Recent content by balnazar

  1. B

    Jump Hammer Spell

    I am working on a spell called Storm Hammer. Basically it should be a hammer that is thrown at an enemy unit dealing Strength in damage and stunning the target and then it jumps to another enemy unit dealing the same damage and same stun. I do not know JASS so I tried to do it in GUI. Here is my...
  2. B

    handicap question

    The handicap depends on how much food you are using aka how many units you have. You can decrease or remove the food cost of units so you can have more units with the same handicap.
  3. B

    [Help] Blizzard Spell

    Well you just have to edit the spell targets allowed. The basic Blizzard has no targets checked which means that it targets everything. If you want it to damage only enemies you can check in Targets Allowed the fields which read Ground and Enemy and it will target these types of units. If you...
  4. B

    Map Lag Problem

    I checked the threads and I couldn't find a solution to my problem. The thing is that when I create a map and test it every time I kill a unit for the first time the map gets a brief lag. I think I read somewhere something about a preload but when I tried to preload my units with a trigger...
  5. B

    Spell damage: Attribute X #

    It will work but not always. If the caster moves just after beginning to cast the ability he will not pay any mana and thus not really cast the spell but the trigger will start and will damage the area. Make the event like this: Event - A unit starts the effect of an ability
  6. B

    Custom units from one map going to another map

    Or you can just copy the custom units by pressing Ctrl + C and then Ctrl + V in the other map. That is kinda slow :) but it does not overwrite any units.
  7. B

    Unit Priority

    Yes there is but that's what I said in my post - even when I make the Mechanical Unit's priority bigger in the object editor the things are the same.
  8. B


    After the casting event and the conditions do this action: Trigger-->Unit-->Damage Target Put for example "Order <casting unit> to damage <target unit of ability being cast> for 75 x Level of Ability <your ability> for casting unit". That means if the ability is level 3 it will deal 3x 75 =...
  9. B

    Unit Priority

    Nope its not like that. If the catapult for ex is being attacked and then a Ghoul comes all units will start attacking the Ghoul and then will attack the catapult again.
  10. B

    Unit Priority

    The thing I want is both normal and mechanical units to have the same priority when they are attacked ( eg. in dota the mechanical units are attacked when all others are dead ). I looked in the Gameplay Constants menu but couldn't find an option. Also when I set the priority in the object editor...
  11. B

    Importing Icons

    Thanks a lot. That's what I was looking for ;)
  12. B

    Importing Icons

    So I imported some icons in my map and put them on items, units etc. and everything works fine. But when I for example have and item with imported icon in my slot and I press pause the item icon turns green. It is the same with spells - when I learn a spell with imported icon it turn green in...
  13. B

    Devil Spells

    My suggestion is something like mix between several spells - Burning/Devil Skin: - The caster is covered in flames that increase his regen, maybe deal damage to nearby opponents and if a fiery spell is cast upon him he will be healed instead of damaged.
  14. B

    Crash on Attack

    I doubt it is this because the sides per dice and the number of dice are the default ones (1,2,4). Also the biggest damage that a single unit can cause so far is like 50.
  15. B

    Crash on Attack

    Like I changed their atk dmg, hp and armor. Also gave a custom ability to some of the units (Critical Strike, Increased Regen). I didn't modified the names.