Ancient European Nation Abilities


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So I have this map fo Ancient Europe (0AD to 1000AD) with 12 different nations, each with a unique unit prouction tree and a Hero with 2 Abilities, that represent the nation. I need all off the other europeans in the forum to help me out, because I can only think of my own countries ability.

Current Progress:

1 Britain - Burning Arrow
2 Russia - Battle Stance (Roar)
3 Sweden - Pillage
4 Ottoman Empire - No idea
5 Seljuks - No idea
6 Western Roman Empire - No idea
7 Finland - Humuliate (Storm Bolt)
8 Hungary - No idea
9 Bulgaria - No idea
10 Moors - No idea
11 Leon - No idea
12 Byzantium - No idea

I'll be very thakfull to these, who really help me out. :thup:


knowledgeably ignorant
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I'm not sure if you'll be able to make a map like this because several of those countries weren't major world players, such as Hungary or Finand, and as such it would be really hard to give them a full tech tree. However, if you still somehow think you could, the Russians could get mounted cavalry with swords called Cossacks. Again though, I don't think that you could generate enough different units with some of those races.


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SWEEEEDEN! Well, I'm a swede, and here are some ideas:

Pillage. Scandinavia was known for their Vikings, (the age between 800 AD to 1050 AD is called "the Viking Age" here), which were kind of pirates that also raided and pillaged. They lived mainly in the scandinavian waters, but occacionly traveled down through europe.

Also, if you're going to include religion/magic, you might want to check the scandinavian gods out. Odin, Tyr, and Thor are all gods that have abilities that could fit in a wc3 map - Thor's hammer is like Storm Bolt, and Odin's two ravens, Hugin and Munin, could be an application of the Scout spell, or Locust Swarm.

Sweden wasn't a major player in the world at that time though, our grand time was in the 16xx AD.

EDIT: As said above, there may be too many races. Remember that true countries and states rarely existed at that time, "sweden" was more of a location than a juridical, or cultural, entity.
EDIT2: If you're still gonna have Sweden as a race, they should have good access (though not necessarily very advanced) sea units. Good transport ships would be fitting.

Combining Sweden and Finland into Scandinavia might be a good idea.


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Well the unit tree is not completly custom. I just have different compinations of units, which still makes the tree unique.

@ Sajberhippie

Well sure I included religons. Sweden and Finland got Norse. I researched it before I started my map.


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Why are seljuk turks in your game?
They are the ancestors/came before the ottoman empire.

Moors should have the best technologies.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Rome Total War. Either the original or Barbarian Invasion should have enough civilizations.


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British should have the best musketeers or gun men or what ever, they can shoot da best


Wish I was old and a little sentimental
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Add Scandinavian vikings :p. They could have a Eat Shrooms ability that makes them go mad and faint after a while :D


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I still need some help guys. I cheked Age od Empires III but they have very few nations there.


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For finland:

Power of the Metal
The caster summons Sonata Arctica to melt the opponents' faces with awesome power metal and then slowly turn their brains into mush with an epic metal ballad.
Level 1 - 400 damage to units in an area and then 400 more over time, 40% chance to summon Dragonforce and Blind Guardian to do a battle of the bands, the three lead guitarists fight your enemies until the death. They have 25% chance to score an Epic Solo, silencing your enemies for 10 seconds and a 25% chance to cause feedback, damaging all units in the area for 100. Feedback damage type is piercing.


REP: Respect, Envy, Prosperity?
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Neither Dragonforce nor Blind Guardian are Finnish D:

And Germany > Finland when it comes to Power Metal.

Helloween, Gamma Ray, Edguy, Avantasia, Blind Guardian > Sonata Arctica.

Sweden has to involve meatballs, real, pure swedish meatballs. There aint no Sweden without meatballs :D


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So I have this map fo Ancient Europe (0AD to 1000AD) with 12 different nations, each with a unique unit prouction tree and a Hero with 2 Abilities, that represent the nation. I need all off the other europeans in the forum to help me out, because I can only think of my own countries ability.

These are the nations in my map:

1 Britain
2 Russia
3 Sweden
4 Ottoman Empire
5 Seljuks
6 Western Roman Empire
7 Finland
8 Hungary
9 Bulgaria
10 Moors
11 Leon
12 Byzantium

I'll be very thakfull to these, who really help me out. :thup:

1. Britain

English Middle Age warfare is famous for it's range. The English were one of the most advanced shooters in European history. While French and German concentrated on inovations like the crossbow, the English held advantage with their longbows. A longbow is capable of shooting 16-22 Arrows per minut at a range of up to 800 meters, while the crossbow concentrated on power and armor penetration, firenig 6-8 arrows per minute at 600-700 meters range. Tipical English archers were : Longbowman, Yewman. Hero should be ranged with spells that benifit ranged units arround him, like increase attack speed of archers only and fire arrows and stuff.


