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  1. W

    Wc3 crashes in multiplayer games

    At a certain point in my map the game crashes. It only happens when i play online or over lan with friends, but never in singleplayer. Has anyone of you heard of this problem before? The code being executed here is quite complex to explain so i figured it would be easier to ask if you knew...
  2. W

    Change of mana costs runtime?

    Is it possible to change mana costs of skills runtime? I know two solutions to the problem: 1: Create duplicates of each skill with different mana costs. 2: Handle all mana costs by triggers (First check if the hero has enough mana, then remove that amount of mana from the hero and...
  3. W

    How does the random function in WE work?

    Im building an RPG map where creeps will spawn in a forest once you enter it. The creeps are spawned at random locations in the region, but whenever i enter the region the creeps are at the same locations! Throughout my work on the map it has changed at some points but now it is always the same...
  4. W

    Importing Units in WEU Enhancer

    When i import the units they all get their names changed to some weird coded string like "// Units: N00Y (Archmage), Name (Name) Archmage". Is there a way around this? I dont really want to rename all those units once again :/ Edit: This is not just true for units imported, it happens for...
  5. W

    Unexplained Disconnects at Start of Game

    I have experienced the following problems with my map: Game 1: My friend (A) hosts the map. I (B) and 3 others (CDE) join the game and it starts. As soon as the game starts B and C disconnect. We assume that this i just some random bnet or LC bug, so we remake with same host but not on LC, but...
  6. W

    Creeps Attack Range

    I want hostile creeps in my map to only attack you when you come within 300 points range of them, but i cant seem to find a way to do this. At the moment the creeps engange combat about 600 points from you. This results in some creeps running to attack enemy units on the other side of a wall...