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  1. N

    Android Dev - My Project In Java and State Handling

    Hi guys I need some help with Java (Specifically to develop a game on Android using Eclipse). I have read up on a method/class/action/thingy called Intent however I understood very little of what I read (I am not very familiar with Java in general, let alone mobile games programming). How do I...
  2. N

    Memory Usage Detection Software / Memory Leak Detection Systems

    Hi guys, I am wondering if any of you have any WC3 memory usage detection software to detect memory leaks at specific locations of memory for WC3, similar to VerySleepy for C language profiler. Currently I have a map with about 100+ triggers but I am concerned that certain triggers are causing...
  3. N

    Need help with my spell! - Channeling Summoned Units

    Hey guys I need help making my spell. Currently I want to make a spell where the caster has to channel a spell in order to keep the summoned units in the game. If the hero is stunned while channeling the summons would get dispelled. The summoned units are summoned near the caster and will...
  4. N

    Help with my Triggered Spell - Spiral Flame Strike

    Hi guys I am currently trying to make a flame strike spell that spirals outwards when cast. I have managed to make it but everytime I cast the spell it seems to 1: Lag like mad. 2: Crash after casting the spell a few times (Memory could not be written error). I think it might be a memory leak...
  5. N

    Problem with my trigger? Global var problem?

    Hi guys I have a problem coding my spell: Spell Name: Paramorph What it does: 25% outright chance to turn the damaging unit into a random critter (hex) Current Issue(s): Random units across the board are getting hexed! Btw Im using some guys damage detection system so far its...
  6. N

    Need help optimizing my trigger! - [ Crushing Wave + Fireboltl casting dummies ]

    Hi guys I'm making a "crushing wave" spell that stuns all targets that it hits. Currently the base spell for "Crushing Wave" is "Breath of Frost" this is to place my "stun this unit" buff onto the unit to cast Firebolt on. The dummy has firebolt (nodamageversion) on it to save time. I need help...
  7. N

    Using triggers to increase Stock Replenish Interval - How do I do it?

    Hi guys, does anyone know how to increase/decrease/edit/remove the Stock Replenish Interval of items being sold in a shop using triggers? Here is the scenario: There is a goblin merchant (Neutral Passive) who sells a "Ticket for Freedom x10mins" with a max stock of 1 and replenish...
  8. N

    W.E. disables my custom text

    Hey guys does anyone know how to stop W.E. from disabling my custom texts? I have tried importing various online systems but W.E. keeps disabling them. Also some of my JASS functions gets disabled as its not recognized by the debugger or seomthing. Pls help! PS: I cant find anything via the...