Search results

  1. Zalinian

    Changing unit collision with triggers?

    Is it possible to change a units collision types with triggers/script? Or be able to make a certain player's units collide with only certain other players? ex: Player A's marines collide with and can't walk through Player B's marines, but do not collide with and can walk through Player C's marines?
  2. Zalinian

    Editing unit type attributes?

    Is there a way to edit the list of possible unit type attributes? Each weapon can have damage bonus to certain unit types. ex: The ghost's canister rifle does +10dmg to light type (other types include mechanical, biological, massive, psionic, etc). I want to add in my own custom types and...
  3. Zalinian

    Behaviors - Veterancy and Attribute bugged?

    Has anyone else noticed either of these 2 bugs: 1) When adding an attribute change to a Veterancy Behavior (aka experence), you can then delete the change and hit ok, but the change remains. The only way to remove the attribute change is to delete and recreate the entire behavior. 2) When...
  4. Zalinian

    How do you attach a actor to a unit?

    I'm trying to create a new unit, but it doesn't have any actors/models in it. where do I specify which actor/models the unit uses? Edit: nvm I think I fixed it. Had to change events - terms under actor.
  5. Zalinian

    Need some suggestions of Dummy Casters.

    I'm trying to set up a dummy caster for some trigger spells, however I'm encountering some issues: I need to make the unit not visible under any circumstance. I can not set the model file to nothing as this will cause several ability graphics (stuff the unit will be casting) to not work...
  6. Zalinian

    Easy variable increment?

    Does Jass have an easy way to increment/decrement variables? ex: For a integer variable 'index', some languages have increment operators such as index++ or index+= 1. Or am I stuck with: set index = index + 1 Just wondering.
  7. Zalinian

    Raw Codes in tooltips not working.

    I'm trying to use rawcodes for my unit and ability tooltips, but they don't seem to work. ex: (the units code is H002 btw) |cff3399ffHero Stat:|r <H002,Primary>|n|cff3399ffHero Class:|r Offensive Caster / Support Caster|n|n|cff3399ffHP:|r <H002,HP>|n|cff3399ffMP:|r...
  8. Zalinian

    UnitHasBuff not working.

    I'm trying to have a trigger detect if a unit has a specific buff, but it fails to work even when the unit really has the buff. I've narrowed the problem down to this small bit. The spell cast gives the Test Shield 1 buff on its target, and I need to be able to start detecting the buff from...
  9. Zalinian

    Can I make a struct member point to a function?

    As the title says, I want to have a member of a struct point to function. EX: function myFunc takes nothing returns nothing // <-- I also need it to take/return arguments if possible. // do stuff endfunction struct myStruct // members // more members Func // struct...
  10. Zalinian

    Attaching to unit type ids

    Sorry I couldn't be more descriptive in the title, but I wasn't sure how to word it. edit: thanks for changing the title to a more appropriate wording. Anyway here's the issue: I originally had multiple arrays used to store units/heroes, the file path for their custom icons(used for my...
  11. Zalinian

    How can I make a gravity/pull spell?

    I'm working on a spell that has a gravity/pull mechanic in it. It shoots a dark energy beam in a straight line, pulling nearby units towards it, then exploding at the end. I'm only having trouble with the pull part. I can't use move unit instantly as that will interrupt any current actions...
  12. Zalinian

    Struct loop not working.

    There's actually 2 problems with my code. 1) The first time the code is triggered, it doesn't execute the 3 ele_buff functions. 2) the two loop while unit has buff loops don't work correctly. It does the loop and its contents once, but doesn't continue to loop when the unit has the buff. Just so...
  13. Zalinian

    Trouble with IF statement

    For some reason jass doesn't like multiple IF statements next to each other if they involve similar comparison types. I can't seem to get this working properly. Can anyone fix this or does anyone know of a better way to split a number's digits(ex: 1234 would become 1, 2 ,3 ,4 with each set to...
  14. Zalinian

    Unit Group in struct not working.

    [FIXED]Unit Group in struct not working. I'm trying to set units within range of a unit matching certain conditions to a group. However the units are not being added in. Condition function: static method lightning_chain_check takes nothing returns boolean local elementalist_wrath...
  15. Zalinian

    Queations on library/scope and locals.

    I'm trying to use jass to make some trigger based spells. I need to use local variables so that they can be multi-instanced. However, a local can only be used in a single function, and my spells span over several functions. Is there a way to make variables local to a set of functions? Is this...
  16. Zalinian

    12 Players + Computers Map? HELP!

    I want to make a map that has 12 players as well as at least 2 computers. Similar to 6v6 dota, where there's 6 players on each team plus 2 computers controlling the creep waves. How can I do this?:confused:
  17. Zalinian

    Chat command to spawn custom units?

    I'm looking to make a chat command using sub strings and Conversion: String to Unit-Type to create units. IE: -spawn X Y Where X is the number of units, and Y is the unit. I can already make the basic trigger work, but I can't get it to spawn custom units. -spawn 5 footman works but -spawn 1...