new hero, Sea Witch (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Weakened Ember
Lowered stun on Crushing Depths
Increased cast range on Freeze

Added End-Game buildings
Added Goblin Merchant and Marketplace
Added Towers
Added Elemental Creeps
Added lane decorations

Added Longsword
Added Giant's Axe
Added Rapier
Added Ancient Sandals +3
Added Robe of the Ancients +3
Added Hand of Atlas +3
Added Boots of the Storm +6
Added Possessed Cape +6
Added Belt of Might +6
Added Bracelet
Added Circlet of Nobility
Added Shrunken Head
Added Spellblade
Added Iron Crown
Added Medallion of Luck
Added Boots of Speed
Added Gloves of Haste
Added Lesser Clarity Potion
Added Healing Salve

WotE v1.0d - Released
Added new hero, Searinox (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Adding new hero, Atlas (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Tidal Shield has been buffed
Storm Chaser's blink range reduced
Storm Chaser's blink cost increased
Druid of the Talon's Bolt weakened
Shapeshift weakened
Entangling Roots changed to Cyclone
Morph has been balanced
Tsunami has been empowered

Added new terrain
Added doodads & decorations
Added critters
Added Dalaran Library
Increasing Bounty for hero kills
Modifying bases slightly
Spawn buildings will now act as towers as well
Weakening spawning unit damage
Dramatic Terrain Changing
Fixed the bug where Green could not revive
Fixed the bug where some players could not pick
Fixed the bug where some heroes could not enter middle
Fixed the bug where Blaze would not function properly

Added Infused Blade
Added Charm of Ogre Strength
Added Hexed Charm
Added Phoenix Egg
Added Shield of Gaia
Added Blade of Zephyr
Added Band of Eternal Life

WotE v1.0e - Released
Fixed Atlas' Crush
Reduced Harden
Weakened Incineratus
Changed Circle of Cinders
Reduced Hot Blooded
Weakened stun duration on Ravage
Reduced damage on Ravage
Removed Dalaran Library
Added Blacksmith
Added Recipe Maker
Added -random command
Added -random
Added some colour coding
Fixed Hero Buying Triggers, does not spam 8 'Player X has chosen Hero X'
Added Aquatic Charm
Added Giant's Amulet
Added Shadow Helmet
Added Buckler
Added Tower Shield
Added Chain Mail
Added Essence of the Phoenix
Added Essence of the Leviathan

WotE v1.1 - Released
Added new hero, Bouldermancer (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Added new hero, Thunder God (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Added new hero, Shore Hunter (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Added new hero, Doombringer (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Reduced armor bonus on Freeze
Sacred Scale chance reduced
Reminiscence strengthened
Crushing Depths stun duration weakened
Tsunami balanced
Druid of the Talon can no longer fly over trees
Tidal Shield weakened
Hit points gained per strength point reduced
Attribute bonuses per level reduced
Armor gain reduced
Mana gain increased

Added Runes
Added Advanced Recipe Maker
Lane Problems
Endgame Building attack fixed
Endgame Building attack increased
Endgame Building attack speed increased
Fountain regeneration range increased
Shop purchasing ranged increased
Added Faerie Hand
Added Idol of the Sky
Added Mage Masher
Added Pulveriser
Item costs reduced
Money income increased
Added Claws of Haste
Added Ring of Regeneration
Added Sobi Mask
Added Healite
Added Cleansite
Added Claritite
Added Dust of Appearance

WotE v1.1a - Released
Added new hero, Blue Mage (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Added new hero, Stormrider (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Added new hero, Ancestral Wanderer (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)
Adding new hero, Scarlet Keeper (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for info)

WotE v1.1c - Released
Added Vault of Malygos
Added Essence of the Storm
Added Lesser Mask of Death
Added Sun Crystal
Added Lunar Crystal

WotE v1.2a - Released
Added Lich (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)
Added Crypt Lord (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)
Added The Nameless Prophet (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)
Added Archer of Wind (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)

Added Creep Zone
Added Viper Totem
Added Searing Skull
Added Spawn of Leviathan
Added Sky-Fury Protector
Added Gaia
Added Leviathan
Added Phoenix
Added Zephyr

WotE v1.21a - Released
Added Astromancer (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)
Added Timeshaper (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)
Added Centaur Raider (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)
Added Rogue Mage (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)

Added Harpoon
Added Gem of True Sight
Added Kelen's Dagger of Escape

WotE v1.22a - Released
Added The Admiral (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)
Added Beastmaster (Check Current & Upcoming Heroes for more info)

