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  1. C

    Error: Exhausted Memory (Jass NewGen)

    Error: Memory Exhausted (Jass NewGen) So, I'm using Jass NewGen, and when saving a map, I keep getting the error 'memory exhausted' What is this exactly? I've searched for it and got no result. Anyone?
  2. C

    Need Druid spell/ability ideas!

    The hero I am making is a Druid that comes with 3 basic abilities and 1 ultimate. I am expecting the hero to be a hybrid, with both offensive (dmg), defensive (healing) and feral (transforming into an animal, prefer Bears) So what I need is creative and serious Druid hero spells/abilities...
  3. C

    Need abilities for the five dragonflights (Non-Hero)

    Need creative and serious suggestions on abilities for each of the dragonflights. Quick information for each of the dragonflights: - Red Domain: Creation, Life Breath: Fire - Blue Domain: Magic Breath: Frost, Ice (also Arcane magic) - Green Domain: The Emerald Dream, Nature...
  4. C

    Passive Assassin/Rogue/Ninja Ability Ideas

    Let me see what you can think of, and it has to be passive abilities ofcourse :)
  5. C

    Arena Heroes of Pandaria: Brawl

    The new website, made and managed by bl4ckface, will have several links for download, information regarding the map and change logs. :thup: ● Visit: