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  1. M

    Need opinion for game type

    If the timer stays the same you can never reach a next tier, because gold is always substracted... I think you should make units available after the timer expires and if you reach a certain amount of gold (e.g. 1000), you can buy more types of units. The more you buy, the harder it might...
  2. M

    [Help]Custom Spell [Read on for description]

    Well it's not a perfect way to do it like this. I have made a dummy catapult that casts a breath of fire without missile art to the first trigger. It now looks like this: Arrow Attack Feminist Events Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability Conditions ((Unit-type...
  3. M

    [Help]Custom Spell [Read on for description]

    I'm having a difficulty with a spell and I need your help. The spell is based on Breath of Fire, but instead of fire, there is a missile flying towards the target. What I want to make is that when this spell hits a certain unit-type (in this case, a male hero), it should do 10 extra damage (on...
  4. M

    Day of the Cow TD v.1.00 (in the making)

    I was wondering, Mini-Me, are you still working on it or is 0.99b actually the unfinished 1.00?