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  1. R

    Protoss "Preserver" model's shields

    Im using the Protoss Preserver(A) model in my map, (the one in the protoss missions where we first meet the hybrids) and whenever it's shields get damaged i get this error: "Could not find e_attachshield or a dynamic shield attach on unit with model Preserver_00" what's going wrong, and how...
  2. R

    Quick question: Giving items to dead units

    Is it possible to give an item to a dead unit by using the UnitAddItem() function? (If you really want to keep it in this forum, the "Give item to hero" function) If no, is there another way to do it? I'm trying to make an item lose a property when its carrier dies, so im replacing it...
  3. R

    errors with PUI and Filters?

    im not sure if i should make a thread about this or just post it in the existing thread for the system.... but here goes... so im grouping all the units in the map, and filtering for a certain PUI variable > 0, and halfway through the filter, a unit stored in a global variable looses the...
  4. R

    is it possible to unally yourself?

    or is there a way for your own units to treat eachother as enemies, or be able to auto attack eachother? (background) a swam of units needs a 'controler' type unit around them (control is represented by mana atm), and when control(mana) reaches 0, they go 'feral' and attack everything...
  5. R

    attribute gains and morphing heroes

    Just a quick question cause I can't test it atm. If I have a morphing hero and its alternate form has different stat per level than the original, will the alternate form's stats be different, or will the alternate's stat gain only take effect if the hero levels up? Edit: ssorry, I'm posting...
  6. R

    Help with the Skill-UI

    im designing a hero, and as well as having the regular innate, 3 skills, and an ult, one of the 3 regular skills gives 3 subskills. so this hero ends up with 7 skills (innate, skill 1, skill 2a, skill 2b, skill 2c, skill 3, ult) regular heroes get 5 total skills (innate, 1, 2, 3, ult) with...
  7. R

    Determining if an ability exists

    and the validity of in game pre-loading that loads every skill in the map. local integer i = 'A000' loop exitwhen DoesAbilityExist(i) == false // this function i know doesnt exist, im looking for something that would emulate this effect call PreloadSkill(i) // i also know...
  8. R

    Errors with Disabling Tech for a player

    I have a hero that has a choice of which skills to take (3 choices for each slot, total of 12 choices) The way the choices are set up, shops sell units that represent abilities, and once and ability unit enters the map, I can determin which ability the player chose and do the corrisponding...
  9. R

    can someone tell me why this isnt working? (SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed)

    so, i have this hero choosing code: function Trig_Hero_Trigger_Activation_Condition takes nothing returns boolean return IsUnitType(GetTriggerUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_HERO) and udg_PlayerSelected[GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()))] == false endfunction function ExistsAlready takes...
  10. R

    disabled spellbooks in items

    can i put a disabled spellbook as an item ability so i can get multiple passives in an item?
  11. R

    In a trigger with multiple actions, how do you put a specific action at the bottom?

    so, i have a damage trigger that i made, and it will have several actions added to it through the course of the game when certain units learn certain abilities etc. there is also an action in the trigger that displays the ammount of damage dealt. the problem with it is that when new actions...
  12. R

    making shops sell only to heroes

    is it possible? ive alraedy modified the shop sharing and similar abilities to only target heroes edit: btw, this shop is selling units edit2: nevermind, i found a work-around
  13. R

    reasons for maps falling apart/stoping working?

    what are the most common causes of a map just failing to pieces... it happens later into the game (generally around the 1 hour mark) and some skills just stop working alltogether and some start acting really funny. i have a feeling something messes up with my timer skills/structs... i...
  14. R

    gah! foiled by non-code arrays! :(

    ok, so... im gona try this again. I have some spells in my map that require marking a unit with certain things to assure that the spell deals the correct data, or so that u can get some info when the spell hits... or just to use as a cooldown... i thought of a way to actually do that, but it...
  15. R

    two questions:triggered orders and skill not showing up

    the first, im just curious about. is there any skill taht when ordered to use via triggers, the unit doest have orders interrupted? because for skills like berserk and wind walk, when used manually, the hero just keeps on doing what hes doing, but when ordered to use berserk via triggers, the...
  16. R

    preloading lag

    yay for thread spamming XD i hope this is ok.. so, i have a bunch of stuff preloaded in my map... so much so that it lags the loading of the map. like, if i were to not preload a spell, and then cast it the first time, it would lag a bit. well, that lag is happening while the map is...
  17. R

    probably a stupid question

    ok... so. in my map there i had a bunch of spells etc. that required marking a unit somehow... so i created an ability to use as a marker for that kind of thing. (for example, if a unit had a temporary invince, i would add a skill to it (based on armor bonus or something) then remove it when the...
  18. R

    really big help!

    ok, so... I highly doubt anyone wants to do this... but it's worth a shot... my map leaks like a bitch... like not nulled local vars kind of way.. and by the end of the game the performance hits like 1/4 of what it is at the start... there's tons of lag and stuff... so basically, I would...
  19. R

    detecting when a unit gains life?

    what would be the easiest way to detect when a unit gains life? edit: nevermind i figured something out
  20. R

    reincarnation that doesnt revive?

    is it possible? basically, i want a passive spell that can go into cooldown so the owner knows if its up or not. the spell is a reincarnation like spell... but doesnt actually use the reincarnation spell as a base i could also look for any other passive ability that can be put into...