Recent content by Somebody

  1. Somebody

    DestroyGroup function

    I'm a little confused as to how the function really works. I know the function clears the spaces in memory currently occupied by units in the group, but will it also set the group to an empty group? or do you have to use the groupclear function as well? I ask because I'd like to use a group...
  2. Somebody

    Syntax Troubles (and a few questions)

    Thank you everybody :) I didn't realize you needed the newgenpack for scripting My map saves now :) thanks for answering my questions and thank you especially for the quick response
  3. Somebody

    Syntax Troubles (and a few questions)

    I have a basic knowledge of C++, but have never used JASS before and I have a problem as well as a few questions first, the questions 1. How do you declare global variables in the "custom script code:" section? 2. Custom functions that are written in "custom script code:" allows me to...
  4. Somebody

    Control System

    I hope I'm understanding this correctly, you want players who are not within the region to lose points over time, and when more than one player is in the region neither of them will lose or gain points, but when one and only one player controls the region they will gain points? If that's the...
  5. Somebody

    a tricky problem with random numbers

    If I understand the problem correctly, after a player(1 through 5) leaves the game, you would like to randomly pick one of the four remaining players, to execute some action? If that's so, then I may have a solution First, a player group is initialized and stores players one through five...