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  1. W

    Wc3 crashes in multiplayer games

    Okay i found it now, but i still don't know why it has occured. I my flamestrike skill i have this field called "WESTRING_AEVAL_HFS6" the value was 99999.00. Whenever this skill was cast the game would close. Now i set the value to 0.00 and it's fine. I have really no idea of what this field...
  2. W

    Wc3 crashes in multiplayer games

    I havent used terrain manipulation, and i dont know what the rest is. Im only using GUI. Which GUI functions could cause this?
  3. W

    Wc3 crashes in multiplayer games

    Oh yeah btw it doesnt give the normal fatal error when it crashes. It just crashes like if you just closed warcraft with no explanation.
  4. W

    Wc3 crashes in multiplayer games

    At a certain point in my map the game crashes. It only happens when i play online or over lan with friends, but never in singleplayer. Has anyone of you heard of this problem before? The code being executed here is quite complex to explain so i figured it would be easier to ask if you knew...
  5. W

    Change of mana costs runtime?

    Yeah thats the problem :P They should stack preferably. Any ideas on how it would effect my map if i had around 30 skills each with 1000 levels?
  6. W

    Change of mana costs runtime?

    No but my spells can cost any amount of mana, so to "change" the mana cost of my skill i would have to change the level of the skill to a level that has the correct mana cost. Like if i had a Holy Light spell that costs 50 mana and my hero is affected by the buff that reduces mana costs by 20...
  7. W

    Change of mana costs runtime?

    I know changing an ability's level is rather simple, but do you suggest that i have like 1000 levels for every skill with mana costs ranging from 1-1000? I guess that could be done, but won't it lag or have a long load time then?
  8. W

    Change of mana costs runtime?

    I want spells to change mana costs depending on different things in the map like a buff that reduces mana cost, an aura that increases mana costs on enemy heroes' spells, an item that reduces mana cost of skills. This will be too time consuming to do with the item level idea.
  9. W

    Change of mana costs runtime?

    Is it possible to change mana costs of skills runtime? I know two solutions to the problem: 1: Create duplicates of each skill with different mana costs. 2: Handle all mana costs by triggers (First check if the hero has enough mana, then remove that amount of mana from the hero and...
  10. W

    Spell Ideas Related to these heroes

    Have you seen advent's children? You could make that spell for cloud, the one that splits in three. You could just make it a 3 way shockwave.
  11. W

    How does the random function in WE work?

    I now tried what you said and that was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks :)
  12. W

    How does the random function in WE work?

    Im building an RPG map where creeps will spawn in a forest once you enter it. The creeps are spawned at random locations in the region, but whenever i enter the region the creeps are at the same locations! Throughout my work on the map it has changed at some points but now it is always the same...
  13. W

    Importing Units in WEU Enhancer

    Hm okay. Is there a way for me to convert my map made with WEU to NewGen (which i am assuming that you are using?)
  14. W

    Importing Units in WEU Enhancer

    This is not the problem. It is the very text field that is like this, and not the Raw Data that appears before the text when you use ctrl d.
  15. W

    Using Strings - How to use the "next line" thing?

    Hm it seems to be different on other pcs? But on my pc it is like this: When i choose the Game - display game message action i get a multiline field in which i can write text and press enter to get new lines. If i choose consequtive strings (or what its called i dont remember) you only have...
  16. W

    Using Strings - How to use the "next line" thing?

    You can use this "|n" in any string in the object editor to go to a new line. This doesnt work on strings in triggers like Game - Display game message.
  17. W

    Unexplained Disconnects at Start of Game

    What should i use then? And could that explain the disconnects?
  18. W

    Unexplained Disconnects at Start of Game

    Disabled all triggers it still happens. :/
  19. W

    Remove "Press Any Key To Continue" on map?

    In one of my maps when i played it on LAN three out of 5 players got the "press any key" message at start and the two others didn't. I dont understand why :O
  20. W

    Importing Units in WEU Enhancer

    When i import the units they all get their names changed to some weird coded string like "// Units: N00Y (Archmage), Name (Name) Archmage". Is there a way around this? I dont really want to rename all those units once again :/ Edit: This is not just true for units imported, it happens for...