Both Hero and Spell Ideas!

Nice XD But you seem to be absolutely splendid at idea hatching ;);) but shall i send you my map and you could take a look ? Just so you know, i haven't implemented all the items and stuff yet XD but it's coming :p

I'd love that, and it may just help me to come up with heroes and items that fit into your map better. We have nothing to base our ideas on just yet after all.:)

Okey heres new:

Name: Light Elemental
Proper Name: Lightarus
Model: (Something ..Shiny)
Main Att: INT
Side: Sacred

Abilitys: Pierce Mind,Solar Bolt,Solar Charge,Miracle

Pierce Mind: Makes light elemental to go Solar form and move to target point. This pierces trough all units and deals 40/70/120/180 Damage and Silences them for 2/3/3/4 Seconds

Blinding Light: Casts Blinding Light bolt to seek nearest target. Target that is hit by bolt takes 30/60/90/120 Damage and 15 seconds of -15% Damage debuff

Solar Charge: Loads Light Elemental full of Light and then explodes after 5/4/3/2 Seconds dealing 50/100/150/200 Damage and healing friends same amount. Doing charge light elemental is resisted from melee damage by 25%

Miracle (Ultimate,Very Long cooldown): Light elemental begins to channel miracle. This spell will be interrupted if he gets ANY Damage in 10 seconds. However,If successfull any dead hero of your side will be rescurrected instantly and gets +25% Health,mana and Damage Buff for 30 Seconds. If interrupted Light elemental gets -50% Health until Death.

Name: Flamelord
Proper Name: Torfire
Model: Firelord
Main Att: INT
Side: You Choise

Abilitys: Flame Bolt,Wheel of Flame,Pain Flames,And Circle of Fire

Flame Bolt: Hurls a Flame bolt to target dealing 50/100/140/210 Damage and exploding dealing 40/70/100/130 Damage to all enemys near

Wheel of Flame: Creates wheel of flame that seeks nearest target and deals 20 damage / second while aproaching it when hits target he suffers 20/40/60/80 Damage

Pain Flames: Casts flame curse to target with reducing effect (-15% dmg) to target for 30 sec. also deals 20/30/40/50 damage every 10 seconds

Circle of Fire: Creates flaming circle for range of 300. Heros can escape from circle,However if they stay more than 5 seconds inside they explode for 500/750/1000 Damage and suffer every 1 second inside 20/40/60 damage
Circle lasts 5/10/15 Seconds
Now those are nice ideas ;) But i don't know if i have the flamelord model still, think i skinned it for Frost Phantasm XD I'll check

EDIT: Ok i still have it XD nice!
I think i have something for you

Name: Swordmaster
Proper Name: Sworiux
Model: Blademaster
Main Att: AGI
Side: Sacred

Abilitys: Slash Leap,Cut Heart,Blade Rush,Blade Prison

Slash Leap: Leaps into air and then smashes down dealing 30/60/90/120 Damage to all units in area. Leap lasts approx.1.5/1.25/1/0.75 Seconds

Cut Heart: If Swordmaster hits enemy that haves less or 40% Health he will do 20/40/60/80% Extra damage.

Blade Rush: Rushes to target with terrible force dealing 50/75/100/125 Damage,stunning for 0.50 sec. and knockbacking it for small range. also causes enemy to Bleed (20 Damage/sec for 5 sec.)

Blade Prison: Swordmaster throws 6 Swords to air that make circle. Any unit inside will be stucked in for 5/8/11 Sec. Swordmaster does charge to random unit/hero inside area every second,dealing 20/40/60 Damage. If this spell kills Hero it heals Swordmaster for 50/100/150
Oh no Marcel, you're not stealing my throne of suggestions just yet:D:
Name: Ancient Magi
Proper Name: Aborus

Main Attribute: Intelligence
Side: Sacred
The elven overseers were ashamed to see that the demonic invasion reached even the most well protected, inner circles of their beloved enchanted forest. Where once whisps and deers freely roamed the enchanted plains, diabolic powers swung their scepter around and forced their corruption into the very land itself, spreading death and decay in the proces. Fortunately, the forest itself did not let this wretched crime go unpunished for long. Between the ashes of what had once been a beautiful forest, the mighty ancient Aborus uprooted his hardened, titanic body to wreak havoc upon the demons that dared to defile his lands. With the power of the forests at his side, many cursed beats fell victim to his goodly magics and natural enchancements. By showing that the forest itself also has the will to fight back, ancient Aborus seeks to end this squablle between mortal factions for once and for all.

