Recent content by J-Rob

  1. J

    Random Internet Disconnects

    So far I've ran Malwarebytes for a full scan (I've had this problem for awhile now), CCleaner with every box checked, and have AVG AniVirus on. Any tips or program you would recommend?
  2. J

    Random Internet Disconnects

    I run a Vista 32-bit. I'm connected to the internet by a wireless router, but every few minutes my internet times out for 10-20 seconds then reconnects. I live with three other people who use the same wireless router, and their computers don't have this problem. I have no idea what's going on...
  3. J

    Need to find a Model

    Hey, I'm not on these forums much, so I really don't know if this topic goes under here or not, but I'm looking for one of two things: 1. The Elprede model from Hell v Heaven 2. An unprotected version of HvH with that map I'm not going to publish a map with someone else's work, this is...
  4. J

    Help changing the max Hero Level

    A noobish question perhaps, but oh well... I want to change to maximum level for heroes beyond 10 (preferably about 1000). Do I need a mod or trigger or what to do this? Please someone help quickly. I's GREATLY appreciate it!
  5. J

    Need help with skins

    Wellll, now I'm in another pickle... The map that had the model files stopped showing the model, and instead shows the big green and black checkered box... How frustrating...
  6. J

    Need help with skins

    yeah, I changed the file path when I imported. My bad about the wrong section... If you look at my posts, you'll see I'm not really knowledgeable about this forum...
  7. J

    Need help with skins

    OK, so someone gave me the model and all files for the Chosen One from Hell vs Heaven via map. I exported the files from the map he gave me, saved him in My Music, and imported the files to a new map where I'm trying to use his skin. The Chosen One in the map that was sent to me works fine...
  8. J

    Looking for HvH skins

    haha, I'm not very good at the whole skin thing. Could you possibly break things down a little bit. I don't think I have a MPQ viewer...
  9. J

    Looking for HvH skins

    Does anyone know where I could possibly find them? I've searched all over the Internet for them and I have no clue where to find them. Any help would be very appreciated.
  10. J

    Looking for Archangel tyrael Model/Skin!! ><!!!

    haha sweet, now, is there any way possible to get a hold of the Elprede skin? I've literally searched every skin site I can find, and no luck. Help would be VERY appreciative!