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  1. M

    Hashtable, loading incorrect data

    Just tried this, with wierd results. A "call BJDebugMsg(I2S(GetHandleId(GetSpellTargetUnit())))" for the spell trigger returned 0 when I had the unit cast the spell on itself. For experimentation, I made a local unit variable called st (= SpellTargetUnit(), of course) and replaced the line...
  2. M

    Hashtable, loading incorrect data

    Just tried what Anarchron said, problem still there. It really does seem like this simply doesn't work - cannot find any errors... Edit: Tried using the AIDS unit indexing system, GetUnitIndex(tu) instead of GetHandleId(tu). Didn't work either. Then, I replaced the hashtable with a global...
  3. M

    Hashtable, loading incorrect data

    I'm making a shield spell that absorbs a set amount of damage and disappears. What happens is when a unit has this cast on them, a real value is saved in a specific hashtable under the units handle ID. Then, in another trigger with specific-unit-taking-damage (for every unit that enters map...
  4. M

    Fatal from order, and unable to set point

    1. I've got a trigger that forces a unit to stop whenever it's given any order and it has a specific buff on it. For whatever reason though, it crashes WC3 when you just right click. Here's the code; function Trig_SPfrozen_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean...
  5. M

    Spell help - Integer not saving to Hashtable

    O_O Awesome, I just spend the last ten minutes trying to understand that (I'm a little inexperienced (esp. with structs), sorry xD). Thanks a bunch, but before I try that, I've got a few questions; Where did the textmacros come from? I don't see the 'D' struct being .destroy'd or nulled, am...
  6. M

    Spell help - Integer not saving to Hashtable

    I'm making a spell called Wreath in Flames; it's an AoE DoT spell that incrementally damages and slows enemies in the AoE depending on how long they have stayed in the flames. I'm using a timer and hashtable for the periodic effects, but for some reason the timer doesn't stop running. I've...
  7. M

    Questions about Morphing abilities

    Bump? Still don't want my spell cooldowns refreshed by morphing...
  8. M

    Questions about Morphing abilities

    I'm not trying to do anything complex, just a simple morphing ability to change the unit into something else. My only problem with this is that the units I want to morph have spell book abilities and the abilities in those books have their cooldowns reset when the unit morphs, causing problems...
  9. M

    Questions about Morphing abilities

    I'm using a skill based off Ethereal Form (spirit walker) to turn a hero with a spell book ability ethereal and corporeal. Problem is the cooldowns of the abilities in the spell book are reset each time the hero uses this ability, so my questions are; Do the cooldowns of abilities always reset...
  10. M

    Concerning CollisionMissile functions

    Wow, thanks 13lade619. Hmm, that read-me doesn't mention hitting destructables or cliffs with collision missiles, so my question; Still stands ^^;; I want to be able to make my collision missile collide with trees and cliffs... Also, do collision missiles collide with units with the...
  11. M

    Concerning CollisionMissile functions

    Just a bunch of questions about usage of CollisionMissile. 1. For CollisionMissile_Create, in the code "onImpact", how would you refer to the casting unit if the missile was created by casting a spell? Would GetTriggerUnit() work or would I have to attach a struct or something to the missile...
  12. M

    Setting a function to a variable

    Short question: How do you set a function to a variable? What I mean is something like... globals global <function variable type> my_variable endglobals set my_variable = (function MyFunction)
  13. M

    Attack Damage function

    I want to use the attack damage of a unit (integer, real, whatever) in a trigger for dealing damage, so this doesn't help very much (if I just don't understand your reply, sorry x.x) Oh... That kinda sucks... Well, is there a way to do emulate such a function? I want to detect attack damage...
  14. M

    Attack Damage function

    I can't seem to find a function in GUI that detects the attack damage of a unit as a real value (not the actual damage it does per attack to a certain unit, but the damage as stated in the UI). I might be a blind or something, but does it even exist? Or do you have to use JASS for it? Thanks in...
  15. M

    Not damaging more than two

    Works perfectly (I think), thanks.
  16. M

    Not damaging more than two

    I made a function that damages units around a point and returns a real value (equal to damage dealt x units in the group around the point). However, whenever I cast the spell that triggers it, it only ever damages two units. I made another trigger to check how much damage it was dealing, and how...
  17. M

    "Killing Units" of a unit with Reincarnation

    If you mean the script at, I dont actually know entirely what it does. So far, I think what it does is detect units that Reincarnate, but what I actually want is something to detect the unit that 'killed' the unit with Reincarnation and set of that...
  18. M

    "Killing Units" of a unit with Reincarnation

    I'm not trying to check if the dying unit has Reincarnation, if that's what you mean.
  19. M

    "Killing Units" of a unit with Reincarnation

    Thanks for the help, but not what I'm looking for. What I meant was how do you detect the killing unit, where the unit being killed has Reincarnation and doesnt actually die, but rather sets off Reincarnation. I think I tried the event "A unit dies" before, I dont think it counts when the...
  20. M

    "Killing Units" of a unit with Reincarnation

    Is there a function/action/condition/whatever to detect a unit that 'kills' another unit with Reincarnation?