Recent content by kla0005

  1. K

    Atacked by ability?

    Hi Guys, I wanted to make a explode ability. Such ass'.. My Hero casts' a Chain Lightning, and then an trigger registryes that "This unit was hitten by the Chain Lightning, do this!".. But, how do I make an event that can registrery that?
  2. K

    Special Effect Issue

    Hi Guys, I'm making an ability, but when i say: Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the overhead of (Triggering unit) using Abilities\Spells\Other\TalkToMe\TalkToMe.mdl Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect) It's like the Special...
  3. K

    Trigger bug /:

    Why the "Divided by 2.25"?
  4. K

    How to delete the fire doodad with a trigger

    What about dummy units? You can make a dummy, and give the dummy the model "doodads" fire? And with the dummys Unit - Remove -- from the game What about that?
  5. K

    Minimap Question???

    Hi, I tried the "war3mapMap.tga".. It just made my War3 crash at the map beginning. I made my image in 128x128, what im i'm doing wrong? In the load image i saw the image come .. But the Wc3 map image in the back didnt like it?
  6. K

    Triggers used when hero cast ability. Not single-target but multi-target.

    Hi Guys, I have made alot of ability's with triggers, but they have' always been single-target! Now I want to make a multi-target, so when i cast an ability like.. "blizzard" or "flame strike", then all the creeps inside my "circle" is the creeps that i want's to "handle with". How to...
  7. K

    Trigger bug /:

    I was hoping for a better way to do it, so I shouldn't manually put in 80 levels that dosen't is an attribute upgrade level.
  8. K

    Trigger bug /:

    Yeah, Actually my question was something like: "How can i make the trigger add the attribute increased level, all by the hero's level, so the trigger automatics see, okay this unit is in level 86, so it's attribute level should be: .."
  9. K

    Trigger bug /:

    Hey Guys, I have an trigger that auto level increases the Atribute Bonus.. It looks like this: IncreaseAttributeBonus Events Unit - A unit Gains a level Conditions ((Triggering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True Actions For each (Integer A) from 1 to...
  10. K


    Hey Guys, Is there a smarter way to make these two triggers? Druid of the Claw Events Time - Every 44.00 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units of type |cff08BD63Druid of the Claw|r) and do (Actions) Loop -...
  11. K

    Creep spam, automatic order?

    Well, Im making a "Hero Line War", and the creeps from team 2, goes down to the end just fine, but when ALOT of creep's has been "send", they suddenly stops and tries to move across the map, up to team one.
  12. K

    Creep spam, automatic order?

    Tried to disable all my trigger's except the checkpoint and the generate creeps. - Still doe's that crap. It's suddenly just STOPS all creeps, and issues them new orders? No matter than they in an region or others.. It just happends?
  13. K

    Creep spam, automatic order?

    checkpoints Events Unit - A unit enters Team1Spawn1 <gen> Unit - A unit enters Team1Spawn2 <gen> Unit - A unit enters Team1Checkpoint1 <gen> Unit - A unit enters Team1Checkpoint2 <gen> Unit - A unit enters Team1Checkpoint3 <gen> Unit - A...
  14. K

    Creep spam, automatic order?

    Hi Guys, It' seems to, when alot of creep's is spawned, there come this .. bug? Suddenly the game's lag, like if the game is picking up every unit's owned by the spammer, and order's the unit to attack-move to a random point in the map? Why doe's this happends? It ruins my "checkpoints"...
  15. K

    Storm bolt?

    Hi Guys, How can i decline the "stun" from stormbolt? I only wants the bolt to deal damage, no stun please. The Stun makes my ordered creep stop, the creeps is ordered "issue unit to move to region", and when stun, it just stops. It dosent' continue?