Recent content by substance

  1. substance

    Some basic scripting stuff

    So obviously this is new to everyone so I'm not expecting much but.. I've managed to create a new map, access the script tester from a newly created map (via Data -> View Script) and even added some new code and have it successfully compile. However, I've noticed that there's no way to 'save'...
  2. substance

    WIP Galaxy Editor: Trigger Window Overview

    Where's the 'convert to JASS' equivalent? 8[ **nvm, View-View RawData
  3. substance


    add the special effect to the target unit then immediately destroy it.
  4. substance

    Dynamic ForGroup and GroupEnumUnits solutions.

    timer, wtf? just use a temp global.
  5. substance


    function Trig_Lightning_Effect_Actions takes nothing returns nothing local lightning LightningEffect local integer LoopStart = 1 local real x = GetUnitX(GetAttacker()) local real y = GetUnitY(GetAttacker()) local real x2 = GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit()) local real y2 =...
  6. substance

    Storing and retreiving orders

    Well, that would require you to able to tell what kind of order that unit currently has by looking at it's orderid... which i THINK is impossible. I know some orders have a specific numerical range, but im not sure what they all are.
  7. substance


    Well, that would explain why that global method didnt work =p. Also, you should work on your indenting (spacing) because it makes it easier for us to read. Also, you shouldnt use triggeractions, instead use conditions. And I dunno what the hell Uberplayer is doing in what he pasted, but the...
  8. substance

    What's the easiest way to...

    Dont you have to 'killsoundwhendone' or whatever the native is?
  9. substance

    Set host variable?

    But what if the host is the moron >_<. The best way to go about a kick system, imo, is good ol democracy.
  10. substance

    Flash Grenade

    The distance part worked, but the facing angle was a bit messed. It could return negative values and such. I came across this though,function UnitFacingUnit takes unit u1, unit u2 returns real local real xd = GetUnitX(u2) - GetUnitX(u1) local real yd = GetUnitY(u2) - GetUnitY(u1) local...
  11. substance

    Flash Grenade

    I'm working on a flash grenade and pretty much everything is done, however, i cant seemt o come up with a good formula for figuiring out the duration of the 'blind' based on the unit's distance and angle from the grenade. Basically how it should work is the closer you are the the grenade when...
  12. substance

    JASS problem ..

    btw, iNsaNe, use JASS tags instead of code tags.
  13. substance

    I messed this trigger up.

    Obviously there is a language barrier so I'm not going to bother.
  14. substance

    Fortress December Open Beta Test Commencing.

    A short-n-simple feature list is something people like to see in these types of posts. I want to quickly read an overview of what you map is, why it's unique and what it has to offer before I deciede whether to download or not.