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  1. D

    WC3 ITEM crash.

    Orb of Slow Crashing WC3?! Yet again I have another issue with my map. It was working fine until i attempted to use frost breath as an effect ability in a custom Orb of Slow. Upon picking up the item the game crashes. Same with using flame strike. Same with using war stomp. But using doom...
  2. D

    Orb bug?

    I am using Orb of Slow for its ability to use abilities on attack. (Attack a unit to cast an ability/uses an active ability as a passive.) When I have an item using this effect (100% chance on all types) it works with creeps(Neutral Hostile) but not player/computer units. The Data - Effect...
  3. D

    Syntax Error?

    This is where the issue is. local unit array kunit[1000] local integer key = 0 loop if (IsUnitAliveBJ(kunit[key]) == false ) then set kunit[key] = null endif if( kunit[key] == GetAttackedUnitBJ() ) then...