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  1. B

    Help me Decide what heroes

    Well im making an RPG and i'm split between two general ideas for what heroes to have in my map. The first idea is to have all my heroes be regular units from warcraft 3 (archers, grunts, riflemen, banshee, etc.) This would be pretty cool in my opinion because as far as i know, there has been...
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    Real Instant Cast

    Thanks Galdiuz, works perfectly!
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    Real Instant Cast

    I need to know how to make a unit really able to instant cast. Setting the casting time to 0 does not work, because there is still like 3 seconds before i am able to cast the spell again. I want to be able to spam the skill non stop, such as in enfos with that frost bolt ability. Any ideas...
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    Start triggers after resurrected

    Would the event "a unit starts the effect of an ability" and the condition "ability being cast equal to reincarnation" work? or is reincarnation not an ability that is seen as casted.
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    spawning units automatically every (x) seconds

    Well, i'm not sure what you specifically want, so you should elaboate more, but this should get you started spawning Events Time - Every X seconds of game time Conditions Actions Unit - Create 1 Footman for (Player) at (Center of (Region)) facing Default building...
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    Area of Effect Banish

    I have an ability based off Banish that i want my dummies to cast, but when i make the action Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Blood Mage - Banish (Picked unit), there is just a drop down menu with some spells and abilities, and i do not know how to make the dummy units cast my ability...
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    Area of Effect Banish

    Thanks everyone, it works now but in that trigger do i have to use Human Blood Mage - Banish? how do i change the spell to something else it is not in the list. Of course, i could change what the banish spell does but is there another way?
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    Area of Effect Banish

    In my map i need an AoE banish spell. In the object editor, banish does have an area of effect stat, but it does not seem to do anything. I set the option to 400 radius, but still only the target gets banished, all of the surrounding units are unaffected.. Is it possible to do this without...
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    Life Drain, Hardcoded Enemy Only?

    Advanced => Gameplay Constants => Check "Use Custom Gameplay Constants" => Gameplay - Drain Transfers Life => Set this to true This worked for me, i have the "reverse" drain life on many maps.
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    custom upgrades

    hmm I may be wrong, but i think the increment is how many levels it gives to bash, and the base is what level it starts at. So i think you have to make, say, 10 levels of bash if you want to upgrade 10 times, make the upgrade increment to 1, and the base to 1, and change the bash % chance and...
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    Changing Class

    How do i make a hero change it's class and still have all of it's items and stats? The reason i need this is because my RPG has villagers with different animations (shooting a bow, 2-handed attack, one handed attack) so, for example, i have no weapon so im just a regular dude with some rings...
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    Problem with gaining lumber each level

    ok thank you that will probably work, but i decided ill just make sure nobody ever gains 2 levels at once
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    Problem with gaining lumber each level

    my heros dont learn skills..
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    Problem with gaining lumber each level

    haha its just one trigger, and one of the simplest ones ever Ability Points Events Unit - A unit Gains a level Conditions Actions Player - Add 5 to (Owner of (Leveling Hero)) Current lumber
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    Problem with gaining lumber each level

    OK, so i have an rpg where you can choose 5 stats to add to each level. The "attribute points" are actually lumber, and it has been working fine, until i realized a problem. If i gain one level, it works fine and i get the right points. However, i used a tome of experience and gained 2, and it...
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    Who likes Pandas? Models that is!

    GMAX site: : very small program, quick download. You have to register to get a code to use it though (dont worry, takes about a minute and is free)
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    Problem spawning random items

    i dont think you can put items into a group. The only way i can think of would be to change the default items' stats to make them the items you want, and put their level to 0. I think it would work, but i dont know if you want to do that.
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    Random Reincarnation

    This is just a little problem. I want it so that when a hero reincarnates, instead of reincarnating at the spot he died, he reincarnates at a random point on the map. Thanks, bumbutt
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    attachment (2-handed weapon)

    There is no simple way to do it if the unit only has a one handed attack animation. If the unit is something like a paladin or blade master, then just attaching the weapon would make it seem as if it was holding in both, since thats the way his animations are. You could try using an animation...
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    Percent damage

    ya warroo is right because if a unit has 100 health and its health goes to 75% it would work, but lets say the unit has 20 health. Then it would get healed.