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  1. xromania™

    video problem

    thanks, finally a almost clear answer after ages... i asked in many forums this. Anyway is strange how a camera with double or triple resolution and frame rate have lower clarity and colors than the camera from a stupid phone. I think the light is a important factor too.. This is the pen...
  2. xromania™

    video problem

    My nokia6120 take videos qvga 320x240 and are mpeg-4 I have too a spy pen who take avi. video with 1280x960 but the videos i think dont look better, why? i can check the avi. files in proprieties and there is "1280x960" but in mpeg-4 files on proprieties i cant see any details about resolution...
  3. xromania™

    Computer slows to a hault

    just install a XP to other partition and keep your windows 7 too - is called dual boot. And see if on the fresh instalation - XP - is hapening again. Then could be a defect piece, some hardware... Have u scanned with antispywares programs?
  4. xromania™

    strange - graphic card

    Im not using the stupid vista.. Probably is a try to verify the resolution etc and that why is going black? but with this didnt hapened with previous driver? And how we update a video card corectly? uninstalling in safe mode, restart, installing new driver in safe mode again? that is all?
  5. xromania™

    strange - graphic card

    i just updated with latest drivers my video card GEFORCE 7950GT and now when im accesing video card options (from icon next to clock etc) my display go black 1 second. Is that normal? In rest things are fine i think
  6. xromania™

    installation advice

    ?! Ok i just want to know, if some1 know, why i cant post in official wow forum, it say this account dont have a character, but i just made my 1st character. Need to wait after creation few days?
  7. xromania™

    installation advice

    So i bought a box with classic wow and burnin crusade and these 2 DVD are bugged or defect, but having the cd-keys i used the blizzard downloader and installed all. Strange, these dvd.. I have a big question about blizzard stupidity, we really cant play in usa or europe in same time? this is...
  8. xromania™

    installation advice

    done, now cant login with the account i created, didnt exist lol. But on official site my account and pasword work. But if im on the european site only. So the game launcher is soo fool and he cant see i have a european account? Or there are different games, one for america and one for europe...
  9. xromania™

    installation advice

    i think my game already have 2.00 in it (on box say it is compatible with vista, prolly is a new version) cuz after only a update im waiting now 2.4.0 patch to download i think, looking at blizzard downloader im wonder if i really need to update, cuz i want to play Burning crussade not the...
  10. xromania™

    installation advice

    Just bought the game, a big box with burning crusade cd too in it. Because cant install the game from the dvd (error..) i used blizzard downloader and finally i installed the game, i created a account and now i download a update. I should first dl all updates and then install burning crusade...
  11. xromania™

    w3 westfallen?

    "good answer... another plz lol
  12. xromania™

    w3 westfallen?

    i dont play pvp, i like something cooperative, wow have something like that? after lvl 60 u can ally with others and kill stuff? or these games are rare, like in starcraft, where almost nobody join 2v6 computers, cuz they like pvp... sry my engl
  13. xromania™

    w3 westfallen?

    oh yes good answer esb and bad answer punwisp:) Now i want to try wow, what i need to know? if i dont like it i just dont buy another card, right?.. the game is fun? Who know Guild wars or diablo? is like these? can some1 tell me how is the action? u have a hero and u leave a town and fight...
  14. xromania™

    w3 westfallen?

    *sry is westfall no westfallen, cant edit the title After months i tried to refresh my w3 accounts in usa-east and europe, but i saw a new gateway, Westfall (beta). What is that and why after i tried to log in my game is bugged now, i mean it try every time to dowload same update again and...
  15. xromania™

    warcraft 2?

    is w2 alive? im to lazy to search lol and prolly ill find nothing about i want to know. I want to know if w2 exist and if is played online and if are many players online, like in sc or w3 i saw it here also a exotic question. Why in...
  16. xromania™

    simple question

    hm im disapointed by warcraft ums, nobody join my game and i have in map description and in the game name "movie - BM vs mountain king!", in starcraft i made like 50 maps with names like "100 carriers vs 100 bc" or 100 tanks vs 150 zealots" and my games are full in few seconds and others started...
  17. xromania™

    simple question

    hey guys, girls, druids and dryads... (new here) ok i just want to know please how can i create a simple game where i want to put, for example, 10 grunts controlled by computer to fight with like 20 ghouls controlled too by computer - and the game to have humans observers. i have done the...