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  1. Arctic

    Trigger Help needed!

    I'm making a TD and all i need to know is how to make it so once all the enemies are dead to make the next round start.:banghead:
  2. Arctic

    Leaderboard help.

    I want to know how to make this Conditions ((Killing unit) belongs to an ally of Player 1 (Red)) Equal to True I want to know how to mkae ((Killing unit) BELONGS to an ally of Player1 (Red))
  3. Arctic


    Sorry for being a noob but I know NOTHING about JASS I was bored so I wanted to learn it can someone teach me the basic basics of JASS I know nothing the only code I know is not even a code it is endfunction. lol.:banghead: :confused: . I heard it is hard to learn.
  4. Arctic


    The variable AlreadySavedHero I want to know it it is a string i think? but I want to know the intail value and if it is array. Can someone just tell me the whole thing?!:banghead:
  5. Arctic

    A map

    Right now I'm just in the beggining of a map All I have is nothing but 4 triggers and 2 regions. Would anyone want to help me make this map? I could make the triggers if you want.:shades:
  6. Arctic

    I need Triggger help

    I'm sorry for being a noob but how do you do the revive trigger?:banghead:
  7. Arctic

    RPG Map

    I want to make a map SOOOOO BAD but I can't think of anything can someone PLEASE help me I'm going insane can I get an Idea?(Would like to make a RPG Map):banghead:
  8. Arctic

    Increasing strength

    Right now I want to make a trigger for my WoW game and I want Blessing of Might to increase the units strength.What is the trigger?