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  1. D

    Nobody seems to understand my question

    .changeme:hover {css to change picture} .changeme .dontchangeme:hover {css that doesnt change but still changes changeme on hover} BUT i don't suggest using :hover as there are many Internet Browsers that dont support it very well. Like IE... Then you have to get css hacks, etc.
  2. D

    WC3 ITEM crash.

    Orb of Slow Crashing WC3?! Yet again I have another issue with my map. It was working fine until i attempted to use frost breath as an effect ability in a custom Orb of Slow. Upon picking up the item the game crashes. Same with using flame strike. Same with using war stomp. But using doom...
  3. D

    Orb bug?

    Almost the same script xD.
  4. D

    Orb bug?

    So thats what you meant ^.^ is there any workaround for this? Edit: Nevermind, Did it. Amethyst Events Unit - A unit Is attacked Conditions (Custom value of (Attacking unit)) Not equal to 1 Or - Any (Conditions) are true Conditions...
  5. D

    Orb bug?

    Check my edit on the post, the map with the issues is in a link at the bottom.
  6. D

    Orb bug?

    They are attacking footmen and night elf archers with level at 4. Spell meant doom. Ill post a demo map, but it works there, there are no triggers effecting any how related to the spell, orb effect, unit attacking, or unit being attacked. The only references to the item are to upgrade to it...
  7. D

    Orb bug?

    Since when has doom been auto cast? Not what im trying to do. When i attack, i want the unit to become doomed. Only creeps become doomed. The player units I am attacking are targeted as ground and the allowed targets on the unit, orb, and spell include ground. Works on sleeping creeps as well.
  8. D

    Orb bug?

    I am using Orb of Slow for its ability to use abilities on attack. (Attack a unit to cast an ability/uses an active ability as a passive.) When I have an item using this effect (100% chance on all types) it works with creeps(Neutral Hostile) but not player/computer units. The Data - Effect...
  9. D

    Syntax Error?

    Attack a unit twice and see where that gets you... this is designed to work on multiple units within seconds and not work on units with it already. And I do not want to use an orb effect to detect which units have it. Here is what I have so far and it leaves much less "hanging floating text"...
  10. D

    Syntax Error?

    Yet now I am stuck, the code still only works for 1 unit at a time. Any help? While waiting for a response I am going to try to make the end of the function (2nd loop) into a call statement and see if that helps...
  11. D

    Syntax Error?

    Heres the whole function after fixing that and the exitwhen = to == function Trig_Special_Actions takes nothing returns nothing local unit array kunit local integer key = 0 loop if (IsUnitAliveBJ(kunit[key]) == false ) then set kunit[key] = null...
  12. D

    Syntax Error?

    This is where the issue is. local unit array kunit[1000] local integer key = 0 loop if (IsUnitAliveBJ(kunit[key]) == false ) then set kunit[key] = null endif if( kunit[key] == GetAttackedUnitBJ() ) then...