WotE v1.22c - Released
Fixed Spirit Bear
Changed Feral Heart
Added graphics to Feral Heart
Added graphics to Beastmastery
Added graphics to Gift of the Wild
Changed Misha
Empowered Misha
Empowered Feedback
Fixed Windy Arrow
Fixed Gust Enchantments

Fixed Circle of Power bugs
Lanes widened
Terrain changed dramatically
Empowered Zephyr
Empowered Gaia
Empowered Leviathan
Empowered Phoenix
Added abilities to Zephyr
Added abilities to Gaia
Added abilities to Leviathan
Added abilities to Phoenix
Balanced 1,000 Needles

WotE v1.23a - Released
Added Mortar Twins (Check Current Heroes & Upcoming Heroes for more info)
Tidal Shield damage taken reduced
Fixed Flare
Fixed Meteorutus
Fixed Slow
Fixed Rippling Tide
Fixed Phantom's Will
Changed Berserk
Weakened Bullseye
Empowered Windy Arrow

Changed Endgame, players can now observer when their base is defeated
Changed Endgame Creeping, creeps now move onto the next lane

Added Anti-Magic Potion
Changed Item Tooltips

WotE v1.23b-1.25

Every Hero has undergone a change, whether it be slight fixes to new abilities or even a dramatic new class change (check out Azure Tempest)
Heroes abilities have undergone dramatic changes with even newer and more custom abilities than previous ones.

A dramatic terrain change enforcing fog of war and other capabilities to encourage the idea and increase the opportunities for ganking.
A time system that counts time played.
Fixed multiboard bug that didn't show deaths
Removed global exp, exp range is now 1000
Removed ability to possess elemental gods
Added a new Elemental god system that increases creep's stats and weakens the god's elemental race temporarily
Added a new minimap icon
Removed loading screen due to large file size until further notice
Added new doodads to enforce 'war like feeling'
All tooltips have been double checked and fixed for slight problems
MUI implementation, all spells should now be MUI

Item recipes now currently work
Slight price changes in items
Added Crown of Death
Added Helm of Battlethirst

Current Attatched Map Version
- 1.25



  • WotE v1.25.w3x
    811.8 KB · Views: 358


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Updated to v1.1b! Would really appreciate some downloads, tests, feedback, suggestions or anything please!


Active Member
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Seems a little much from the screenshot. The middle where every element intercets, looks disturbing to the eye, too many eye catching effects


The epic journey will soon begin... Prepare!
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There are some points that really need to be fixed:

1) The first tower of each side cannot attack a range hero. The attack range of those towers is tiny. Must be fixed.

2) Buying recipes result one more recipe in the status, when i already have my item made. So, it's like getting 2 recipes and the second is able to be sold, resulting a +500 bonus gold -if you sell it-. Actually this thing occured when i made Silent item.

3) Decrease the XP range given. I am in my base and i get continously xp for each enemy creep killed.

4) Your Mana Surge (Medivh) doesn't work. It adds no damage at all.
5) Medivh's Ultimate states to deal 150 bonus damage at level 1, when a floating text appears, showing 200 instead.


7) The "Nest of Phoenix" - the second tower is attackable by the hero that belongs to the fire base. You are able to attack your allied tower?
8) The "Nest of Phoenix" should get its collision fixed, so that when i target a point, my hero cannot pass through it and stay hidden inside.

9) When i have a recipe and all of the items required in the inventory, it doesn't result the new item, i have to drop the recipe and pick it up to finally work. (e.g. Fairie Hand) So, it works as if i need to get the recipe as the last ingredient. If i bear that already, it won't work.

10) The item that burns mana (Mage Masher), burns extremily too much mana, when the game is generally balanced (180 mana) on hit. I think it is based on Mana burn, right? Why don't u use "Feedback" instead? You have a passive to burn mana. Well, give Feedback instead. Unless this is intended, you should change it, else, write it in the tooltip that there is a 30% chance for example for the bearer of item to burn 180 mana out of the attacked unit.

11) When i destroy a base, my base continues producing units for the lane, leading to that lane, ending up with units patroling at the destroyed enemy's base. Maybe stop production of that lane after that enemy's base is destroyed?

12) The Idol of Sky (the one with the Roar ability). When i dropped that item and no longer wielded it, the roar buff was on me forever. Did you add duration to Roar? Actually, the item itself gives a 25 bonus damage already with roar it becomes somewhere 50 i think, but you did not include that in the tooltip. Either check the Roar buff to be removed when the item is no longer carried or add a 30 second duration to the item's ability. It seems like bugged now.

13) Most of the tooltips require fix. Some have no gaps between the words, some don't have the actual effects well-described.

