Other Assassination


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Description: Assassination is a rather simple game with a simple goal and a complicated setup to achieve that goal. The basic plan of the game is as follows: A large castle sits in the middle of a forest. In the center of this castle sits a King. The king is protected by legions of soldiers and guards, along with 4 user controlled Advisors. In the forest outside of the castle, there are 6 User controlled Assassins. The assassin's job is to infiltrate the castle, get to the king, and kill him. The advisor's job is to find and kill all of the assassins.

To keep gameplay complex and interesting, the inner workings of the castle include a thriving city, with peasants and guards and various informants. The informants include such shady characters as the Dark Hand Collective, Earl the Gravekeeper, and other colorful characters. For money or other favors, the respective informants will agree to create various forms of chaos in the city, including but not limited to an attempted coup, a zombie uprising, a violent riot, and other similar setups.

The game is very Event driven, meaning that the game progresses based on a setup storyline for the players playing rather than solely on player to player interactions. The king has a certain level of trust for each of his advisors, which raises or lowers based on their actions. Kill an innocent peasant? The king will not trust you as much. Get too low and you will be pulled out of the game. Get higher up and the king will be more inclined to listen to and obey your requests.

The gameplay takes place over the course of one night, and possibly the morning after if the players have talked to the right people. This probably doesn't mean much, but I felt it was a cool feature to mention.

The biggest problem I've had so far with this project is motivation. It's a very ambitious project, that's pretty clear, and its a huge amount of work for one person to undertake. I started working on this about 5-6 months ago and have steadily lost more and more interest in the project as I progressed. That's why I'm putting this up. A good team of map builders will get a lot farther than just me alone.

Here's the progress so far.
Heroes: 10-15%
I'm shooting for 8 Advisor classes and 12 Assassin classes. So far, I've got about 2 advisors and 2 assassins almost finished, and haven't even begun to work on the others.

Terrain: 85-90%
The castle is entirely finished, and just over half of the outlying forest is finished as well. The forest doesn't take long to set up, so this one's mostly finished.

Triggering: 5-15%
Just about all the info I gave up at the description there? Completely conceptual. I've got a trigger that opens doors when an ally of the city comes within range and a trigger that makes it so when a peasant sees an assassin, they go off and get a guard. That's about it.

Balancing: 0%
I haven't begun to playtest this in any serious format at all yet.

Here's a few screenshots of the city...

King's Throne and courtroom

Assassin's Base Camp

Overview of the city

The Rich sector (Paved roads, large houses, really tricky spot to get by for assassins, becuase of a lot of peasants and guards patrolling about.)

City gates

The Poor sector (Completely abandoned, looks like something out of a horror game. Zombies here are Beggars.)

If anybody wants to help me out with ANY part of this map, I would really appreciate a good team for this. It's a good map, I can say that much, and it would really suck if it was left unfinished because I didn't have the energy to work on it anymore.

I'm looking specifically for somebody with skills in terrain, somebody that can code JASS, and anybody who feels like putting a hero or two together as long as they run the heroes abilities by me before doing so.

Here's the map for all who want to see. It's still very primitive, and not ready to be played, but you can look around if you like.


  • Assassination v.1.0.w3x
    319.6 KB · Views: 315


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oh wow, i had a similar idea, if not the same -O-;; just telling you now, its a hard game to make XD


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Few months ago there was an awesome map like this here, :O

Sounds pretty cool.
To keep gameplay complex and interesting, the inner workings of the castle include a thriving city, with peasants and guards and various informants. The informants include such shady characters as the Dark Hand Collective, Earl the Gravekeeper, and other colorful characters. For money or other favors, the respective informants will agree to create various forms of chaos in the city, including but not limited to an attempted coup, a zombie uprising, a violent riot, and other similar setups.

The game is very Event driven, meaning that the game progresses based on a setup storyline for the players playing rather than solely on player to player interactions. The king has a certain level of trust for each of his advisors, which raises or lowers based on their actions. Kill an innocent peasant? The king will not trust you as much. Get too low and you will be pulled out of the game. Get higher up and the king will be more inclined to listen to and obey your requests.
sounds good, I like that part.

An idea, a way to make it more unique and realistic, this game takes place over more than one day, in wc3 time. Like for example, it would be maybe around 5 days. You'd need a few days to scout out the city, find escape routes, get used to the people and items and stores around, see the King's habits and vulnerable times, where secret guards are hiding, etc. Then, the execution might take 2 days or so, planting hidden things for when escaping or assassinating.
So, the King could maybe at the start of the game determine, even though player advisors and stuff can change over time but for a base starting, determine how the King's kingdom, and have to post it up. For example, "likes to walk the streets of his city every day sometime during the daytime" or "goes to take a shower at late night". Of course the King can then change over time, but I think having rumors and habits that people know about, such as how people gossip in real life, makes it more interesting.

I suppose those heroes shown in the screenshot are the assassins - if you're making a human city, then it should be more normal race centered, like only humans, maybe a few elves or something.

