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  1. S

    Snipe Animation Difficulty

    So, I'm having trouble in my map. I have a custom unit duplicated via Nova, and I'm having trouble with the snipe animation. I issue my unit an order for Nova - Snipe. She loses energy, does damage and all that just fine, but she doesn't do the animation. The sound goes off, the bullet streak...
  2. S

    Publishing Not Working

    I'm trying to make a map for my friend and I to play on where I am converting the SC2 campaign maps into melee maps, but whenever I try to publish it, it won't publish. It stays stuck at 0%, and nothing will change. Well I'm at it, the Map Status also asks something about having to change the...
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    How do I issue a move order through triggers?

    I thought this would be easy. I even looked onto other help areas, but I don't understand how they changed the target type. I'm so confused right now.
  4. S

    Limit Summons

    I'm in the process of making a map and I ran into a snag. I'm using a Troll Witchdoctor that can summon wards, such as a healing ward. However, each Troll Witchdoctor can only summon 1 ward. How do I make this happen? I want it so that the Troll Witchdoctor can only place down 1 ward and when...
  5. S


    Just a quick question: What is a hashtable and what does it do? Could never figure it out. Always reminds me of hashbrowns >.<
  6. S

    How can I make the Neutral Players into working Computer Players?

    So, I'm making an AoS-style map and have been trying to get it to be 6v6. In order to do this, I planned to make two of the four neutral players into computes (I used neutral extra and neutral victim). First I made the neutral extra player allied to 6 of my players, and unallied to the other...