14) Firestorm (Scarlet Keeper): You state that the spell's duration is 2 seconds in the main tooltip and it becomes 3 seconds per level. The actual effect lasts for 1.5 seconds.

15) Inner Fire ultimate has a 6-second duration with not such a huge beneficial effect and its cooldown is extremily high, when the icon has auto-cast borders. Also, the tooltip looks like bugged. Fix it. Every second an alternative text shows up, like "Yo4" and "Xt#" and "yR", "u", "3L", and many many more.

16) Scarlet Dragon - Your third skill is based on Unholy Aura, but it doesn't follow the hero's theme: Fire. Change model. Maybe some fire attached on the back or the head.

17) When a hero picks his hero, remove visibility across the Tavern Region.
18) Doombringer: His first skill is not only overpowered, but it has wrong targets allowed. First off, at level 1 it deals 330 damage in total. 3 waves * (50 initial damage + 20 damage per second * 3 seconds). Plus, since he is a melee, this skill is a total mess for him, when he wants to target his enemy and he gets hit by his own spell instead, especially for this amount of damage. Reduce damage dealt a bit and/or Targets Allowed.

19) Boots of Speed cost 150 gold for this speed bonus they give? Way too low. Maybe 390.

20) Immolation's Mana Cost is way too much. Level 1 drains 75 mana per second? Hm, fix it. Set it to 35. Also reduce the activation mana cost to 20.
21) Mana restored by the Fountain is extremily high. Reduce it. It is somewhere 10%, right?

22) Healing Salve - Tooltip says it contains 2 charges, when it actually contains 3.
23) Def-Less skill requires tooltip fix too. Remove that Fairy Fire model also, it doesn't follow the hero's water theme.
24) Blue Mage has a skill called LVL Death. It doesn't follow his theme, when you say he creates a ball out of dark energies and his theme is water. Also, the skill's name is "LV5 Death"; fix it. Finally, make it not able to target units, only heroes, because it depends on enemy's level.
25) The attack-move doesn't always work. I go with my creeps to the enemy's base and the enemy's creeps pass next to us and they do not attack my creeps, when my creeps go and attack the tower, instead of attacking the enemy's creep wave.
26) The lanes are so close, that if the enemy's base produces creeps and i am in the base already in the very next lane, those creeps, instead of attack-move to their lane, they come towards the other lane to attack us.
27) Morph's tooltip claims that the hero has a chance to deal 4x his current damage, when the bonus damage is 2x.
28) Venom (Shore Hunter's skill) has Envenomed Spears icon, when the buff icon the attacked enemy gets is Cold Arrows and so is the buff model it gets (ice). Change it to Envenomed Spears as a complete overhaul.
29) I am level 1. I get my first spell. If i get level 2, i can still get the second level of the spell i chose. Shouldn't that be changed for balance?
30) Blizzard (Lich): It says that a piece of ice grows periodically, but it just pops up on the target's head and it is destroyed. It doesn't grow in size periodically.
31) Harden (Atlas's skill) doesn't follow the name of the skill when learning and when learnt. When learnt, it is called "Attribute Bonus". Also, it doesn't work. It doesn't increase the attributes, as it is supposed to do.
32) Enlargement is a noob skill. When you learn it, it replaces the current hero with a new one of the same level, with skill points unused, when you had picked your skills before. This is not the way DotA's Grow works. You need to run an upgrade.
33) Sticky Web doesn't always work.
34) Boulder Barrage and Boulder Rain have exactly the same effect. Change one of them. The only difference is in damage and the stun, what a big difference. They way the spell procs though is the same.
35) Change the Multiboard's "Water" text, it is exactly under another text and looks ugly.
36) When i buy a hero, even if the gold gost is not displayed, i may end up having 426 gold for example, but when i buy some other hero, i end up having 562 gold instead. It seems that some heroes have a gold cost. This happens on some heroes. (Some heroes cost no actual gold (and you have 562 gold), but some others do cost (and i end up having 426), which is weird, when your gold is not lowered.) For example, when i picked a hero, i bought boots of speed, regeneration ring, healing salve and clarity potion. When i restarted the game and picked another hero of the same force (water/wind/fire/earth), i had not enough gold to buy Clarity Potion.
37) Windy Arrow doesn't work always. Sometimes it just hits the first target it collides with or the target unit of ability being cast and that's all. Yes, the Shockwave ability you added doesn't always damage the rest units.
38) Archer's of the Wind attack animation doesn't follow the time the actual damage is made. Plus, she has no projectile. She deals damage and after a second the attack animation is played. You should also increase her attack range. Bow is supposed to give you range, else, make a swordsman.
39) Gust Enchantments has never worked. I don't know how you did it, but i had never had an attacked unit knockbacked.
40) Remove the ability to attack your own creeps.
41) Swiftness's icon doesn't follow the buff icon - buff icon is the based-off spell, Endurance Aura
42) Reuce cooldown of Shapeshift ultimate, it is way too much, for no reason.
43) Cyclone doesn't toss the unit in the air, it just damages it every second.
44) Monsoon is bugged. Tooltip says it damages enemies, and it should, but it also damages allies. When it damages allies, the allied creeps return back to the tower they were spawned and then they return back to the position they were, attacking back again. This happens to enemy units as well -but sometimes-. It also damages the hero himself. How the damn did you trigger it?
45) The Stormrider has Attack type "Normal", when he should have "Hero".
46) The "Truestorm Aura" doesn't follow the buff's icon and name, which are set to Trueshot Aura + icon.
47) Thunder God's first skill is exactly the same to the ultimate. Change one of them.
48) In the tooltip of "Thunder Dragon", it says that Thunder God summons a "water elemental", when he belongs to Wind Side. Change it too.
49) Thunder Dragon has an idiot soundset, human one, that of course has nothing to do with it. Change it.
50) Some heroes can choose 1 out of the 3 spells given at level 1, when other can get only 2 and the third at level 3. It's obviously unfair. Change every skill except for the ultimate able to be taken at any level.
51) Storm Chaser: Remove the buff aura you gave her with her skill "Breeze Aura". It seems as if she is slowed. Also, Breeze Aura doesn't always work. At level 1 and 2 it did not work. When i got Blink, it started working.
52) When i learn Blink, the icon takes the position of the ultimate (Flick) and when i learn Flick, the icon takes the position of the 1st icon. (You should change the buttons' positions)
53) Reduce Blink's cooldown! 60 seconds cooldown for a blink? WAY too much. Not only for the Blink as a spell but for the single spell it is, even the ultimate has lower cooldown.
54) Fix the initial camera for the Wind side, it's a bit too left.