Terrain looks bland and flat. Forest could use more doodads and heights. The city could have more design.

But sounds like a fun map, waiting for it! :thup:



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On the subject of terrain... I haven't been mapping on WC3 for atleast a couple years. Figured I could get back into the swing of things by making this, or atleast trying to. I'm really not sure how I could improve the way the city is set up... Is there a program or something that I should be using? I'm using the tileset Cityscape, and it can only do so much with a forest, as far as I know. I used all the doodads I thought would fit in the city, and I don't know of a way to improve on something like that without hefty amounts of importing models.

Oh, and in an unrelated note, I posted up the map file, in case anybody wanted to check it out.


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Making an impressive city isn't to hard. I have a suggestion or two.
Try creating custom Doodads with no pathing map, so they can be placed anywhere. Just make sure they aren't anywhere units can walk to. Also, base the models on Units as well. This allows more freedom, allowing you to create large buildings made out of a collection of other models.

Of course, that is just a suggestion. I think the terrain looks fine, though maybe add some more textures.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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The city needs to be more magnificent, lols. Doodads can help, like royal things around the area. Don't make everything too flat or same. And don't make it too clean. Like the last screenshot of yours, it's just a sharp clean dirt road, but people do walk around, so there should be cracks around, maybe grass coming out in some places (small bushes work as grass). Then, in the more royal areas and in the castle, that's clean, so you can have more fancy pathing and doodads.
The forest should be random, elavation is good, too. Use other types of trees and stuff. I like Ashenvale for forests, maybe with a bit of Felwood.
The terrain now isn't bad, but not too nice either, :D



Go Weegee!
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In my spare time I could help you with triggering ;)

I can GUI very well (MUI and no leaks) and a little bit of JASS (Enough for basic commands) :thup:

I can also help with the heroes since I had a bunch of ideas for assasinating heroes like 3 months ago :D

Just PM me what I need to do and I'll be happy to help. The only thing is I wont be able to do a lot because I have two maps I'm finishing up and its hard work :p


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In my spare time I could help you with triggering ;)

I can GUI very well (MUI and no leaks) and a little bit of JASS (Enough for basic commands) :thup:

I can also help with the heroes since I had a bunch of ideas for assasinating heroes like 3 months ago :D

Just PM me what I need to do and I'll be happy to help. The only thing is I wont be able to do a lot because I have two maps I'm finishing up and its hard work :p

I've got some experience with the GUI as well, but it's good to have a second opinion there. If you feel like setting up some assassins, the characters I was planning to use for them are sitting in that circle at the top of the map in the camp. If you want to put a couple of them together, that would be fine by me! :thup:


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I've been trying to get the terrain up to the next level, but it's really a rather long process...

I reuploaded the map with some work done on the outerlying forest. Feel free to tell me if I'm on the right track or not with it so far.


Go Weegee!
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I love how the zombies are beggars

"Please give me your brain..."

Btw I'll get the heroes done if you tell me what you want for their spells :p


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I love how the zombies are beggars

"Please give me your brain..."

Btw I'll get the heroes done if you tell me what you want for their spells :p

I'll post the same thing I pmed builder bob on the assassins...

Well its some more than others. The theme that I want to see with the Assassins is that they function well with teamwork. Each assassin hero would have a specific set of skills that when used in a group would allow them to get around the city easily.

Both of the Sylvanis archers are supposed to work together. I'm not 100% on their abilities, but the game should reward you for having two players playing with both of them over just one or the other, while still allowing them to function as individual heroes should only one of them be played in a game.

I have no clue what I'm going to do with the warden, but it is such an assassin looking hero that I included it.

Akama was included with a very specific ability in mind. He's a facestealer. Haven't set his stuff up quite yet but I'm shooting for an ability that allows him to point to a unit within range and disguise himself as that person, and have the AI act accordingly. The tricky part with this guy (And part of the reason I've been so reluctant to make him) is that his disguise should be able to fool an adviser if he can hide it well enough, meaning that his spot on the minimap would have to be the right color, and a bunch of other headaches.

The demonhunter and the blademaster are stealth based and are set up to be standard affair assassins. I want them to have moves like Backstab and stealth. And for nostalgia sake I was going to give the blademaster Mirror Image as an escape move just to relate to the original game and because the move works well.

The shadow hunter is mostly set up. Biggest problem I'm having with him is his third ability, which gives him the ability to attack. I built the map around this guy, because he has some powerful tricks. He gets a short-ranged blink move that allows him to travel through walls and jump out of traps, making him very difficult to be caught by advisers and giving him a very easy way to get around the city. To make up for this, he doesn't regenerate his mana, and he cannot attack. His other abilities grant him the ability to heal others and himself, and the last gives him the ability to attack.

