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  1. D

    Preventing unit from attacking

    You could give ranged units an artillery attack to target a certain point rather than a unit
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    But with that I will have to make a trigger for every single unit type.
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    Yes but so far it only gives bounty if the unit is neutral hostile, but I want it to give bounty if the unit belongs to other players.
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    How can I make it so when a unit kills another unit, it gives bounty as if the killed unit was neutral hostile like in Footman Frenzy?
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    3, 2, 1, share the most crazy hero idea that comes to mind!

    A hero with no attack but he spawns a mini me whenever he is hit to attack for him
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    w3x in roc editor

    Every time i try to save a map made from the RoC editor it saves it as an unplayable w3x file. I want to know how i can stop this from happening so i can play it. +Rep to anyone who helps me solve this :).
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    infesting colonies

    i have a few questions for making a map where you can infest small towns on your way to a large city. i dont want to clutter the forums so i made them all here. if you have answers for the question put the corresponding number in front of it so i know whats being answered. (1) im trying to...
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    custom units

    found it while playing with data editor :) ty for tutorial link btw
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    infested buildings

    ty it worked :)
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    custom units

    is there some sort of object editor in sc2 editor similar to wc3's?
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    Need feedback on an idea

    sounds like a fun map that i could spend quite a bit of time on :)
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    infested buildings

    how do i get the infested buildings like in the ariel missions? i just got my hands on the editor but only could find melee map zerg units. i want to make a new sort of race with them to replace zerg for my map. if anyone gives me a way +rep
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    dungeon red river in underground tileset

    is there a way to get the red river from the dungeon tileset into the underground tileset? because im working on a map that is supposed to be a frozen cave.
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    caves of Dar'kunor

    except its my thread. i dont think anyone would have trouble understanding what im saying if i dont use proper grammar and its faster to type like that not to mention im in the habit of it. EDIT: not trying to sound like a jerk but im just saying i rly dont want to type with proper...
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    caves of Dar'kunor

    sry bout the wall ima edit it
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    caves of Dar'kunor

    I'm almost done making a map based on the song by the band rhapsody of fire. They tell a story through song so I decided to make my own interpretation through warcraft 3 where 5 people venture in to get the 7th evil book and stop the black lord from being resurrected. It even has parts of...
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    Cant find my saved map's

    do u have tft? if you dont then if its a tft map it wont work. once i somehow accidentally made a tft map even though i dont have it (idk how its possible) and i couldnt find it when i opened game
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    AI messes up trigger orders

    nvm i found it i just got rid of the run melee ai trigger since i didnt need ai in the game so now it works. it would be nice to be able to have it work with an ai though
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    Sylvanis Windrunner

    go object editor. on the side look for night elves folder. then go to melee then buildings in melee then altar of elders. then scroll down near the bottom. look for techtree and you should see techtree-units trained.right click it and select modify field value. click add unit and go to humans...
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    Player units drop money after being killed

    ooh that would be nice in my map :)