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  1. P

    Portal Spells

    rofl that was a flash game wasnt it? its like the best. is there a link somewhere to dl this map that ur making?
  2. P

    Critical Strike *animation* ?

    umm im not sure but i think you should type- 'Attack Walk Stand Spin' in the animation thing exactly like that and also in the buff section for your spell put bladstorm (caster). i think that should do it
  3. P

    Import models from one map to another.

    lol some1 answered it while i was answering it...
  4. P

    Import models from one map to another.

    ok go into import manager on the map with the model you want then right click it. ok when you have done that select export and select the file destination (its best to export and skins, portraits ect aswell to give model maximum potential). now go to your map, go into import manager then select...
  5. P

    Need ability idea

    well maybe you could make it that it lasts 20 sec and both units cannot be attacked at that time... it would make this unit a powerful assist hero. lets say you have low att but high hp and your versing an offencive hero, you could kill it much easier or atleast weaken it to finish it...
  6. P

    Item Making Help

    I read it, it makes my head hurt. i cant find the right thing to make it fire rockets
  7. P

    Spells - Basics of Trigger Enhancing Spells

    OMG OMG OMG... this is so awesome it makes me feel crap cuz i sort of understand it but i probably couldnt use it cuz im sooooo dum with triggers.the first reason i read this is because a guy pointed this to me to learn about dummy units for my defence rockets i still cant do it :D:nuts:
  8. P

    Item Making Help

    ok ty i will read that. rp for you
  9. P

    Item Making Help

    I would like to make 2 items: 1 that will fire a cluster rocket at a random enemy every 1.5 seconds and another that heals every 1.5 seconds. any idea how to do this?
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    Try My Multiplayer Campaign Map

    how do you extract campaign maps... i could learn some things i need for the map im making
  11. P

    How can I making mining gold "mine" lumber too?

    no the other idea i was thinking of wont work. if the trigger thing doesnt work try to contact acehart he is the maddest expert on triggers
  12. P

    How can I making mining gold "mine" lumber too?

    yeah something like that but i think i have found another way to do it easier... gimme just a min
  13. P

    How can I making mining gold "mine" lumber too?

    well i suppose you could use triggers, for every gold you collect you collect an amount of lumber too
  14. P

    what are buffs/effects

    ok i think i get it, buffs are just there to show an ability is there and effects are like the falling stars in starfall... maybe i can edit it to make treefall thx rep to all who helped
  15. P

    what are buffs/effects

    hi, i got frozen throne afew days ago so now im using the editor and wanted to make a new ability. now i see there are buffs/effects parts so what are they and how are they used? some help would be much apreciated:)
  16. P

    Orb Effects And Bash/Crit/Evasion Stacking

    what happend to you was just by chance...happens to me heaps in angel arena with grom
  17. P

    Spell request - Teleportation (self or ally)

    If you have frozen throne you could also edit an ability to make the amulet of recall an ability
  18. P

    noob question: damage board

    ok well i think you need 2 triggers. 1 trigger to create the leaderboard and 1 to keep track of unit damage. the only thing is i have no idea how to keep track of unit damage. sorry
  19. P

    change hero at lvl 10

    ok thx peeps, i'll put in right section next time :D
  20. P

    change hero at lvl 10

    ok cool. but that wont make the hero change though thats the thing. This is how it looks in troll legacies. Evolution Events Unit - A unit owned by Player 1 (Red) Gains a level Unit - A unit owned by Player 2 (Blue) Gains a level Unit - A unit owned by...