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    Linked Maps

    I head that SC2 will features online campaigns with maps that are linked, soes this mean that you can make many differents maps (like for an RPG for example) that works online if each map don't exceed the size limit allowed in online map
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    Warcraft III models

    Will starcraft 2 features some warcraft models, is there any way to import wc3 to sc2 or we'll we have to model them ?
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    random crashes

    I'm currently having random crashes every 10 minutes without any reason. I tried Repair to repair the files but It wasn't helpful. Here what it show after the crash
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    System Ideas

    I'm currently working on a map called "Rise of Empire" which is an Empire Builder map. You can have more info by looking at the thread. Throught, I made this because I'm lacking of cool systems ideas, that should be do-able (;))
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    I'm creating a map, and every units' is scaled to 0.25/0.30 to make the feeling of a big world, but ranged units have their projectiles' height too high and that's really annoying. So, my questions is : how to change a unit's missile height ?
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    Other Rise of Empire

    Rise of Empire Rise of Empire is a kind of Empire Builder of a new type.It's not heavily based on military but also economy and empire management Features : Empire Management : Rise of Empire features a new kind of way to manage an empire and lead it to might. Starting from a tribal village...
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    Jass New Gen's Bug

    hello Here is my problem : When i want to test map,triggers don't work.I create a new map and copied terrain triggers unit...And triggers worked but after 5-6 test triggers newly don't works.How can I fix this?
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    computer's or Jassnewgen's Bug

    hello Here is my problem : When i want to test map,triggers don't work.I create a new map and copied terrain triggers unit...And triggers worked but after 5-6 test triggers newly don't works.It's Jass Newgen's bug?Or it's my computer?
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    More than 11 buildings?

    Hello i got a new question.It's possible to make builder able to build more than 11 buildings.
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    hello. I got some questions 1)how can i make a multiboard that is visible only to one player 2)Why my aura don't affect buildings i set target to mechanical,structure,ally. Thank for who help me.
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    Other Town Builder

    hello,im new at the helper. Im here to show you my project. I have played many builder map but i bored of them because the goal is not build a town but to train troops and attack enemies.I decided to make my own builder map. Description you start as a small village to a great empire.You have...