Fearsome cavalery. The Russiand allways had strength in nubers. U should increase their max limit for units. Mainly cavalery and infantry. Hero should have motivating spells and abillities for commandership (like in Roar that increases max HP for some time or something)

3.Sweeden - Ask LadyMufflet

Infantry, barbaric warfare. Very good damge, little armor and HP. Hero shold have abbility that increases damage with each kill. You should also try to add a new Stat like "Moral" instead of mana or something.

4.Ottoman Не турци а араби по-скоро

Ottomans have a strange history. They were a smart opponent, too smart even for the Byzantium Empire. While the Romans were busy hammering-away at Bulgarians at the north, Ottomans were free to take over the south, gaining vast knowedge of sophisticated warfare and siege. They were already good at sea. They took Constantinopol only 20-30 years after their arrival on the Balkans. Infantry, no cavalery. Hero should have economic skills, like earn extra gold for every kill or make nearby buildings train faster(if its possible)

5. Seljuc Баш Търците

Arabian barbarians. Even their fellow Ottomans had trouble retaining them. Extreem isliam. Fanatics. No arcery. "Arabian Scandinavians" if its appropriate.

6. Western Roman Empire.

That part of Rome was realy dying out. What glory they had, was based on old fame and accomplishments. Diciplined, well balanced army. Hero should have Defencive skills.

7. Finland - LadyMufflet

8. Hungary

Cavalery. A nation with stable economy. Cheap armmy, big economical, farming bonuses. Make 'em with many heroes with only one skill, instead of one with many.


10. Moors

Far western, north Africa. They were mainly using Sapnish nations' hard, unchangeable christianity against them. They burned down churches and cathedrals to lower christian moral. I dont have any ideas about the heros... maybe u should make them with thougher uints and no heroes.

11. Leon

Cristians through and through. Never stopping faith in god. make their hero a saint, that passivly improves units' efficiancy.

12. Byzantium

"What makes the difference between the Roman Soldier and the Pagan Barbarian is discipline!". Smart people, well armed, stable economy, more stable than most others'. Their only downfall was due to the sudden attack of the Ottomans. Make them all heroes, with no hero portrait and some small skills. That represents the army's ability to learn in combat


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Why are seljuk turks in your game?
They are the ancestors/came before the ottoman empire.

Moors should have the best technologies.

I hust read it.
Not true. i read here in a book of mine, that modern Turks are formen from the mixing of Ottomans which were settled in Asia Minor long before the Seljucs, and the Seljucs which were ... barbarians, no culture, no tech just isliam fate


AKA: Demtrod
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Danish Vikings, rocks, and therefore, some ability ideas:
the viking takes he's wepon (Sword or Axe) and bang hes enemy as hard he can right in the head and stun the anemy for 3/5/7 seconds and deals 100/170/240 Damage.
Thor's Strength:
the viking beg to Thor and he gives an permanent bonus to the vikinbgs damage and hp. 5/10/15 Damage Bonus, 75/125/175 HP Bonus.
Frej's Blessing:
Frej is the god known for hers able's of yungness and she will award the viking for fighting for the skandinavian lands, therefore she gives the viking some able of yungnes and that will give the viking some flexability), 5/10/15 Agility Bonus.
Wepon Mastery:
The Viking is a born warrior and is an master in the finesse of figthing, therefore the viking get an bonus to attack speed and an chance to dodge an attack, 5/7/10% Bonus Attack Speed and 7/10/13 Chance to dodge an attack.
thats all for now:) hope you enjoy them as much as i enjoyed create 'em:D


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Well Im already using Thor's Hammer (chance to stun enemy) as a Norse religion ability. I like te others too because they are appropriate for hero :cool:

You helped me alot. Thanks:thup: ++rep and creddit in my map for hystorical research.;) I still need bulgarian ability though :D any ideas?


REP: Respect, Envy, Prosperity?
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While on the Norse religion:

[B]Valkyrie Embrace:[/B]
When killed the hero will meet with a Valkyrie, bringing him back to life. 
All nearby units' moral will temporarly increase, 
granting them +X/Y/Z damage for 5 seconds.
Basically a reincarnation with a twist.

[B]Odin's Blessing:[/B]
Blesses a unit with the power of Odin, greatly boosting it's survivability. 
When under the effect of Odin's blessing, 
the blessed unit takes 10/15/20% less damage from attacks, 
and all damage dealt to the blessed unit during the duration will 
damage all enemy units within an Aoe of 500 when the effect runs out. 
Lasts 6 seconds.

More ideas to come about different religions etc whenever I get time.


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6. Western Roman Empire.

That part of Rome was realy dying out. What glory they had, was based on old fame and accomplishments. Diciplined, well balanced army. Hero should have Defencive skills.

I beg to differ. The Empire was at its height between the reigns of the first emperor, Augustus Caesar, and the 16th emperor, Marcus Aurelius. That spans from 27 BC to 180 AD, well within the scope of Wewso's game. The downturn after Aurelius' death might be somehow represented by their being powerful in the early game, but worse in the late game. Fewer upgrades, perhaps?

I do agree with the "disciplined, well balanced army", though; special emphasis should be placed on their "legionary" infantry (some kind of "block" power, like the WCIII footman, and perhaps some sort of "javelin throwing" power to stun enemies, or reduce their armor value).

10. Moors

Far western, north Africa. They were mainly using Sapnish nations' hard, unchangeable christianity against them. They burned down churches and cathedrals to lower christian moral. I dont have any ideas about the heros... maybe u should make them with thougher uints and no heroes.

Again, I beg to differ. Notable Moors include Tariq bin-Ziyad, the founder of Moorish Spain, and Abdul Rahman, the general who fought against Charles Martel in the Battle of Tours. Like the Romans, the Moors started off strong but declined: in their case, possibly because they converted to a more fundamentalist version of Islam, which no longer tolerated non-Muslims and non-Koranic fields of learning. But the decline did not occur until the 1000s or 1100s AD, which Wewso's game does not cover.

Strong conversion abilities and research should be a Moorish hallmark, as well as fast cavalry and naval units, to represent the Moorish knights, horse archers, and the dreaded "Barbary pirates". Think "science and speed".

12. Byzantium

"What makes the difference between the Roman Soldier and the Pagan Barbarian is discipline!". Smart people, well armed, stable economy, more stable than most others'. Their only downfall was due to the sudden attack of the Ottomans. Make them all heroes, with no hero portrait and some small skills. That represents the army's ability to learn in combat.

The Turkish attack on Byzantium was hardly "sudden", covering as it did more than four centuries: from the rise of the Seljuks in the 1000s AD, to the fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD. Technically, the "Turks" shouldn't be in this game at all; the main danger to Byzantium before 1000 AD came from Muslim Arabs, and Sassanid Persians (who believed in Zoroastrianism, and were at war with both the Muslim Arabs and the Christian Byzantines). At that time, both the Ottomans and Seljuks were nomad tribes, hired by all sides (including the Byzantines) as mercenary horse and foot archers. You're also confusing the Seljuk and Ottoman periods of dominance -- until the fall of the Seljuks, they controlled the Ottomans, not the other way around -- but since all that happened well after 1000 AD, I'm not going to flip out over that. I'm just going to point out that Legacyspy is right, and your book is wrong.

Whew. :eek: At any rate... I agree with your "learn in combat" remark, to a point. The Byzantines had heavily armored cavalry, the "cataphracts", earlier than almost anyone else in Europe...though they probably borrowed the idea from their Persian enemies. They also had napalm, in the form of "Greek fire", used by their "dromon" ships and possibly by specialized flamethrower infantry. But they weren't so advanced that, for example, they should be composed entirely of heroes. Cataphracts and dromons were considered only very minor parts of the army, which was otherwise exactly like the old Roman army. And that makes sense, because they considered themselves heirs to the Roman Empire.

As far as gaming is concerned, you (Wewso) should treat them exactly like the Romans, with the exceptions of a few expensive units (cataphracts, dromons, maybe flamethrower infantry, and maybe those Turkish mercenaries I mentioned earlier). Add in some some abilities or upgrades related to politics and bureaucracy, and perhaps to buildings. (The word "byzantine" today can refer to any complicated bureaucracy, such as the Byzantine Empire had, or to the particular architectural style perfected by the Byzantines.)

I very strongly suggest that if you (Wewso, San-D, or anybody else) are going to make a game based on real events...that you get a basic grasp of real history. Or at least take a better look at the "Age of Empires" franchise. :) Nobody gets into nationalistic, patriotic fervor over Night Elves and Orcs; they certainly do over the Turkish and Byzantine Empires!


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Thaks for the help ++rep

I very strongly suggest that if you (Wewso, San-D, or anybody else) are going to make a game based on real events...that you get a basic grasp of real history. Or at least take a better look at the "Age of Empires" franchise. Nobody gets into nationalistic, patriotic fervor over Night Elves and Orcs; they certainly do over the Turkish and Byzantine Empires!

Can you explain yourself please


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Well, I don't know if some one said this before, but Scandinavians were like giants then, because all the European people were so small, everyone feared the Scandinavians, so you could make some kind of "Fear Aura" ability for them.
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