That's all for now. Favourite heroes: Storm Rider, Bouldermancer, Ancestral Wanderer.


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Okay replying to this will be alot of effort! BUT THANKS VERY MUCH ANYWAY :D Glad someone tested it :D

1 - I'm working on that right now for 1.1c
2 - Can you specify which recipes give another recipe back? I'm going to look at all the triggers right now.
3 - Will do!
4 - Do you mean Loose Energy? It doesn't show as a +X damage, it just adds damage to your attacks, if you have heaps of mana and use it, you'll instant kill creeps.
5 - Changed tooltip already.
7 and 8 - All heroes are allowed to attack their own base. I'm trying to figure out how NOT to let allied units attack allies <Not supergodly pro triggerer sorry! My partner doesn't do triggering either. And the model, I know it's dodgy T_T.
9 - Mmm, I'll try get round to that.
10 - I didn't want to base it off feedback, but rather to have a SLIGHT chance to burn some nice mana, but turns out it's too OP so yeah. Will nerf and change to feedback!
11 - Right now I got a suggestion to make the lane units move to a different lane, so I might go with that rather than stop production.
12 - Hahaha, I realized that but I forgot about it :<. Thanks!
13 - YES! I really need to fix tooltips, 1.1c is fixup version! So hopefully all those errors will be gone.
14 - The duration is real, the effect just ends early :<
15 - But, Red is overpowered as he is. Plus its one of those skills like DESPERATE times, so you have to be WISE! And about hte tooltip, i have no idea why it does that.
16 - Yeah, I can't find any groovy looking fire auras so i'll just stick to fire attatchments.
17 - I realized that on the weekends! Strangely the circles don't disappear, and the players get vision. Hmm!
18 - I'll look into it.
19 - Meh, it's cheap because its a basic necessity, plus its funner when everythings kinda cheap, it's still fair but everyone gets geared!
20 - His mana cost is loads because his nukes are already tank as they are, plus when he gets higher level his mana regen is superspasso.
24 - LV? Death is cause its apart of the BLUE MAGE in final fantasy
25 - Yeah, I'll change acquisition ranges and call for help ranges.
26 - Mmm, I really wanna make the lanes kinda spread out but the 'BOSS' areas are in the way. I'm trying to get tempest to let me get rid of them.
29 - I tried to fix it, i set level requirement jump thingy to 2, still didn't work. I donno, i'll have to ask around for whats the problem.
30 - Hehe, i'll just change hte tooltip.
31,32 - Okay anything about Atlas, I'll tell tempest, its his hero and his idea.
34 - Huh? But boulder spraying is like, HIM!
36 - Weird, I'll look into that
37 - Aw man!
38 - She was suggested as a MELEE hero, it's kinda odd but i like her ;D
39 - Yeah, i realized that. I'm trying to get the slide trigger to work, might take some time thouughh sorry!
43 - I donno why though, it has no graphics, I want the unit to be attackable, so i based it off Entangling roots, cause Cyclone makes the unit invulnerable ;<.
44 - Hahha, I know, i didnt put a CONDITION in the trigger.
47 - Have to ask tempest about that, not my hero either :<.
49 - oops
50 - It's cause some of the spells are kinda TOO STRONG to start off with. for instance, at level 2 lich could be OWNING so hard. Amplify and tidal burst and hte guy is dead.
51 - It should work fine, it's meant to be like melee range, and slowly increases.
52 - Hahaha, cause at the start, Blink was her ulti so i'll fix it ;D
53 - Nah, cause we had complaints about her blinking in and out and killing people too fast. :<



