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  1. A

    Random level creeps

    Unit - Create 1 (Random level 1 creep unit-type) for Neutral Hostile at (Center of (Playable map area)) facing Default building facing degrees How do I make it select from all of the creeps instead of just the ones from the tileset I am using?
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    World Editor 'Lag'

    Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to stop the world editor from sort of freezing when I change a units property. I have noticed that it only tends to happen on the fields which take strings. Anyway to prevent this? Thanks, Adam
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    Leak question.

    Does this leak? Game - Display to (Player group((Owner of (Triggering unit)))) the text: (You have stolen one life from + (Player_color[nbr] + <Empty String>)) If so, how do I clean it up? Thanks, Adam
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    Combat - Damage Bonus Table (Ideas)

    Hello, I have these 4 damage types: Human Orc Undead Night Elf And the 4 armour types: Human Orc Undead Night Elf Now one damage type has to do 150% too one armour type and 50% to one and 100% to the other too. I need ideas as too which combinations will make the most "sense".
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    Keeping a units z coordinate steady.

    I am working alot with projectile motion at the moment in my map and so far I dont seem to be able to make a projectile fly at a certain height no matter what the terrain is like. Let me attempt to explain with rubbish drawings: Correct: ------------------------------------------- -----\...
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    Possibly hitting the op limit?

    Hello, I was just wondering why this function does not work. (All the BJDebugMsg's are displayed.)
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    Function wont set integer correctly.

    Hello again, scope Initialization initializer Init private function TimerCallback takes nothing returns nothing local integer i = 0 loop exitwhen i == 11 call SetPlayerState(Player(i), PLAYER_STATE_GOLD_GATHERED, udg_Income[i]) call...
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    Trigger not running on init

    If a trigger is to run on map init does it have to get named properly? As in: set gg_trg_Untitled_Trigger_001 = CreateTrigger( )
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    Handle > Player

    Does 'player' leak? Do I have to do this: local player p = GetTriggerPlayer() ... ... ... set p = null
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    Multiboard help

    native MultiboardSuppressDisplay takes boolean flag returns nothing What does that do?
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    Why wont this run on init?

    scope Trees initializer Init globals private real X endglobals public function Loop takes nothing returns nothing local destructable d local real MaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) local real y = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) loop...
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    Syntax Error - EnumDestructablesInRect

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    My Question Thread!

    native SetPlayerState takes player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState, integer value returns nothing What does 'integer value' mean in this native?
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    Forces help.

    Will this function remove 'Player 1' from the force 'bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS' aswell? set udg_PlayerGroup = bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS call ForceRemovePlayerSimple( Player(0), udg_PlayerGroup ) If it does, how do I get around this?
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    Fatal Error

    For some reason I am getting a fatal error with this trigger: scope Projectile initializer Init globals multiboard MULTIBOARD = CreateMultiboard() real VELOCITY_X = 0.0 real VELOCITY_Y = 0.0 real VELOCITY_Z = 0.0 real X = 0.0 real Y = 0.0 real Z = 0.0...
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    Does this leak a handle?

    function H2I takes handle h returns integer return h return 0 endfunction function Create_Trackable takes string trackableModelPath, real x, real y, real facing returns trackable local trackable t = CreateTrackable(trackableModelPath, x, y, facing) call...
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    What is a region?

    As the title says what is a region in JASS? I know its not the same as GUI. :)
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    Is this leak free?

    As the title says. function Trig_Dialog_Button_Actions takes nothing returns nothing local integer i = 0 local force f = CreateForce() if GetClickedButton() == udg_Dialog_Button[0] then //Do nothing. elseif GetClickedButton() == udg_Dialog_Button[1] then...
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    Looking for a decent algorithm to do this:

    (This can be answered in JASS) I need an easier way of doing this. Probably with loops. I just cant see it ATM. Thanks for your help, Adam
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    Player - Set Alliance

    Hello, I have this code: But when I play the game and select one of those dialog buttons it doesnt seem to set the alliances. Is there some options I have to have set to allow alliances to change ingame? Also, the Allies (F11) button cannot be clicked ingame! :S Thanks, Adam