Search results

  1. Levdragon

    Looking for Terrainer

    Is anyone interested in helping me with the terrain for my upcoming map ? It will be epic-sized and set in the world of azeroth around 1st war, if you interested PM me and I'll give you some details. It will be a strategy map, I need an outliner and a detailed terrainer if your one of those...
  2. Levdragon

    Star Wars - Rise of the Confederacy

    Star Wars Rise of the Confederacy By Levdragon Contents I.Background II.Nations III.Contents IV.Team (To Come Later) V.Screenshots (To Come Later) I.Background A secret meeting led to the establishment of the CIS or Confederacy of Indepdent Systems fighting for liberation from...
  3. Levdragon

    Timed Selection

    Hey, How do you make it so that if a dialog button isn't clicked after 10 seconds it auto selects? E.G-Spawn a footman Yes or No if the player does not click on yes or no it auto clicks yes. +REP for successful help.
  4. Levdragon

    Killing all Units

    Hey, How do you make it so every wisp on the map dies? +Rep for first successful helper.
  5. Levdragon

    Map Choice?

  6. Levdragon

    Other WCII - Tides of Darkness

    Warcraft Tides of Darkness Warcraft Tides of Darkness By Levdragon From the lush utopia of Quel'Thalas, to the demonic pits of Draenor, Warcraft Tides of Darkness offers a unique strategy map not just made for building units and attacking but a deeper and more political feel to the First...
  7. Levdragon

    Animation Help

    OK I got 2 questions- 1. How do you make it so after a unit is replaced the unit will play a certain animation. 2.Make a unit play an animation all the time.
  8. Levdragon

    Unit Selection Sounds

    Hey, How do you make it so when any footman belonging to player 1 is selected by player 1 that it plays a [sound] for player one.
  9. Levdragon

    Other Star Wars Galaxy at War

    This is my new project called Star Wars Galaxy at War which is going to be a strategy based game. It will feature 11 different major nations with 1 reserve nation. (Please give your ideas of what another nation I could use.) 1.The Galactic Republic 2.The Jedi Order 3.The Trade Federation...
  10. Levdragon

    Changing Colour

    Hey, How do I make it so when unit Footman is constructed that it will change team colour to either blue,green and yellow. Thanks.
  11. Levdragon

    Colour Change

    Hey, I was wondering how to make so when you make a unit (Rifleman) it will chose a colour out of blue,green,purple and yellow when you build it. Also make a 50/50 chance that a it makes footman instead of a rifleman with the colour change too.
  12. Levdragon

    Model Request

    Hey, I was wondering if there are any dargon models out there with a rider on it??? I've tried attachments but the unit on the dragon is just way to big and if I make the dragon smaller if just looks weird :(. If you know where I can find a dragon with a rider model or how to make the...
  13. Levdragon

    2 Helps!! Text/Change Name

    Hey, I was wondering how to change a players name when in game but with their original name still in-tact for example if the race the player chose was {Human} the player's name would change into |Levdragon {Human}.| Also how would I make it so every 60 seconds text appears for all to see...
  14. Levdragon

    Death into Capture

    Thread Over.
  15. Levdragon

    A New Role Play Map

    Hello, I am thinking of creating a new RP map LRP (Levdragon's Role Play) it will be a map of Azeroth/Outlands for people who like Warcraft RP. I am posting this as a type of fourm thing for you to post your thoughts or ideas of what you think a RP should have. I do not think other RP makers...
  16. Levdragon


    Hey, How can I make it so when say a unit casts spell (Give Birth) it will randomily make a baby girl or a baby boy.
  17. Levdragon

    Blighted Grounds

    Hey is there a way to replace blighted ground to look like say a patch of grass or really, any other tile? Just asking to see if it's possible, maybe with imported models somehow?
  18. Levdragon

    Only Build on Red Tile

    How can I make it so a building and only be built on a red tile, this is a tile which buildings cant be built on unless the buildable option is changed? Please answer to this if you know ++ rep.
  19. Levdragon

    Change Owner

    Hey, I'm making a type of risk map and I was wondering how to make it so if there is a building (Human Town) and if another player attacks it it will change ownership to the attacking player (Already Know This Part) but also change from Human Town to Elf Town, or Undead Town etc. (Another...
  20. Levdragon

    Item to Unit

    Hey, I'm making a Necromancer map and I was wondering how to make it so if any unit gets two items, essence and skeleton corpse, a skeleton will appear at the unit which used the two items. I want it so as soon as he/she has the items in inventory that the skeleton will appear. Remember I...