New Member
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omg i had an idea almost exactly like it!!! haha funny... great minds think a like sounds cool and looks even better...!!!!
good work


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really? thas cool :D ahaha why didnt you make the map>? you couldve probably made more of a success as you cna see T_T

im serious!


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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There are some points that really need to be fixed:

1) The first tower of each side cannot attack a range hero. The attack range of those towers is tiny. Must be fixed.

2) Buying recipes result one more recipe in the status, when i already have my item made. So, it's like getting 2 recipes and the second is able to be sold, resulting a +500 bonus gold -if you sell it-. Actually this thing occured when i made Silent item.

3) Decrease the XP range given. I am in my base and i get continously xp for each enemy creep killed.

4) Your Mana Surge (Medivh) doesn't work. It adds no damage at all.
5) Medivh's Ultimate states to deal 150 bonus damage at level 1, when a floating text appears, showing 200 instead.


7) The "Nest of Phoenix" - the second tower is attackable by the hero that belongs to the fire base. You are able to attack your allied tower?
8) The "Nest of Phoenix" should get its collision fixed, so that when i target a point, my hero cannot pass through it and stay hidden inside.

9) When i have a recipe and all of the items required in the inventory, it doesn't result the new item, i have to drop the recipe and pick it up to finally work. (e.g. Fairie Hand) So, it works as if i need to get the recipe as the last ingredient. If i bear that already, it won't work.

10) The item that burns mana (Mage Masher), burns extremily too much mana, when the game is generally balanced (180 mana) on hit. I think it is based on Mana burn, right? Why don't u use "Feedback" instead? You have a passive to burn mana. Well, give Feedback instead. Unless this is intended, you should change it, else, write it in the tooltip that there is a 30% chance for example for the bearer of item to burn 180 mana out of the attacked unit.

11) When i destroy a base, my base continues producing units for the lane, leading to that lane, ending up with units patroling at the destroyed enemy's base. Maybe stop production of that lane after that enemy's base is destroyed?

12) The Idol of Sky (the one with the Roar ability). When i dropped that item and no longer wielded it, the roar buff was on me forever. Did you add duration to Roar? Actually, the item itself gives a 25 bonus damage already with roar it becomes somewhere 50 i think, but you did not include that in the tooltip. Either check the Roar buff to be removed when the item is no longer carried or add a 30 second duration to the item's ability. It seems like bugged now.

13) Most of the tooltips require fix. Some have no gaps between the words, some don't have the actual effects well-described.

14) Firestorm (Scarlet Keeper): You state that the spell's duration is 2 seconds in the main tooltip and it becomes 3 seconds per level. The actual effect lasts for 1.5 seconds.

15) Inner Fire ultimate has a 6-second duration with not such a huge beneficial effect and its cooldown is extremily high, when the icon has auto-cast borders. Also, the tooltip looks like bugged. Fix it. Every second an alternative text shows up, like "Yo4" and "Xt#" and "yR", "u", "3L", and many many more.

16) Scarlet Dragon - Your third skill is based on Unholy Aura, but it doesn't follow the hero's theme: Fire. Change model. Maybe some fire attached on the back or the head.

17) When a hero picks his hero, remove visibility across the Tavern Region.
18) Doombringer: His first skill is not only overpowered, but it has wrong targets allowed. First off, at level 1 it deals 330 damage in total. 3 waves * (50 initial damage + 20 damage per second * 3 seconds). Plus, since he is a melee, this skill is a total mess for him, when he wants to target his enemy and he gets hit by his own spell instead, especially for this amount of damage. Reduce damage dealt a bit and/or Targets Allowed.

