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  1. Kiddo

    Imported Icons question.

    Alright. I have a problem that affects the visuals of my map. :) Basically, I have some imported item icons (some weapons, some armor, etc.). The problem is that they work fine for the character that has them. I mean, if, let's say I'm player X, and I have an item that uses an imported icon in...
  2. Kiddo

    I need a little help with a camlock trigger.

    Alright, I guess the title says it all. If there's someone that doesn't know what 'camlock' is .. it's a function that pans/locks the camera to your unit, and follows that particular unit around, wherever it goes, that way, you don't have to follow it manually. Anyway ... I've tried multiple...
  3. Kiddo

    About Item Editing.

    Alright, in this domain(Item Editing/Creating), I'm fairly new ... basically, my question would be ... where could I find a good tutorial or something? :) Kiddo.
  4. Kiddo

    Kill unit trigger.

    The basic idea of my map is that you use a kind of "Wisp" to select your Hero from the Tavern. Now, what I'm trying to do is kill the wisp when this Hero is selected/bought. The trigger I tried is : Player 1 Kill Events Unit - A unit enters Hero Start Point <gen>...
  5. Kiddo

    Changing player color.

    Hmm, what I'm trying to do this time is allow players to change their color through a text message ... let's say '-color <color here>' . I'm not sure how to make this color change possible through one single trigger, so I'm asking for help. As in ... I know how to make it change once, but...
  6. Kiddo

    Resource Icon/Sound.

    Didn't know how to put a more explicit title, but here goes my problem. In the upper right corner of the screen, where the resources are shown, I have a little problem on my map. Instead of having Gold and Lumber, I have Gold and Mana (+ correct Icon, which is a Mana Stone). Also, when I try...
  7. Kiddo

    Amount of armor given per agility point.

    Is there anywhere I can change this .. ? I mean, I bet there is, but can someone tell me where exactly ... and also, I'd like it to be for each Hero in particular, not a general value ... is that possible? Thanks, K.
  8. Kiddo

    How to make a hostile unit give experience.

    Hmm, the title pretty much says it all, but the basic idea is that I'd like to know if there's anything I can do in order to make hostile units owned by a Computer (so, no Neutral Hostile) give experience points when killed. Thanks, K.
  9. Kiddo

    Need a little help with this.

    Hello there .. basically, I have a small problem with an initialization trigger. Trigger Events Time - Elapsed game time is 10.00 seconds Conditions Actions Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area)) and do (Actions) Loop -...