Binding Roots (Active, single target)
Using his power over nature, Aborus forces roots to sprout underneath his target and grab hold of the victims legs, immobilizing him and stinging him with sharp torns the roots happen to have. When one of Aborus treants dies within 400 range of a rooted enemy, its energy runs into the roots and its duration is lengthened by 0.5 second.

Level 1 - 20 damage per second, 2 seconds initial duration.
Level 2 - 30 damage per second, 2.5 seconds initial duration.
Level 3 - 40 damage per second, 3 seconds initial duration.
Level 4 - 50 damage per second, 3.5 seconds initial duration.

Raise Treant (Active, target tree)
Aborus calls for help from the nature around him, forcing the target tree to come to life and do Aborus' bidding. Not only do the treants make exelent warriors, but they also have the "Release" ability. A treant lasts untill he is killed or sacreficed.

Level 1 - Raises a weak treant. Has a 2 treants maximum.
Level 2 - Raises a weak treant. Has a 3 treants maximum.
Level 3 - Raises a weak treant. Has a 4 treants maximum.
Level 4 - Raises a weak treant. Has a 5 treants maximum.
Release (Active, self buff)
The natures spirit releases itself from the tree it is currently inhabiting, reducing the treant to dust but returning some magical force to Aborus.

Level 1 - Kills the treant, but restores 10 health and mana to Aborus.
Level 2 - Kills the treant, but restores 20 health and mana to Aborus.
Level 3 - Kills the treant, but restores 30 health and mana to Aborus.
Level 4 - Kills the treant, but restores 40 health and mana to Aborus.

Natures Call (Passive)
Aborus, being an ancient, is one with the nature around him. Every time he casts a spell, he summons a whisp to circle around him for 25 seconds and mend him with its goodly magics. Up to 4 whisps can circle around Aborus at a time.

Level 1 - Every whisp adds +1 intelligence, +1hp regeneration, and +10% mana regeneration.
Level 2 - Every whisp adds +2 intelligence, +1hp regeneration, and +20% mana regeneration.
Level 3 - Every whisp adds +3 intelligence, +2hp regeneration, and +20% mana regeneration.
Level 4 - Every whisp adds +4 intelligence, +2hp regeneration, and +30% mana regeneration.

Overgrow (Active, target AOE, channeling)
Aborus channels a maximum amount of natural energy into the ground, causing his roots to grow and sprout from the target 450 AOE, allowing him to use them to whip enemy units to death. During the proces however, Aborus is contantly concentrated and cannot do anything else. Also, growing his roots this intensively slightly eats away his life force.

Level 1 - Causes 3 roots to whip a random enemy unit in the target area every second, dealing 0.5x Aborus' base damage. The same unit can be whipped multiple times at once. This ability has a 5 seconds maximum and drains 6 health each second however.
Level 2 - Causes 3 roots to whip a random enemy unit in the target area every second, dealing 0.7x Aborus' base damage. The same unit can be whipped multiple times at once. This ability has a 6 seconds maximum and drains 12 health each second however.
Level 3 - Causes 3 roots to whip a random enemy unit in the target area every second, dealing 0.9x Aborus' base damage. The same unit can be whipped multiple times at once. This ability has a 7 seconds maximum and drains 18 health each second however.