19) Boots of Speed cost 150 gold for this speed bonus they give? Way too low. Maybe 390.

20) Immolation's Mana Cost is way too much. Level 1 drains 75 mana per second? Hm, fix it. Set it to 35. Also reduce the activation mana cost to 20.
21) Mana restored by the Fountain is extremily high. Reduce it. It is somewhere 10%, right?

22) Healing Salve - Tooltip says it contains 2 charges, when it actually contains 3.
23) Def-Less skill requires tooltip fix too. Remove that Fairy Fire model also, it doesn't follow the hero's water theme.
24) Blue Mage has a skill called LVL Death. It doesn't follow his theme, when you say he creates a ball out of dark energies and his theme is water. Also, the skill's name is "LV5 Death"; fix it. Finally, make it not able to target units, only heroes, because it depends on enemy's level.
25) The attack-move doesn't always work. I go with my creeps to the enemy's base and the enemy's creeps pass next to us and they do not attack my creeps, when my creeps go and attack the tower, instead of attacking the enemy's creep wave.
26) The lanes are so close, that if the enemy's base produces creeps and i am in the base already in the very next lane, those creeps, instead of attack-move to their lane, they come towards the other lane to attack us.
27) Morph's tooltip claims that the hero has a chance to deal 4x his current damage, when the bonus damage is 2x.
28) Venom (Shore Hunter's skill) has Envenomed Spears icon, when the buff icon the attacked enemy gets is Cold Arrows and so is the buff model it gets (ice). Change it to Envenomed Spears as a complete overhaul.
29) I am level 1. I get my first spell. If i get level 2, i can still get the second level of the spell i chose. Shouldn't that be changed for balance?
30) Blizzard (Lich): It says that a piece of ice grows periodically, but it just pops up on the target's head and it is destroyed. It doesn't grow in size periodically.
31) Harden (Atlas's skill) doesn't follow the name of the skill when learning and when learnt. When learnt, it is called "Attribute Bonus". Also, it doesn't work. It doesn't increase the attributes, as it is supposed to do.
32) Enlargement is a noob skill. When you learn it, it replaces the current hero with a new one of the same level, with skill points unused, when you had picked your skills before. This is not the way DotA's Grow works. You need to run an upgrade.
33) Sticky Web doesn't always work.
34) Boulder Barrage and Boulder Rain have exactly the same effect. Change one of them. The only difference is in damage and the stun, what a big difference. They way the spell procs though is the same.
35) Change the Multiboard's "Water" text, it is exactly under another text and looks ugly.
36) When i buy a hero, even if the gold gost is not displayed, i may end up having 426 gold for example, but when i buy some other hero, i end up having 562 gold instead. It seems that some heroes have a gold cost. This happens on some heroes. (Some heroes cost no actual gold (and you have 562 gold), but some others do cost (and i end up having 426), which is weird, when your gold is not lowered.) For example, when i picked a hero, i bought boots of speed, regeneration ring, healing salve and clarity potion. When i restarted the game and picked another hero of the same force (water/wind/fire/earth), i had not enough gold to buy Clarity Potion.
37) Windy Arrow doesn't work always. Sometimes it just hits the first target it collides with or the target unit of ability being cast and that's all. Yes, the Shockwave ability you added doesn't always damage the rest units.
38) Archer's of the Wind attack animation doesn't follow the time the actual damage is made. Plus, she has no projectile. She deals damage and after a second the attack animation is played. You should also increase her attack range. Bow is supposed to give you range, else, make a swordsman.
39) Gust Enchantments has never worked. I don't know how you did it, but i had never had an attacked unit knockbacked.
40) Remove the ability to attack your own creeps.
41) Swiftness's icon doesn't follow the buff icon - buff icon is the based-off spell, Endurance Aura
42) Reuce cooldown of Shapeshift ultimate, it is way too much, for no reason.
43) Cyclone doesn't toss the unit in the air, it just damages it every second.
44) Monsoon is bugged. Tooltip says it damages enemies, and it should, but it also damages allies. When it damages allies, the allied creeps return back to the tower they were spawned and then they return back to the position they were, attacking back again. This happens to enemy units as well -but sometimes-. It also damages the hero himself. How the damn did you trigger it?
45) The Stormrider has Attack type "Normal", when he should have "Hero".
46) The "Truestorm Aura" doesn't follow the buff's icon and name, which are set to Trueshot Aura + icon.
47) Thunder God's first skill is exactly the same to the ultimate. Change one of them.
48) In the tooltip of "Thunder Dragon", it says that Thunder God summons a "water elemental", when he belongs to Wind Side. Change it too.
49) Thunder Dragon has an idiot soundset, human one, that of course has nothing to do with it. Change it.
50) Some heroes can choose 1 out of the 3 spells given at level 1, when other can get only 2 and the third at level 3. It's obviously unfair. Change every skill except for the ultimate able to be taken at any level.
51) Storm Chaser: Remove the buff aura you gave her with her skill "Breeze Aura". It seems as if she is slowed. Also, Breeze Aura doesn't always work. At level 1 and 2 it did not work. When i got Blink, it started working.
52) When i learn Blink, the icon takes the position of the ultimate (Flick) and when i learn Flick, the icon takes the position of the 1st icon. (You should change the buttons' positions)
53) Reduce Blink's cooldown! 60 seconds cooldown for a blink? WAY too much. Not only for the Blink as a spell but for the single spell it is, even the ultimate has lower cooldown.
54) Fix the initial camera for the Wind side, it's a bit too left.

