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  1. J

    Create units at random position?

    Q1: Is it possible to create 4 units at random position in 400 AoE? Q2: How do you count number of units in unit group? :D
  2. J

    Gain bonus agi when killed a unit?

    How do you make hero gain bonus attribute when killed a unit for 30 secs? I've tried a Timer but when timer reach zero all attribute are removed. What I'm doing is a skills that when you killed a unit you gain 1 agility for 30 seconds.But I don't know how to make each agi I gain remove after 30...
  3. J

    Creating circle trap ability?

    How to make a trigger that when cast it will create a wall(dummy) around cast point for 750 AoE to prevent units going in or out? I've been trying to figured it from other maps but I can't figured it.
  4. J

    Is this leak or somthings?

    Frustation Bomb Cast Events Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Frustation Bomb Actions Set FB_Caster = (Triggering unit) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Frustation Bomb...
  5. J

    how to cast ability without playing animation?

    how to cast ablility instantly without playing animation? i remove all the [Art - animation names] but my unit still play the spell animation. I use Breath of fire and carrion swarm ability but the unit still playing animation.I used paladin,blood mage,troll shadow priest to cast spells,all of...
  6. J

    Make units take more magic damage for 5 sec?

    i know how to make units take more magic damage by use ability Magic Resistance from Runed bracer by put negative value but i don't know how to make it like take more magic damage for 5 seconds. what i am doing is windwalk spell. When you are windwalking and walk through units that unit will...
  7. J

    Passive 25% reset cooldown when cast spells with cooldown

    Hi,i know how to make a passive cooldown by use orb of lighting but i dont know how to make a passive chance with cooldown. Lets say that you got 15% to critical strike with 25 cooldown time.So when you critical the skill will be cooldown for 25 secs and then you will have 15% to critical again...
  8. J

    Animated units projectiles

    hi, how i can make the units in missile art play animation? lets say i make a storm bolt and i want missile art "penguin" with swim animation and when the penguin hit target it will not play swim death animation. :confused:
  9. J

    Silence after finished spell and deal dmg..

    hi,i got some problem about this spell.its passive spell that causes any unit under the effect of this aura to become silenced after it finishes casting a spell and deal some magic damage on it. but i don't know how to detect the hero that has this ability to deal damage i used -Event Unit...
  10. J

    Need help with Dota Recipe...

    Edit : if we talk about recipe system, you cannot combine the items when your inventory is full right? so i need help about it like when you buy Sword Upgrade recipe it will combine to Upgraded Sword if you got Sword even you have full inventory. thats what i mean :banghead: and also if you does...
  11. J

    How to make Curse of the Silence??

    Curse of the Silent (C) Afflicts a target with the Curse of the Silent. The target will lose hp and mana per second until it casts a spell. Lasts 10 seconds. Level 1 - 10hp/5mana per second. Level 2 - 20hp/10mana per second. Level 3 - 30hp/15mana per second. Level 4 - 40hp/20mana per...
  12. J

    How to make unchangeable Computer player?

    Hi like the title said how do i make Player to be Computer (Normal) that when you create the map it cannot change to user or open or close and ally to you or not. Is there need trigger?:confused: P.S. im just very beginner map maker. Thanks :D