Oh..Yes i will ;)

Name: Redeemed Spirit
Proper Name: Silikor
Model: (Yellow) Wisp/Ghost
Side: Sacred

Abilitys: Redeem,Chains of Purify,Spiritual Immortality and Counterspell

Redeem: Deals 40/60/80/100 Damage to Any "Diabolic" Unit or Hero. If unit/hero dies to this spell it spawns 1/1/2/2 Shades witch deal 10/20/30/40 Damage and have 25/50/75/100 Health

Chains of Purify: Purifys all effects from target,and heals it 25/50/75/100. Also causes buff "Spiritual" Witch gives Heals once for 20% if "Spritual" Unit health drops to 20% or less. Spritual cannot be effected by Heros.

Spiritual Immortality: When activated decreases all melee damage done to you by 4/8/12/16% for 30 seconds. Also blocks spell every 10/9/8/7 Seconds

Counterspell: When used to target 1 of these to actions occur (50% Change)

A: Interrupts spell being casted and deals 200/400/600

B: Interrupts spell being casted and heals Redeemed Ghost for 500/750/1000
(Also does +200 Bonus damage or +300 Bonus heal if Spiritual Immortality is On)

Change damages and things if you want =P
Hibrid ranger.
model: an Archer half morphed into a wolf.

Neck jump: jumps into the targe draining life.

claw strike: knock back the target a few meters away and deals damage.

wolven form: becomes melle and gains bonus HP, damage and Movement speed.

summon friend: summon 2 wolfs to help during 30 seconds, one wolf is a warrior and the other is a spirit.

smell of blood: gains bonus movement if a nerby enemy is below 40% hitpoints.

Animal hormones: causes the target to fall in love by the hibrid ranger, gaining controll of that creep during some seconds.

tailspin: spin her tail damaging and stunning all nearby enemies.

Lose control: gains bonus attack speed and movement during a few seconds but can't be controlled.

Name: Flesh golem
Proper name: Orgreed
Model: Flesh golem
Main Att: Strength
Side: Diabolic
Story: Supposed to be an experiment created robot to help the villagers in their hard work and protect them from invaders, something turned wrong after some mad doctors created this horrible giant creature made of flesh and titan, later called the Orgreed. This poor restless creature lost sense after being left to die in a cage. One day, after the guards returned to check him blood and flesh was everywhere! The creature consumed the corpses of all the guards and escaped. Orgreed is dying every second and in order to survive, he consumes the corpses of his victims. He turned to the side of evil to bring massacre to the mortal world.


Power punch
Punches the ground with his mighty fists damaging and stunning nearby enemy units, also gaining Power charge - on his next attack, he will deal bonus damage depending on his strength and will knock back the target.

Level 1: 75 AOE damage, stuns for 1.5 seconds.
Level 2: 150 AOE damage, stuns for 1.8 seconds.
Level 3: 225 AOE damage, stuns for 2.1 seconds.
Level 4: 300 AOE damage, stuns for 2.5 seconds.

Blood hunger aura
An aura that grants nearby melee allied units life steal on their attacks. Every time they attack the same target, their life steal percentage will increase for up to 50% life steal. If they change the target their life steal will drop to half. Same result will be if they get stunned.

Level 1: 10% initial life steal, +3% life steal on each attack.
Level 2: 12% initial life steal, +4% life steal on each attack.
Level 3: 15% initial life steal, +5% life steal on each attack.
Level 4: 18% initial life steal, +6% life steal on each attack.

Terror aura (passive)
Orgreed brings fear everywhere making nearby enemy units have their armor reduced. Also, every few seconds a random nearby enemy hero bellow 25% of hp will be forced to attack Orgreed if Orgreed has more than 50% hp.

Level 1: -2 armor.
Level 2: -5 armor.
Level 3: -10 armor.
Level 4: -16 armor.

Flesh throw
Orgreed tears off part of his flesh suffering 10% (20% if he has more than 50% hp) of current life and throws it at target location damaging nearby enemy units on impact dealing same damage as he suffered (not by percentage, by value). This also maims the enemies for 4 seconds.

Level 1: Maim slows by 40%, damage AOE - 200.
Level 2: Maim slows by 50%, damage AOE - 250.
Level 3: Maim slows by 60%, damage AOE - 300.
Level 4: Maim slows by 70%, damage AOE - 350.

