Recent content by Valorcat

  1. V

    Trigger Help?

    Couldn't you do this more simply just like this? Untitled Trigger 002 Events Unit - A unit enters Region 000 <gen> Conditions (Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to Illidan Actions Unit - Kill (Entering unit) Wait 0.50 seconds Hero -...
  2. V

    Latest version of wc3 problem

    Perhaps your Editor is out of date with Warcraft itself. Try reinstalling it and then restarting your computer.
  3. V

    Problem with custom hero!!

    Sure; this is easy. Here's your trigger in Warcraft form. Untitled Trigger 001 Events Map initialization Conditions Actions Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions) Loop - Actions Player - Limit training...
  4. V

    Two Questions - Arc, and Shockwave Attack.

    I don't fully understand your first question, but the second question is easy, without need for triggers. You need to make a new ability. Create one and find the ability called Pheonix Fire. Change it to do whatever amount of damage you want, how many targets it can hit, and it's name to...
  5. V

    Trigger Interference with Variables - please help!

    coolio roolio Thanks, this makes sense to me. I'll be sure to use it in my game. :D
  6. V

    Trigger Interference with Variables - please help!

    Reply Sorry; I didn't think it was necessary. Here's the Respawn Trigger (actual). creep respawn Events Unit - A unit owned by Neutral Hostile Dies Conditions ((Triggering unit) is Summoned) Equal to False Actions Wait 30.00 seconds Unit...
  7. V

    Trigger Interference with Variables - please help!

    Alright, so; I've got a problem here. Let me just explain what exactly is going on. I have two variables; Point_CR (point creep respawn,) and Point_respawn (where the Hero respawns). Point_CR = Variable, point, array [1]. Hero_respawn = Variable, point, array [20]. Like in many RPG...