Recent content by Stoveman

  1. S

    Any complex spell requests?

    Name: Arcane Blast Preferred Code: GUI Since I don't know anything about this :P Description: Causes a blast of arcane energy around the Wizard and each of his illusions, burning mana and dealing damage. Point of the spell: Its an AOE around the caster that does addition damage and mana burn...
  2. S

    Healing Ultimate

    "Dummy Caster" is a custom unit I have to create? And what do you mean by "and add the "buff" ability to the unit"? EDIT: I just tried the code you suggested to me Darthfett, and now when I cast the heal, my hero has a 2 second timer until he dies and a copy of myself if created next to him...
  3. S

    Healing Ultimate

    So, with that the heal will be casted on the target unit and the unit will gain the buff? Also, the heal ability and the ultimate(which adds the buff to the target of the heal) are separate abilities. Does this trigger still work?
  4. S

    Healing Ultimate

    Can it be done any other way?
  5. S

    Healing Ultimate

    I'm trying to make an ultimate ability that adds a buff (ei: Inner Fire) to the effect of a heal. How would I do this? I'm no good with triggers since I'm quite new to the editor.