Rage of cannibalism (ultimate)
Orgreed goes into stage of madness gaining extreme damage and drains 10% of nearby enemy units' max life every time he attacks. However, he will suffer high amount of hp per second.

Level 1: Gains 100% damage, steals life in a 400 AOE, loses 5hp per second.
Level 2: Gains 150% damage, steals life in a 500 AOE, loses 8hp per second.
Level 3: Gains 200% damage, steals life in a 600 AOE, loses 11hp per second.
This is my last sacred hero for now. I prefer making Diabolic ones, so I'll make more of those after this one:
Name: Unseen
Proper Name: Gurgle

Main Attribute: Agility
Side: Sacred
The mystical swamps are known for containing many secrets and various deadly traps. They contain tons of treacherous creatures and locations, some of which known, some of which unknown and, in this case, unseen. The Unseen, as he has been nicknamed, is a Murloc known for being disgusting and ruthless even for Murloc-standards. Years of living in the harshest corners of the swamplands slowly altered his very genes into shades of what the once were, granting him abilities astonashing even to the eldest Murlocs. Stunning abilities that manage to suprise both good and evil every time again, skills that allow him to bend this very element of surprise to his will. Despite all this, Gurgle has never lost his sense of justice and love for his country. What was not a suprise was the fact that, when the diabolic army was knocking on the very door of his homelands, Gurgle the Unseen rose from his swamps to show the demons their behavour would not be tollerated.

Goo of Invisiblity (Active, self buff)
Gurgles ability to blend into his surroundings go further than just himself. He can expell a goo from his pores that makes sure all allies within 500 range of him become completely invisible as well. If the allies walk further away than 700 distance from Gurgle however, they become visible again. Breaking the invisiblity deals bonus damage.

Level 1 - Invisibility lasts for up to 8 seconds. Deals 20 bonus damage when broken.
Level 2 - Invisibility lasts for up to 10 seconds. Deals 40 bonus damage when broken.
Level 3 - Invisibility lasts for up to 12 seconds. Deals 60 bonus damage when broken.
Level 4 - Invisibility lasts for up to 14 seconds. Deals 80 bonus damage when broken.

Empowering Croak (Active, no target)
Gurgle lets out a mighty croak that goes straight through his allies body, stimulating them and increasing their preformance. Affects all allies in a 500 radius.

Level 1 - Boosts damage by 8 and increases the invisiblity breaking damage from Goo of Invisiblity by 10. Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 2 - Boosts damage by 14 and increases the invisiblity breaking damage from Goo of Invisiblity by 15. Lasts 12 seconds.
Level 3 - Boosts damage by 20 and increases the invisiblity breaking damage from Goo of Invisiblity by 20. Lasts 14 seconds.
Level 4 - Boosts damage by 26 and increases the invisiblity breaking damage from Goo of Invisiblity by 25. Lasts 16 seconds.

Element of Suprise (Passive)
Being in his element while hiding and sneaking up on enemies, Gurgle can easily be called an expert in suprise attacks. He lives up to this title by dealing bonus damage and stunning upon breaking any form of invisiblity. Passively increases damage as well.

Level 1 - Deals 10 bonus damage and stuns for 0.5 second when invisibility is broken. Adds 6 base damage.
Level 2 - Deals 15 bonus damage and stuns for 0.7 second when invisibility is broken. Adds 10 base damage.
Level 3 - Deals 20 bonus damage and stuns for 0.9 second when invisibility is broken. Adds 14 base damage.
Level 4 - Deals 25 bonus damage and stuns for 1.1 second when invisibility is broken. Adds 18 base damage.

Shadow (Active, single target)
Gurgle can easily blend into his surroundings, allowing him to shadow the target enemy. Gurgle can select an enemy of a maximum 700 distance away and start to Shadow his victim. As long as he remains within 1000 range of this victim, Gurgle remains invisible and is faster than normal. The armor reduction lasts for Shadows whole duration. Gurgles invisibility and speed increase only last untill he attacks, passes the 1000 range limit, or also when the duration is over.

Level 1 - 3 armor reduction, 5% movement speed bonus. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Level 2 - 5 armor reduction, 10% movement speed bonus. Lasts for 15 seconds.
Level 3 - 7 armor reduction, 15% movement speed bonus. Lasts for 20 seconds.
that's just great !!!! Incredible!! but you don't think you could open my map and give the heroes there a story and tooltips for the spells and such ?? just wondering :S
Just ask me to make any tooltip or story for any hero or skill and I will. I wont be putting them in the map myself though. It would mean we'd have to exchange different versions of the map all the time. That would, at least I think it would, cause a lot of problems and work.
Well do you think you could try to make a tooltip for Darkwood Mistress's spells and a story for her, and maybe Fel Guard (As I now named Fel Ravager, but you can come up with a better name maybe XD) Darkwood mistress only has 2 spells atm and sorry but she is sacred :(
Diabolic Hero

Name: Dark Elementalist
Proper Name: Dark'Thuil
Side: Diabolic
Main Att: INT

Abilitys: Destruction,Chaos,Havoc And Circle of Death

Destruction: Casts powerfull spell to target witch deals 40/80/120/160 Damage. Destruction pierces trough shields and invulnerabilitys.

Chaos: Casts chaostic spell to target reducing armor by 3/5/7/9 And Health by 4/8/12/16%. Cannot be used to Target with less than 70/65/60/55% Health.

Havoc: Rumbles the earth beneath your feet (400 Range). Slows all enemys hit by havoc by 50% and deals 40/60/80/100 Damage

Circle of Death: When this spell is activated it deals 50% Of your max health to yourself,However it also deals 40% of your max Health as damage to enemys near you (400.00). Takes 3 second to cast.
Paladin Spell

Paladin Spell:

Heaven's Might

The paladin takes pieces of god's light, and molds them into small balls. The balls punish all god's enemies under them, and heal all holy people under them. The balls last about 10 seconds.

Damage per Second: 20/40/60/80/100
Duration: 10
Effects: Holy balls move around your hero and fly into air

I also have a video that pretty much explains what kind of skills it would be.
I suck at teamwork so I, I'm sorry, remaking the Darkwood Mistress :D:
Name: Darkwood Mistress
Proper Name: Shandris
Model: Priestress of the Moon
Main Attribute: Intelligence
Side: Sacred
Shandris had served in the Elven army for centuries when the immortal Night Elf decided to retire. Victory after victory had she achieved and now she was longing for rest and peace. 2 valuable goods she sought to find in the enchanted glades of the Darkwoods. Her retirement did not lasts for long however. Having resided in the Darkwoods for a mere 5 years, which is nothing over an immortal life, Diabolic armies rose and attempted to take over the beautiful forests she and her brethren inhabited. Once again was the Elven general forced to play her part in a catastrophic battle between good and evil. Once again would her blinding light shine over those corrupted by power and lust. Once again would the Darkwood Mistress fight for peace and rest between all factions.

Distorting Light (Active, no target)
At any time of the day, the Darkwood Mistress is capable of extracting moonlight from the skies and release it in the form of a powerful blinding shockwave. All enemies in a 300 radius around her are stunned, as well as blinded by the bright light for a limited period.

Level 1 - Deals 90 damage and stuns for 0.5 second. All affected units have 20% chance to miss for 6 seconds afterwards.
Level 2 - Deals 130 damage and stuns for 0.8 second. All affected units have 25% chance to miss for 7 seconds afterwards.
Level 3 - Deals 170 damage and stuns for 1.1 second. All affected units have 30% chance to miss for 8 seconds afterwards.
Level 4 - Deals 210 damage and stuns for 1.5 second. All affected units have 35% chance to miss for 9 seconds afterwards.

Ferocious Jump (Active, target AOE)
The Darkwood Mistess' tiger serves as more than just a mount. Upon command, the mighty beast jumps into the combat and slams the ground with its mighty paws, stunning the unfortunate victims in a 250 radius around him.

