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  1. koeienboei

    Crow form on Hero

    It turned from a hero to unit, now i changed it and it works. Thank you :)
  2. koeienboei

    Crow form on Hero

    I tried to make crow form useble for a hero i made, but when i use the ability i get a critical error. Does anyone know whats going on here? I also tried to build it out off the metamorphosis ability, because i want it to last for some seconds and then turn back to normal form. But i get the...
  3. koeienboei

    Some questions

    1. Dunno 2. Untitled DiesInRect Events Unit - A unit Dies Conditions ((Rect1) contains (Triggering unit)) Equal to True ((Killing unit) is A Hero) Equal to True (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to UnitWeak Actions Set Point = (Position...
  4. koeienboei

    syntax error

    Thank you Romek Timer32 works nice
  5. koeienboei

    Slide is not of a type that allows . syntax

    native GetMouseTerrainY takes nothing returns real native GetMouseTerrainX takes nothing returns real scope Dash private struct Dashs real dx real dy unit subject private method periodic takes nothing returns nothing call SetUnitX(subject, GetUnitX(subject) + dx)...
  6. koeienboei

    Slide is not of a type that allows . syntax

    native GetMouseTerrainY takes nothing returns real native GetMouseTerrainX takes nothing returns real scope Dash private struct Dash real dx real dy unit subject private method periodic takes nothing returns nothing call SetUnitX(subject, GetUnitX(subject) +...
  7. koeienboei

    System Timer32

    Good point tooltip to rewrite it like that +rep Im gonna start new thread
  8. koeienboei

    System Timer32

    Ok jasshelper updated.. new problem: Slide is not of a type that allows . syntax I dont know how to rewrite it without . syntax.. Can you help me? :rolleyes:
  9. koeienboei

    System Timer32

    native GetMouseTerrainY takes nothing returns real native GetMouseTerrainX takes nothing returns real scope Dash private struct Dash real dx real dy unit subject private method periodic takes nothing returns nothing call SetUnitX(subject, GetUnitX(subject) + dx)...
  10. koeienboei

    System Timer32

    Hmm this should work pretty good, tyvm :) 1 problem, it sais im redeclaring method destroy :/ I tried making it private but didnt work + i cant find anything else that is called destroy in the jass compile screen
  11. koeienboei

    System Timer32

    Hmm im not familiar with these modules and stuff. How do you write an easy loop with delay with this T32: loop move fireball wait(0.01) endloop
  12. koeienboei

    syntax error

    Uhm.. What is ZINC and what does it mean it supports anonymous functions?
  13. koeienboei

    syntax error

    What should it be then? :confused:
  14. koeienboei

    syntax error

    Why pass it on to the timer? The timer cannot be passed either right?
  15. koeienboei

    syntax error

    I wrote this code: TimerStart(t,0.01,false, function SetUnitPositionLocFacingLocBJ( GetTriggerUnit(), PolarProjectionBJ( GetUnitLoc(GetTriggerUnit()), 50, AngleBetweenPoints( GetUnitLoc(GetTriggerUnit()), Location(GetMouseTerrainX(), GetMouseTerrainY()) ) )...
  16. koeienboei

    Just a point in the map

    Hmm i already solved it but forgot what i did :/ Good tip about GetPlayerId anyway :)
  17. koeienboei

    Do attack animation without interrupting the walking speed

    Is it possible to make an trigger that makes a unit do his attack animation when casting a spell without interrupting his movement? The defend spell is a spell that does not interrupt movement, but if you change the animation string to attack, it does interrupt. Does anyone know how to...
  18. koeienboei

    How To Integrate RtC With NewGen

    How are the functions programmed in RtC? You should be able to make them yourself without RtC, just the same as RtC made them right? I heard it RtC maps can only be played by people with RtC... So if you are able to code these functions without RtC everyone can play the map:rolleyes: Of...
  19. koeienboei

    How To Integrate RtC With NewGen

    Is it possible to code these functions urself without the use of RtC?
  20. koeienboei

    How To Integrate RtC With NewGen

    Doh ofcourse -.- Thank you :rolleyes: