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  1. M

    Model Sound Problem

    Original post: I imported this model that has very annoying attack sounds. I tried changing the Weapon Sound field in the object editor but now it has two sounds - first the one I added and the other annoying one. Is there any way to remove these sounds...
  2. M

    Need a spell idea...

    ...for a spy. I don't want to give him simple evasion (boring) but I'd like it do be something similiar. Thank you in advance.
  3. M

    Model sounds

    I imported this model that has very annoying attack sounds. I tried changing the Weapon Sound field in the object editor but now it has two sounds - first the one I added and the other annoying one. Is there any way to remove these sounds?
  4. M

    Hero glow that doesn't change its size?

    I got this problem that normal-sized (1.00) imported models have this huge hero glow under them when I attach it. This doesn't happen with all models tho.... So I need this hero glow that doesn't change its size according to model and would fit a peasant. I have tried 3 hero glows so far.
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    Experience rate

    If I set the rate so that the Heroes get 200% normal exp and I want it to change back to normal should I set it to 100% because it was the deafult or should I set it to 50%.
  6. M

    Life drain/transfer

    How can I make life transfer carry on even after the target allied unit has full hp. I'm talking about the dark ranger's ability life drain.
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    Special effects

    What special effects are used to make the classic knockback effect? I'm not asking how to do a knockback, I just want to know what special effects are usually used.
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    Need to explore first

    Please name some abilities that can have unlimited range, can be cast on ground and when trying to cast on black mask, will give you an error message that you have to explore that place first.
  9. M

    Will this work? Item requirements.

    I can't use WE at the moment and I'd like to test something. You know when you aren't close enough to a shop to buy items from it a small requirement thingy appers over an item called nearby patron (if I remember correctly). Maybe you can add techtree requirements also? For example your shop...
  10. M


    1. A noob like me has no idea what hashtables are for... I read somewhere that with them you can make your spells easily MUI. 2. What does this mean: Hashtable - Save Value as Value of Value in (Last created hashtable) I understand that you can save stuff and later load them from the...
  11. M

    Remove ability from the learn list?

    Is it possible to make an ability dissapear from the hero learning list via triggers?
  12. M

    A seemingly simple trigger....

    SOLVED UseItem Events Unit - A unit Uses an item Conditions ((Hero manipulating item) has buff Wind Walk (off)) Equal to True Actions Unit - Order (Hero manipulating item) to Orc Blademaster - Wind Walk Now, this is supposed to order the hero to...
  13. M

    I can't do me shoppin'!

    In my map I have two teams. Each team has 5 players (4 user controlled players and 1 computer controlled player). The fifth computer controlled player has full shared contol with the other 4 players in its team. The computer controlled player also has a shop and I don't want it to be able to...
  14. M

    Cloak Spell :)

    SOLVED! Thank you Yoshii I'm trying to make a spell which, when used, will start to drain mana and will make the unit invisible + can pass through units but not walls. I based it on wind walk (one to turn on and another to turn off). It works well but it has one problem.... when I turn it off...
  15. M

    How to check if an unit was killed by triggers?

    How can i check if an unit was killed by the Unit - Kill (Triggering unit) function? Thanks in advance.
  16. M

    Limit the number of wards

    Is it possible to limit the number of serpent wards placed for a player? So that if a player places more than 2 wards, the first one will be removed and if a ward is placed again then the next ward will be removed ... etc. :confused: I don't want it to stop casting when there are already 2...
  17. M

    Item that explodes on death?

    Is it possible to make an item explode and deal damage when it is "killed"?
  18. M

    Can carry only 2 items of type?

    Can I make a unit carry only 2 items of the same type? If it picks up another item of the same type then drop all 3 of them. The problem with this is that I can't find a condition of some sort to check if the unit has for example 2 claws of attack +15 already.
  19. M

    Need ideas

    Well I'm making a map where you have a small lab containing all these scientific and magical machines. I currently have a portal machine and I'm thinking of a machine where you can combine your robots and magical creatures. What I need is some creative minds to give me ideas for my...
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    Cooldown question

    How can I make it so that two or more abilities on my unit will share a cooldown. For example when the unit uses one ability that has a seven sec cooldown then the other abilities can't be also used for 7 sec.