Level 1 - Jumps up to 400 distance, stuns for 0.8 second.
Level 2 - Jumps up to 500 distance, stuns for 1.0 second.
Level 3 - Jumps up to 600 distance, stuns for 1.2 second.
Level 4 - Jumps up to 700 distance, stuns for 1.4 second.

Mirror of the Moon (Passive)
At all times, Shandris reflects even the tiniest bits of moonlight particles and reflects them onto the enemies around her. Blinded by the bright, reflected lights, these enemies receive a chance to miss upon attack.

Level 1 - 8% chance to miss in a 300 radius
Level 2 - 12% chance to miss in a 350 radius.
Level 3 - 16% chance to miss in a 400 radius.
Level 4 - 20% chance to miss in a 450 radius.

Starfall (Active, no target, channeling)
In an ultimate display of lunar powers. the Darkwood Mistress calls upon a wave of shooting stars to fall from the heavens and hail down on her opponents. A set amount of stars rains down every second, hitting a random target in a 450 radius around her. The same target cannot be hit twice at once however.

Level 1 - Calls down 2 stars per second for up to 5 seconds. Each star deals 80 damage.
Level 2 - Calls down 3 stars per second for up to 6 seconds. Each star deals 120 damage.
Level 3 - Calls down 4 stars per second for up to 7 seconds. Each star deals 160 damage.
I'm back for more ideas since I've got nothing else to do. Though I can't give stories for other heroes in your map. From time to time I'll post more hero ideas in this thread so don't worry!

Name: Shadow Ninja
Proper Name: Yamikuro
Model: (click image for download link)
Main Attribute: Ability (AGI)
Side: Sacred
Yamikuro is a member of the Shadow Ninjas. Nobody knows whose side are they on, but one will know for sure that they've saved the lives of many innocent people, but at all costs they should be kept in secret from society. They're by far one of the most successful band of assassins, none of their missions and assassinations failed. This is, until demons spread across the land. The Shadow Ninjas had shown a greater public presence since their abrupt appearance. One of them, Yamikuro, is a skilled ninja who has a good grasp of all known ninja techniques and equipment. The former head of the Shadow Ninjas, now demoted to a regular member because of their new leader who is far superior than Yamikuro himself. He has a greater sense of justice compared to his peers and their leader, and so far the ninja who grabs the most attention from the people. He is out on a solo 'mission impossible' quest to spurn the existence of demons from the land.

Hidden Shadow (Active, Unit/Doodad/Tree target)
Yamikuro hides in a target Building, tree or Doodad and cannot be seen by enemies and even allies around him, at the cost of 3 Mana per second. When Yamikuro attacks to break invisibility, he will toss a Shuriken to the target who is in 200 range and beyond melee range, and he will execute a melee attack on a nearby enemy.

  • Level 1 - 300 melee damage, 200 Shuriken damage
  • Level 2 - 400 melee damage, 300 Shuriken damage
  • Level 3 - 500 melee damage, 400 Shuriken damage
  • Level 4 - 600 melee damage, 500 Shuriken damage

Kinetic Barrier (Active, No Target)
When activated, Yamikuro is able to parry the next attack (whether melee or ranged). When he parries and stops the attack, the force of the two opposing weapons create a barrier of kinetic energy between Yamikuro and the melee attacker/projectile. This barrier projects a shockwave to the opposite direction in a distance, a shockwave that damages and knocks back enemy units.

  • Level 1 - 175 shockwave damage, 300 wave distance
  • Level 2 - 300 shockwave damage, 350 wave distance
  • Level 3 - 450 shockwave damage, 400 wave distance
  • Level 4 - 550 shockwave damage, 450 wave distance

Tetsubishi (Passive)
Yamikuro and the Shadow Ninjas possess an arsenal of deadly weapons and stealth tactics. Tetsubishi is a principle that allows them to utilize all of their weapons in various situations and strategies. This passive ability also improves Yamikuro's Hidden Shadow ability. Here are the benefits provided by Tetsubishi:

  1. Shuriken Toss - Yamikuro throws a ranged Shuriken (doing the same damage as Yamikuro's normal damage) to a soloing enemy who is beyond XX range. The farther the Shuriken is thrown, the more damage it deals.
  2. Chishito Backstab - Yamikuro is able to deal X times more damage when he executes a melee attack on an enemy unit from behind (melee Backstab).
  3. Kunai Throw - Yamikuro throws a set of Kunai knives (each doing the same damage as Yamikuro's normal damage) to a group of X enemies who are beyond XX range. The farther the knives are thrown, the more damage they deal.
  4. Tetsubishi improves Hidden Shadow (gains damage).

