Recent content by Almighty11

  1. Almighty11

    Display DMG Done - Only From Certain Spells

    kk. care to share solution? (i'm curious :p)
  2. Almighty11

    model changing trigger

    You're welcome. Do whatever you want with it :) good luck!
  3. Almighty11

    Display DMG Done - Only From Certain Spells

    So offensive spells are don't unleash 'A unit is attacked'? :/ and hmm.. you didnt answer my questions :) I'll test your triggers now and try to figure it out.
  4. Almighty11

    Display DMG Done - Only From Certain Spells

    My theories: -Is that event ('A unit enter playable map area') correct? -If it is, why is it the unit to take dmg? -'Trigger - Add to DMG Text <gen> the event (Unit - (Triggering unit) Takes damage)' - are you sure '(Triggering Unit)' will be stored and will appear as a unit in the other...
  5. Almighty11

    model changing trigger

    Well, my it was my final test today so I can look into your trigger now. I had made some mistakes I didn't correct yesterday. This new version is working very well apparently, and I recommend you to switch to it, cos It now handles unused skill points, abilities level, selection, and experience...
  6. Almighty11

    model changing trigger

    Sry I had miss used some 'triggering unit' try now Edit: I've improved it a bit with useless stuff, like selection. Edit two: looks down \/
  7. Almighty11

    model changing trigger

    Try this triggers (in attached map) edit: check map \/ Dont forget to change stuff to your situation and btw, plz rename my ugly variables ;p
  8. Almighty11

    System Stealth System (!)

    Wait, Player11, what is exactly that code? ;p Am I wrong or there is something there that checks 3D distance? o0 (you get Z? how is that) sry, I didnt understand most of it (no, i don't know JASS)
  9. Almighty11

    System Stealth System (!)

    I'm fixing, thanks :) By the way, do you know if calculating myself the distance between points would be better then using this distance function? what about angles between points? I could reuse the Delta-X and Delta-Y variables if I done that, but when I test it it seems less reliable and...
  10. Almighty11

    System Stealth System (!)

    Stealth System |v1.00| This is a [in beta] system that creates a 'Field of view' for desired units: they only see whats in from of them and within a certain range. As simple as that. However, it's not as simple to implement as I had thought. I had some problems I couldn't solve, so I created...
  11. Almighty11

    model changing trigger

    Can I take a look at your trigger? The obvious answer would be that you made a mistake somewhere, either when storing the ability or when giving it again. Also, check if the size of your array of abilities has space for them all. Try increasing it to like 20 and testing. Gluck ;) btw, I...
  12. Almighty11

    Sight Range Bug

    Well you could always make some massive triggers revealing and hiding map as units move. :shades:
  13. Almighty11

    Sight Range Bug

    JAeazSS evul stuff? :)
  14. Almighty11

    model changing trigger

    And now you've just scared me :) All this stuff should be attached to the trigger that casts the ability (whatever ability you chose for this, if you need help ask) to change the unit. I hope the trigger will be multiplayer-proof, but I guess it is.
  15. Almighty11

    model changing trigger

    By 'x' I mean any number ;p Actually you should make the array the size of the maximum number of skills your unit could have. Pliz work naw.