The rifleman is in need of some custom modelling, (Actually, they might all benefit a bit from some custom modelling). I'd like to get a Hero aura underneath him. Anyways, the rifleman is also a dangerous hero to balance. He has a long range and a huge amount of attack, with the expense that he has an incredibly long cooldown. One of his moves is Special Shot (Or some better name) and it can only be used once. It's basically a 1 - hit Kill for whatever it hits though, as long as the Rifleman is in range. The shot also takes about a minute (to be counted out on the screen for the rifleman only) for the Rifleman to aim the shot. I'm a bit worried about the power level on this guy, because he might end up being too good at the assassination part of the game, something I'm really trying to avoid.

The Goblin Engineer is also been set up somewhat. His current setup is the Debris clearer. His first move is a toolbox in which the Engineer can drop mines of various types (Timed, Remote, and Proximity) which can be good for different situations, and if the player maxes this skill out, the proximity mines in large numbers can be effective Advisor killers (Generally, Assassins should have to either sacrifice a lot to kill an Advisor, or be unable to. This guy is the closest exception) His second move is reminiscent of his original Robo-Goblin, only now his robo-goblin form moves much much slower and does 10x more damage to destructibles. Maxing out this one renders the Engineer immune to all magic abilities.

All I've got so far for Jaina is that she will have Teleport as one of her abilities, she's one of the classes that is unable to Hide (The others being the Lich and the Spirit Guide), She can cast temporary invisibility, and she can preform an escape move that uses illusions somehow. My biggest problem with her is that she's boring. All of her moves are already in the game, and though useful, they are all not original. I need a better more flashy way for her to do the things I want her to.

The lich is the Alternate Teleporter for Jaina. It also has a variation on the Teleport move, but I don't know what the other moves will be for it quite yet.

Finally, the Spirit Guide (Also in need of a Hero Aura and some model changes). I have a nice ability thought up for him called Midnight. The move decreases the vision of all units to near 0 except for the Spirit guide. While under the effect of Midnight, all the players screens are filtered to about 80-90% black, making it very very dark. Peasants in midnight will not see assassins, and guards will not attack. The effect lasts a few minutes, and probably should only be able to be activated once over the course of the game.

That's the basic rundown I've got so far. If you have any questions, just reply back.

To the best of my knowledge, Builder Bob is currently working on the Facestealer right now.


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I think on the southern road leading up to the castle/city there should be something like a market district or something. Since castles and cities would usualy have traders waiting outside to sell and buy wares. If you decide to i may be able to help, im decent at terrain work and i think i might be able to make a pretty decent looking little district. If you decide u would like me to help you can PM me and i could send you some of the maps ive worked on.


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I think on the southern road leading up to the castle/city there should be something like a market district or something. Since castles and cities would usualy have traders waiting outside to sell and buy wares. If you decide to i may be able to help, im decent at terrain work and i think i might be able to make a pretty decent looking little district. If you decide u would like me to help you can PM me and i could send you some of the maps ive worked on.

I was actually thinking that same idea. If you feel like setting a marketplace up at the front enterance to the castle then definitely go right ahead!


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If anyone is interested, I'm looking for someone experienced with GUI or Jass (Probably Jass) who can set up a character selection system for the game.

I'd like it to function as follows: Each individual adviser room is seperated into 4 individual rooms which have the same 8 heroes in them with 8 beacons. The Assassin camp has 12 heroes and 12 beacons all in one circle (This is to create a preliminary feeling that the Assassins are together as a team while the advisers are theoretically independent of one another). Clicking a beacon will give some basic information on the hero and the heroes abilities. Double clicking a hero makes that hero your selection. When you select a hero, its beacon becomes your color (And in the case of the Advisor rooms, all 4 of the respected beacons for that hero become your color). When you select your hero no other players may select that class. However, you may double click a different unused hero after selecting your original and your current selection will be changed to your new selection. If the Advisors finish choosing their heroes before the assassins do, a message will display after picking that the Assassins are still choosing their characters, and vice versa. This is to make sure that both sides begin the game at the same time and neither side gets a head start.

Can somebody set this up?


You can change this now in User CP.
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Hey just saw this hosted on B.Net, I loved it! It's fun and addicting. It gets pretty hard keeping the towers EMped and etc and its freaky cuz the king has an army patrolling. Lol, very fun, plus rep.

EDIT - Oh, and advice, when all the assassins die you should make it possible to reset the game.


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Hey just saw this hosted on B.Net, I loved it! It's fun and addicting. It gets pretty hard keeping the towers EMped and etc and its freaky cuz the king has an army patrolling. Lol, very fun, plus rep.

EDIT - Oh, and advice, when all the assassins die you should make it possible to reset the game.

:confused: I haven't hosted this on bnet yet... It's not even in a playable form yet...

Could you possibly upload the map you played?


Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face.
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Hi, I'm interested in creatively contributing to your map :)

I could terrain this or that, or I could work on the units/items. For example, I could do some heroes. Just inform me on how much creative space I can have if you agree to have my assistance. :)
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