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  1. I

    Duplicated Unit Wont Attack!?

    Ok just figured it out. Kinda, at least. It has something to do with also duplicating the weapon or effect file. It wont link/work properly if these boxes aren't checked in the duplication process.
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    Duplicated Unit Wont Attack!?

    Ok so the units will now attack one another but now theres a new problem, the units have no sound effects. Marine lacks gunfire sound effects and zerglings lack the claws sound effect.
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    Duplicated Unit Wont Attack!?

    Thank you Dave for the reply I will try this and post back to confirm it works!!
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    Duplicated Unit Wont Attack!?

    Look at infested terran and the custom unit Zombie.
  5. I

    Duplicated Unit Wont Attack!?

    Everything was copied perfectly. Box for Box down the line. This is a very frustrating problem as i dont see why a copied unit wouldnt attack but the original unit attacks just fine.
  6. I

    Duplicated Unit Wont Attack!?

    Here is my problem, I want to make a custom infested marine unit. I go to data editor>duplicate inefested marine>. Heres where the problem comes in, I place duplicated infested marine units on map (controlled by player 15 (Hostile)) and place my marine on map (controlled by Player 1) none of the...