Recent content by Pettunia

  1. Pettunia

    Weird problem with +% damage aura

    So, i made an aura based on Command aura as a hero skill. It works ok, but when I use another hero to cast my own triggered spell, the bonus damage gained from the aura seems blinking. (but stops blinking when i finished casting the spell). Blinking i mean that, the bonus damage keeps on...
  2. Pettunia

    question about basic commands.

    I think my question sounds abit crazy. How do we put basic commands like Move, Stop, Hold Position, etc, inside a Spell Book..??
  3. Pettunia

    Remove "Patrol" question

    bump err, no one ever tried to remove the "Patrol"??:(
  4. Pettunia

    Remove "Patrol" question

    I am bad at JASS, I tried but it is not working. Anymore Ideas?? I desperately need to remove that.
  5. Pettunia

    WIP War of the Ancients (WotA)

    I think a lot of people like to give ideas about heroes able to learn skills from schools or something special. Sometimes I wonder, what is so special about it? Why not just make the heroes have skills to learn in the beginning? If you want to make players able to personalize their heroes...
  6. Pettunia

    Favorite Warcraft map that is NEVER hosted

    Chinese chess ... Whats wrong playing chess at Battlenet?:D
  7. Pettunia

    Question about WE versions

    Thank you, that solves the problem i face.
  8. Pettunia

    Best RPG map(s) made for Warcraft III (TFT) ?

    In my opinion, no warcraft RPG I found yet that can meet the above qualifications.
  9. Pettunia

    Question about WE versions The neutral heroes. Some are added in later versions. The point is, the new map saved has lesser neutral heroes to pick in Tavern that are supposed to have.
  10. Pettunia

    Question about WE versions

    HI. My current World editor version is 1.21, in which the Tavern has 2 extra neutral heroes. But when I create a new non melee map, I notice that the Tavern only has 5 neutral heroes. IT is like the map is not using the new version settings. Why is this happening?
  11. Pettunia

    Remove "Patrol" question

    HI. Is there any way, just any way, to remove that Patrol command, in which almost all units have?
  12. Pettunia

    RPG Dark Invasion II - [ORPG] - |Mod's Pick|

    yeah, player is always right... don't ignore the feedback.
  13. Pettunia

    What warcraft Character do you most resemble?

    ROkhan the shadow shaman? (if i remember his name).. he's a good partner and supportive
  14. Pettunia

    Custom warcraft RPG maps.

    Do you guys play seriously any custom Warcraft 3 RPG maps? For me, i have never played any. I think many of the RPG maps the authors themselves do not really play their own maps. Just in my opinions, why not they just play their own map to see how good is it rather than waiting for public...
  15. Pettunia

    Gold in Aos style map

    Player - Turn Gives bounty On for Neutral Hostile This one