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  1. TheRat

    barrage won't work w/ 2 targets?

    no, that didn't work. I set max to 1 and they were still firing three arrows.
  2. TheRat

    barrage won't work w/ 2 targets?

    Hi, i'm trying to make an ability based off barrage. I only want the ability to hit 2 targets. The maximum number of targets is set to 2. However, when I test the ability, units fire like 3-4 arrows! Any clue how to fix this?
  3. TheRat

    removing playergroups (jass)

    I'm trying to fix some leaks in my map by removing playergroups, and so I followed the instructions on one of the tutorials. However, I keep getting "Unexpected Function Name" which disables the trigger. Can anyone see what's wrong here? (What is the correct script?) Actions Set...
  4. TheRat

    saving map space

    Is it possible to save map space by deleting units that you don't use (for instance, deleting creeps that don't show up in your map)?
  5. TheRat

    colored text symbols

    aah, thank you. Mine doesn't look like that, it looks like a broken line
  6. TheRat

    colored text symbols

    ok, you know how they say there's no such thing as stupid questions? Here it goes: you know how when your making text a certain color, and it always starts with lcff? okay, so is that l an i, an L, or some other symbol? How do i type it?
  7. TheRat

    Game crash when tavern selected

    Here's something odd. I have a hero tavern that, when selected, the game crashes before any of the units can be viewed. My other taverns seem to work fine. Can anyone tell me what could be going wrong?
  8. TheRat

    triggers that fires for multiples of a number

    is it possible to make a trigger that fires only when a custom value is a MULTIPLE of a number? (like, for 25: 25, 50, 75, 100...). What would the condition look like? ideally it would be something like, "C: custom value of killing unit is a multiple of 15", then do action. Is this possible?
  9. TheRat

    2 questions concerning attack/armor upgrades

    There are no triggers, maybe this will make it more clear. There is a mercenary camp that sells Skeletons. -Team one is human. When they research Iron Forged Swords Level 1, the field value for the Skeleton is shown as 'Level 1' -Team two is Undead. When they research Unholy Strength level...
  10. TheRat

    Review problem in trigger

    I made two modifications, so I don't know which one affected the trigger or why, but I think it's the custom script. ("destroyforce") This is before Draeni Protectors Events Time - Every 25.00 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Player Group - Pick...
  11. TheRat

    Review problem in trigger

    Hi, I have a trigger that has always worked fine, but I wanted to remove a memory leak (for a playergroup). So, Instead of using "pick all players and do actions" I set the variable 'Group' to = All Players, then picked all players in 'Group'. Then, after the actions were executed, I added...
  12. TheRat

    Hero spawn points..???

    the way your trigger is set up, it will only occur at Map initialization. As it currently stands, your trigger reads like this: "Whenever the map initializes, check if the unit sold is a hero, and if it is move it to designated region". But there is no unit being sold under "event", so...
  13. TheRat

    Hero spawn points..???

    Yeah, I think my way would only work with an isolated hero tavern, like in Footmen Frenzy. your way would allow the tavern to be anywhere on the map. But I think it looks more like this Event: Generic unit event- a unit finishes training a unit Action: If (Unit Type Comparison- Trained...
  14. TheRat

    Ability Edits

    Go to Object Editor-- then hit the "abilities" tab. Find the ability your looking for, and you can do pretty much anything you want to it. You can set the levels to "windwalk" beyond 3, and have each level increase movement speed by any amount you want. Also, you may want to change your...
  15. TheRat

    Hero spawn points..???

    U could have a region around the tavern u have, and then have a trigger Event Unit enters (region around tavern) Condition: Action: Unit--Move (triggering unit) to (the region you want to send the unit to).
  16. TheRat

    2 questions concerning attack/armor upgrades

    Hi, I have a map that makes certain neutral hostile units to be purchasable for players, and players can upgrade their armor/attack. The units receive the upgrade bonuses, but the little number next to the armor symbol doesn't show up. How can I fix this? Next q: some neutral hostile units...
  17. TheRat

    Vague, Wierd Problem-- random death at spawn.

    *Bump* I'm at my wits end, here. I can't imagine it will be easy finding what's wrong here, but here are the triggers. There are more triggers than these, but they are more of the same. Vine Snap Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions...
  18. TheRat

    Selecting Heroes Skills Automatically.

    it sounds like your asking how to set what abilities a hero learns. That part is easy. Just go to object editor, choose the hero you want to edit, then go to the top where it says abilities-hero. Then just set what abilities you want your hero to learn.
  19. TheRat

    Dialogue not showing up

    Hi, I have a trigger that starts at map initialization. It takes a dialog, sets the title, and adds dialogue buttons to it (all assigned to variables). I then have another trigger that, when it activates, is supposed show the above mentioned dialogue. However, the dialog does not show-- the...
  20. TheRat

    Vague, Wierd Problem-- random death at spawn.

    -I don't think memory loss would cause units to be killed. -like I said, the only thing that really kills units is certain abilities that use expiration timers, but I don't think these are the cause-- mostly because they don't get used often enough to explain the problem.