That's all for now. Favourite heroes: Storm Rider, Bouldermancer, Ancestral Wanderer.

WTF! Either you played this for a long time and searched for bugs, or you played this for a short time and the bugs came to you. A lot of bugs. :)
Looks pretty coo. I'll try it out when I can.



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WTF! Either you played this for a long time and searched for bugs, or you played this for a short time and the bugs came to you. A lot of bugs.
Looks pretty coo. I'll try it out when I can.

:D Thanks! I hope its as cool as u think for you :D

My unfinished map. Also an AoS based on four teams with elementals xD Your map is better though
Lies! You could probably do way better than me :< My partners disappeared somewhere.


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2 - Can you specify which recipes give another recipe back? I'm going to look at all the triggers right now.
I told you, it's the item "Silent".
4 - Do you mean Loose Energy? It doesn't show as a +X damage, it just adds damage to your attacks, if you have heaps of mana and use it, you'll instant kill creeps.
I don't get it, is it triggered damage? I mean you don't add an item or an ability to increase damage? You just cause the caster to deal x damage to any unit which is under attack and the attacker having this buff? Well, if so, change it, make it for the caster to be able to see how much damage he deals, either make a floating text above it -bluewise- to show the "mana" or just make it be displayed as +damage.
7 and 8 - All heroes are allowed to attack their own base. I'm trying to figure out how NOT to let allied units attack allies <Not supergodly pro triggerer sorry! My partner doesn't do triggering either. And the model, I know it's dodgy T_T.
A unit is attacked. If attacked unit belongs to Player X and if attacking unit belongs to an ally of Player X, then order attacking unit to stop.
11 - Right now I got a suggestion to make the lane units move to a different lane, so I might go with that rather than stop production.
My advice is no. It will result a late-game overpowered lane. So, if you have a bit overpowered hero in a lane of a base and he pushes until the enemy's base is destroyed, then, because of being overpowered he will lead to another overpowered lane? You could maybe create a mini-base with protection mostly, which belongs to the Owner of your buildings. So, you will end up having 2 earth bases for example or just do nothing, neutral grounds are always good for further hunting, and since the map is made in a way to limit your hunting trips, leave it blank and stop production.
14 - The duration is real, the effect just ends early :<
Well, then fix it. I guess you use a countdown timer, make it expire in 3 seconds then.
15 - But, Red is overpowered as he is.
I wouldn't bet on that. Then add a 6 second cooldown and lower the effects given.
19 - Meh, it's cheap because its a basic necessity, plus its funner when everythings kinda cheap, it's still fair but everyone gets geared!
Not for overpowered heroes. You want an example? Gearing Ancestral Wanderer is too much. Earth wins, just to know.
20 - His mana cost is loads because his nukes are already tank as they are, plus when he gets higher level his mana regen is superspasso.
Still, reduce it, it is a spell to play early game, not late. 10 damage per second will do nothing at all late game. Reduce mana cost and increase it per level. It would be the silliest mana cost of the map, honestly.
29 - I tried to fix it, i set level requirement jump thingy to 2, still didn't work. I donno, i'll have to ask around for whats the problem.
Try 0, the default..
38 - She was suggested as a MELEE hero, it's kinda odd but i like her ;D
I didn't say she is bad, just a melee hero cannot be an archer, it's damn dumb. At least change model and her name or make what i told you, but since she has a melee ranged slowing aura, change her model to fit a melee hero. Use this for a cooler range hero of other versions :)
43 - I donno why though, it has no graphics, I want the unit to be attackable, so i based it off Entangling roots, cause Cyclone makes the unit invulnerable ;<.
You make a jump spell, not cyclone-based thing. Plus, enabling attacks on a jumped unit might cause gameflow issues; search for a jumping template in World Editor Help, you will find a solution.
44 - Hahha, I know, i didnt put a CONDITION in the trigger.
Since it is not a triggered damage, it is only special effectwise triggered -i think-, then just change the targets allowed.
50 - It's cause some of the spells are kinda TOO STRONG to start off with. for instance, at level 2 lich could be OWNING so hard. Amplify and tidal burst and hte guy is dead.
All heroes should be equal, nothing changes the gameflow, because you make some heroes imba and others not. If you think Lich is Imba early game, change the numbers of his skills; make him not dealing such damage, or remove one of your nukes. Either way, he is a nuker, so, enough said already.
53 - Nah, cause we had complaints about her blinking in and out and killing people too fast. :<
Escuse me, but DotA's Magina has a 6-second-cooldown Blink, but there are no people complaining about him, since he has a sucky early game. He is a hunter anyway, and so must be your hero. So, balance her early game, not nurf her as a whole.

