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  1. Vulcansurge

    Games not working

    All my games aren't working properly and I've tried everything I know to try and fix it. Crysis, one of the few that does work, doesn't work well. Heres a screenie: As you can see there are textures stuck to the screen, in this case part of a road, but it changes as I play, sometimes...
  2. Vulcansurge

    Fade Filters Size

    One quick question. Wat size are fade filters in Warcraft III?
  3. Vulcansurge

    [RkrL] Run Kitty Run Ultimate

    [RkrL] Run Kitty Run ULTIMATE This is a special project for the Run Kitty Run Legends clan. It has many features will separate it from other maps. These include a custom music list, and special heroes for respected members in the clan. Finally, after almost 6 months without a new map to offer...
  4. Vulcansurge

    Unexplained frame rate drop

    Ok, I've had this problem with my computer for a while, and I've asked multiple forums several time but no-one can help me. I hope you guys can. Every time I enter a game, there is the chance that my frame rate will drop to about a third of its normal speed (60 down to 20 when im in WC3)...
  5. Vulcansurge

    Strange Message What is this used for?
  6. Vulcansurge

    Non-descript title (was: Quick Question)

    I just had a thought. I can't get to my computer to test it out so ill ask you guys if it will work. For a trigger I'm using "Unit - Comes within range" and it requires a specific unit already placed on the map, like "House (0001)". It does not accept variables. However, what if I was to...
  7. Vulcansurge

    Mgs4 Omg nuff said. just watch
  8. Vulcansurge

    takes integer array ul?

    is it possible to have a function that take an integer array? function UpgradeItemLoop takes integer l, integer ut, item i, integer array ul, player p, integer array uc, unit u, item iu returns nothing This gives a syntax error in jasscraft... is there another way to add an array?
  9. Vulcansurge

    Trigger making my game laggy.

    spawnwolves Events Conditions Actions Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 11 (Dark Green)) and do (Actions) Loop - Actions Unit - Kill (Picked unit) If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else...
  10. Vulcansurge

    EN7900GS Overheating

    Ive recently run into a problem occuring with my graphics card reaching higher and higher temperatures. Its an ASUS EN7900GS DDR3 256MB. Usually, my GPU temperature would reach an average of 45c-50c while in windows and a max of 55c when im playing games, and my fan speed sits at about 25...
  11. Vulcansurge

    I think my graphics card has problems...

    The title pretty much explains it all. I built the computer myself, and Ive experienced this pretty much since the day I got it going. The reason why I think it might have problems are as follows: - Every time I exit from a game, the screen says black until I use "ctrl + alt + del" and then...
  12. Vulcansurge

    Need suggestions for conversion.

    These are the triggers im currently using in my map MOTHERSHIPS, to make small ships and make the fly around you main Mothership (its meant to be sorta like passive locust swarm...). I've decided to either convert it to JASS, and im not sure ever where to start. Im new to JASS as of about a...
  13. Vulcansurge


    MOTHERSHIPS DESCRIPTION: "Take yourself on a journey into deep space, where a ferocious battle has erupted. Join your comrades, by choosing your mothership and entering the deadly battle grounds..." The idea for this came about when I played Battle Tanks (and enjoyed it very much). I...
  14. Vulcansurge

    Create Unit Problem

    HEre is my code: //=========================================================================== // AQUIRE SHIPS //=========================================================================== function Trig_ShipAquireJASS_Actions takes nothing returns nothing...
  15. Vulcansurge

    Integer Problems

    I just learnt JASS (:D part of the 'in' crowd now) and I've spent a few minutes working out how to write some script. Here is what I have: // Change the variables in the starry box only. function PlayerMsg takes player p, string s returns nothing call DisplayTextToPlayer(p,0,0,s)...
  16. Vulcansurge

    [System] Item Upgrading System

    Here is a item upgrading system which I saw in Battle Tanks, and I thought would be perfect for my up and coming map "MOTHERSHIPS". The system allows you to left-click the item you wish to upgrade. After 10 seconds, the new upgraded item appears. Each item I have created is upgradeable 5 times...
  17. Vulcansurge

    Upgrading Items

    Hello guys, Im making a trigger to upgrade items, similar to later versions of Battle Tanks, but to no avail. Here is my trigger. CODE: UpgradeCannon Events Unit - A unit Uses an item Conditions ItemUpgrading[(Player number of (Owner of (Hero manipulating...
  18. Vulcansurge

    Replay Icons

    Hello guys, I went to make an item and I was interested in using some of the icons that appear when your in a game replay. Does anyone know where they are? Im generous with +rep and I like adding people to credits in my map, just so you know.;)
  19. Vulcansurge

    Rep Given + Public Groups

    Here are two questions I've been meaning to ask about TheHelper 1 I can easily find the rep thats been given to me, but how do I find the rep I've given to other people? 2 What are public groups for. I see them on my profile, and I'm not part of any. Do they actually exist on this website...
  20. Vulcansurge

    Pheonix Fire + Evasion

    THe title pretty much explains it. I need to know if Pheonix Fire is affected by Evasion. If not, is there anyway i can replecate that effect?