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  1. Embrace_It

    Predefined unit returns (null) with registered to system

    Yet another problem...This is a weird one though. I have a system that can only register heroes. I created a custom hero, and to further test the system I created another hero by copying the data from the first hero. I added the following debug message to the function, that checks whether or...
  2. Embrace_It

    Advice about data storage for aggro system

    Hi guys, I'm making an aggro system, like in WoW. I need some kind of system that can store the data. I need to store the following: - The unit registered to the system - The five units on the above unit's aggro list - The five units' aggro (integers) I was considering using AIDS...
  3. Embrace_It

    Damaging target creates strange loop

    I've made a very simple damage detection system for dealing with critical strikes in my map. A function called OnDamage checks if the damaging unit has the ability to do a critical strike, and if it does, the function calculates if it IS a critical strike and deals the damage and shows some...
  4. Embrace_It

    Storage system advice concerning talent system

    I'm making a sort of talent system for my project that will allow heroes to have talents that affect their abilities etc. However, I was wondering what kind of system to use to store these details? I considered using the native hastables so far. Also, the structs containing the info will...
  5. Embrace_It

    Making a channeling spell in vJASS

    Hi all, I'm making a spell that is channeled. Each instance of the spell has a struct to store caster, duration etc. There is one tiny problem though. The spell is interruptible and I need to know when the caster stops channeling to stop the effect of the spell. I can register the event to...
  6. Embrace_It

    Pong Collision Detection question

    Atm, I'm making a Pong Clone. While building the game up from strach, I'm reading articles about collision detection. The following is the collision detection from Aaron's Game Programming Tutorials: // Check to see if the ball is going to hit a paddle bool CheckBallCollisions(Entity& paddle)...
  7. Embrace_It

    What are Build Targets?

    Could someone explain what "build targets" are? This is in relation to the CodeBlocks IDE. I have a feeling that my lack of understanding this, is what makes some of my projects not compile properly (currently a game framework using C++ and SDL). There are two of them from the start when you...
  8. Embrace_It

    Question regarding GetHandleId and unit death

    Suppose you have a unit/hero with a specific handle id (through GetHandleId(...)) and this integer is used, in whatever system, you have for struct attachment. What if the unit dies? Is it assigned a new id? A new id that hashes to the same location? Or maybe it simply keeps the old id until...
  9. Embrace_It

    FreeType and SDL_ttf

    I am making a C++ gameframework for SDL. Inside are a bunch of classes. The CText class uses TTF. or at least, it is supposed to. I have correctly installed the library, but no text is showing. Then I discovered that FreeType is required. I don't know how to do this however. I assume the...
  10. Embrace_It

    Global struct arrays vs. hashtables

    I stand yet with another homebrewed system for god knows what, and I was wondering which is better/faster/safer etc., if either? A global array of structs for all registered units/heroes/whatever OR Putting everything in a hastable or different hashtables? (assuming one hashtable can...
  11. Embrace_It

    Need idea for Aggro System

    I'm currently working on an aggro system. So far, the system's core has been set up, but I need an idea on how to update the aggro. When a unit damages another it generates aggro. A function that deals with this, has already been set up as well. My idea: 1. Check every unit in the...
  12. Embrace_It

    TimerUtils with the new patch

    The following does not seem to work anymore. This is the function I normally use when calling TimerStart(t, SomeReal, false, function Update): private function Update takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() local Data d = Data(GetTimerData(t)) ...
  13. Embrace_It

    Using a struct method with a timer

    Say I have a private struct with a non-static method. I also have an "Actions" function that creates an instance of this struct and a timer (using TimerUtils (blue)). I assumed that you can use the member function as the handlerFunc like this: call TimerStart(t, 0.75, true, function p.move)...
  14. Embrace_It

    Linking a header and a source file in CodeBlocks

    I have made a header file and a source file in C++. Inside the header is the declaration for a class. Inside the source file is the implementation. I am using CodeBlocks as an IDE. I added both files to an empty project and compiled. I get numerous error messages, some, if not all...
  15. Embrace_It

    Starcraft 2 vs WC3

    As Starcraft 2 is approaching, this question has been on my mind for a while. Bear in mind, that this relates to when Starcraft 2 is available and that the question concerns playing, modelling, texturing and programming etc.
  16. Embrace_It

    Custom dummy cast function doesnt work

    I have made the following function: function DummyCastTarget takes unit source, unit target, integer abilityID, integer lvl, string order returns nothing local unit dummycaster = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(source), DUMMY_CASTER, GetUnitX(source), GetUnitY(source), 0.) call...
  17. Embrace_It

    NewGen downgraded?

    I recently opened NewGen WE and suddenly 'hashtable' and the new functions etc. were not recognized and created errors, even though it worked before. I'm using JassHelper 0.9.I.2. I also changed the jasshelper.confg file as stated in this post. I read somewhere that you shouldnt change...
  18. Embrace_It

    Is this icon lacking in some way?

    I have a hero that when it selects a skill, that skill is instantly removed from it. I have tried it without removing it. The problem is that when this is done and you press 'Hero Abilities' again, the imported icon im using, shows as that green icon for "tooltip missing". Is this because the...
  19. Embrace_It

    Animation doesnt work

    I am doing a charge spell. It works as intended, but I cant get the animation to work. I am using the Cairne (Tauren Cheiftan) model and I want him to play his 'attack 2' animation and sort of "pause" it midways, where his axe is thrusted forward. The first problem is that I cant get the...
  20. Embrace_It

    Installing JassHelper and patch 1.23b

    Hi all, I was trying to install the new patch (1.23b) when I saw my JassHelper could use an update as well. I did the follwing after downloading the newest version here: From JassHelper 0.9.G.0 readme: When I save my...