Recent content by --Thanatos--

  1. --Thanatos--

    Playing MIDI files Now I get it working but... Will this work on multiplayer?
  2. --Thanatos--

    Playing MIDI files

    *I think* I'm allowed to Bump ?
  3. --Thanatos--

    Playing MIDI files

    Sorry, It seems I don't understand the guide about how to play MIDI files (at least it didn't work for me) Might somebody mind explaining again?
  4. --Thanatos--

    Trigger Event - Leak or not

    ... You sure only one event on a trigger that doesn't leak ? (I mean, 30 event on a trigger leaks even when the trigger got destroyed?)
  5. --Thanatos--


    Both are white :| ?
  6. --Thanatos--


    What is permanent?
  7. --Thanatos--

    Trigger Event - Leak or not

    It somewhat doesn't leak (reset handleId) after I destroyed the trigger? Maybe it's destroyed that way? (whatever, what on Earth?)
  8. --Thanatos--

    Trigger Event - Leak or not

    used Condition(function GetTrue) for the boolexpr. EDIT: Event Leaks. Proven by the map I uploaded. Now what must I do for my map... How many handles can we have in a map ? EDIT again: eh, not. They are destroyed when the trigger is destroyed -_-
  9. --Thanatos--

    Trigger Event - Leak or not

    Yes... thats also what I thought. But my spell map's handle id keeps increasing lol I don't understand. I don't think I made any other leak. Any other answers?
  10. --Thanatos--

    Trigger Event - Leak or not

  11. --Thanatos--

    Triggered Critical Strike

    I'm sure with Event UnitTakesDamage, we can get this result: GetWidgetLife(x()) = HP before damaged GetDamageTaken() = Damage going to be taken GetWidgetLife(GetTriggerUnit()) - GetDamageTaken() = Remaining HP after taking damage I think..? :D
  12. --Thanatos--

    vJass struct, handle limit

    Bugging Version: scope ThunderStream //***************************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************************** //**...
  13. --Thanatos--

    vJass struct, handle limit

    *sigh* :( I don't understand, it also fatal errors for some other spells I made EDIT: solved. I quit structs and go HandleVars again -_-
  14. --Thanatos--

    vJass struct, handle limit

    Yes, but... When 5 heroes used the same ability at once, tada, it's messed. Have any other idea >_< ?
  15. --Thanatos--

    vJass struct, handle limit

    It seems that my spells are all unspammable (0 sec cd) Which in fact it only create around 50 handle per cast and each cast lasts around 3 seconds, it should only reach max handle of 250-300. The values between casts starts to go messed up and end up by Fatal Error. Why is it? Because of my...