WTF! Either you played this for a long time and searched for bugs, or you played this for a short time and the bugs came to you. A lot of bugs. :)
Actually, i did test it as a whole and it took me hours of doing so, i had to switch 4 bases and restart the map for picking all the heroes seperately and another time to check gameplay and items.


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I told you, it's the item "Silent".
Oh i thought u meant MORE Than one of the DODGY recipe thingos
I don't get it, is it triggered damage? I mean you don't add an item or an ability to increase damage? You just cause the caster to deal x damage to any unit which is under attack and the attacker having this buff? Well, if so, change it, make it for the caster to be able to see how much damage he deals, either make a floating text above it -bluewise- to show the "mana" or just make it be displayed as +damage.
Yeah it's triggered :<. I guess ill try do the floating text.
A unit is attacked. If attacked unit belongs to Player X and if attacking unit belongs to an ally of Player X, then order attacking unit to stop.
Oh right:D Thanks... hehehe~
My advice is no. It will result a late-game overpowered lane. So, if you have a bit overpowered hero in a lane of a base and he pushes until the enemy's base is destroyed, then, because of being overpowered he will lead to another overpowered lane? You could maybe create a mini-base with protection mostly, which belongs to the Owner of your buildings. So, you will end up having 2 earth bases for example or just do nothing, neutral grounds are always good for further hunting, and since the map is made in a way to limit your hunting trips, leave it blank and stop production.
I like the hunting ground idea :D I think i'll stick with that instead
Well, then fix it. I guess you use a countdown timer, make it expire in 3 seconds then.
Wait i'll just change the spell duration to 1.5 and the damage interval as .75 :D
I wouldn't bet on that. Then add a 6 second cooldown and lower the effects given.
Lowered it :D
Not for overpowered heroes. You want an example? Gearing Ancestral Wanderer is too much. Earth wins, just to know.
Ancestral wanderer's not really that op with just boots.
Still, reduce it, it is a spell to play early game, not late. 10 damage per second will do nothing at all late game. Reduce mana cost and increase it per level. It would be the silliest mana cost of the map, honestly.
Okay okay, i'll reduce the damage and the mana cost, so it's kinda later on like a 'ALWAYS TURN ON' :D. How about that?
Try 0, the default..
Tried it too :<.
I didn't say she is bad, just a melee hero cannot be an archer, it's damn dumb. At least change model and her name or make what i told you, but since she has a melee ranged slowing aura, change her model to fit a melee hero. Use this for a cooler range hero of other versions
Aww, i guess ill just add range. BTW, about the aura i think you mean Storm Chaser.
All heroes should be equal, nothing changes the gameflow, because you make some heroes imba and others not. If you think Lich is Imba early game, change the numbers of his skills; make him not dealing such damage, or remove one of your nukes. Either way, he is a nuker, so, enough said already.
OkayY~ I'll go find which spells are level 3.
Escuse me, but DotA's Magina has a 6-second-cooldown Blink, but there are no people complaining about him, since he has a sucky early game. He is a hunter anyway, and so must be your hero. So, balance her early game, not nurf her as a whole.
Okay okay~


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really? thas cool ahaha why didnt you make the map>? you couldve probably made more of a success as you cna see T_T
im serious!
haha i dont think i would have been succesful... mine was 6 elements... Fire...Wind...Earth...Light...Ice...Dark... and they would build a base etc... i might make it again one day... but yeah... anywho good work on the map


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ahaha 6 teams? wow :D you should make it! who knows you might become more famous than dota :D

thanks as well :D


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I played it single player for a little while, seams promising. Try to add a stacking system.


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Really? Thanks! :D ahahhaha i will:p... jsut gotta figure out how oh wait i think i know :D
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