Recent content by volg11

  1. V

    Text message won't show

    Not quite, for "normal text" he means auto-timed / explicitly timed text. try: Events Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time Conditions Actions If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions) If - Conditions...
  2. V

    Text message won't show

    Text Knight Events Unit - Knight Selection 0010 <gen> Is selected Conditions I'm not entirely sure about this, kozz only works with units placed on the map. The only way i know to do what u want is with a periodic trigger, checking the selection of the player and showing...
  3. V

    Need a little help

    Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Polymorph Actions -------- ur actions -------- other way
  4. V

    Atribiute points system

  5. V

    (point of (issued order))?

    Conditions ((Playable map area) contains (Target point of issued order)) Equal to True Actions Set Target_Position = (Target point of issued order) trying to make the variable solution i found "region contains point" (boolean comparasion), like jackall said in the first...
  6. V

    (point of (issued order))?

    wow i like it! Thx :D, this is what i was looking for. 1 of 2. If u solve my other problem ur my hero.
  7. V

    Atribiute points system

    I don't want disappoint you, but Moridin's said the best option u have, i think. If u go for the arrow keys (o esc, making it worse) u have to disable the camara moveing commands and get yourself into a place you dont want to be. (think as a player. I use the arrows a lot for camara moveing for...
  8. V

    (point of (issued order))?

    Conditions ((Playable map area) contains (Target unit of issued order)) Equal to True maybe i missing something, but the only event response i found similar to that is for objects. I'm trying to catch when the order come with a "point target" (like if the order is move -and the point...
  9. V

    Atribiute points system

    What matters is how much u really want to make it, or not. The easy part is allways the Learning Process :eek:
  10. V

    (point of (issued order))?

    Hi again! I'm getting addicted to this forum :shades:, This time i'm needing help for a way to detect if a point is in in a region or out if it. Something like "Region_X contains (point of (issued order))". Someone knows any way to do this? And I still need help with my other trouble...
  11. V

    Win conditions messing up

    Seems to me that ur problem is for useing "for" actions ("skip the remaining actions") with "group" actions ("Pick every player..."). Don't test it, but in ur place i would go for make "if after if" checking conditionals, as tedious as it may seem. :thup:
  12. V

    Group Movement/Selection Trouble

    A 0.5 sec periodic trigger with a message telling you cant move groups of units :P. If i put it in any of the previous, the message appears one time per unit (i was trying to prevent this and show only one warning). Cmon guys, any ideas with the "stop-group movement" issue?
  13. V

    Group Movement/Selection Trouble

    thx for the tip :thup: But my real problem still happens :(
  14. V

    Auto Hero revive

    That checking condition runs in the moment the hero dies. Passed 40 secs the hero will revive no matter the building is still in the map or destroyed.
  15. V

    Auto Hero revive

    Yeap, it is. Then u need to set the matching conditions right and u got it.