  • Level 1 - Shuriken and Kunai work for enemies beyond 600 Range. 1.5x more damage dealt for Chishito Backstab. +50 Melee Damage and +35 Shuriken Damage for Hidden Shadow.
  • Level 2 - Shuriken and Kunai work for enemies beyond 500 Range. 2x more damage dealt for Chishito Backstab. +75 Melee Damage and +70 Shuriken Damage for Hidden Shadow.
  • Level 3 - Shuriken and Kunai work for enemies beyond 400 Range. 2.5x more damage dealt for Chishito Backstab. +100 Melee Damage and +85 Shuriken Damage for Hidden Shadow.
  • Level 4 - Shuriken and Kunai work for enemies beyond 300 Range. 3x more damage dealt for Chishito Backstab. +125 Melee Damage and +95 Shuriken Damage for Hidden Shadow.

Kurayami Incarnate (Active, No Target)
Yamikuro shows his true powers and unleashes a raging shadow from within. Darkness and shadow take complete control of Yamikuro's darkening and increasingly larger body, therefore becoming a Kurayami incarnate. The incarnate absorbs Magic damage/Spell damage and physical damage, and turns them into Mana for Yamikuro. His attack speed and movement speed dramatically increases. His attacks deal extra damage to normal units, and deal far more damage against Demons and Undead units. Lastly, whenever Yamikuro dies as a Kurayami incarnate, a nova of darkness (Dark Nova, 600 AoE) will be unleashed from his dying body, dealing damage to any nearby enemy unit, and for 10 seconds he will be resurrected as the real Yamikuro again, with full hit points and Mana.

  • Level 1 - 50% Magic Damage absorbed and converted into Mana. 60% physical damage absorbed and converted into Mana. +100% movement speed and +85% attack speed. +35 damage and deals x1.8 more damage against Demons and Undead. 200 damage dealt by Dark Nova.
  • Level 2 - 60% Magic Damage absorbed and converted into Mana. 75% physical damage absorbed and converted into Mana. +150% movement speed and +115% attack speed. +45 damage and deals x2.5 more damage against Demons and Undead. 250 damage dealt by Dark Nova.
  • Level 3 - 70% Magic Damage absorbed and converted into Mana. 90% physical damage absorbed and converted into Mana. +200% movement speed and +150% attack speed. +60 damage and deals x3 more damage against Demons and Undead. 300 damage dealt by Dark Nova.

-- Umaku iku yō ni -|- jonadrian619 --​
hope you like this one

Name: Paladin
Proper name: Van'Lewith
Model: Paladin
Main Att: Strength
Side: Sacred
Story: One of the last paladins after the epic battle against the evil, Van'Lewith managed to survive and he led his people to safety of the holy lands. And there he protected them for many years until God called him again to aid his allies in another major battle. There he has fallen along with his brethren. His bravery wasn't unnoticeable and God gave him strength and might. Now he has returned, the Chosen One. Van'Lewith is an Archangel now and he will banish whole evil from the world once again and avenge the death of his fallen brethren.

Holy light
Channels divine energies at target location and strikes it with holy light from the skies. Any friendly unit will lose negative buffs and will get healed, while it will damage enemies and remove positive buffs from them.
2 second casting time

Level 1: Heals/damages by 150. AOE 250.
Level 2: Heals/damages by 250. AOE 300.
Level 3: Heals/damages by 350. AOE 350.
Level 4: Heals/damages by 450. AOE 400.

Creates a sacred circle at target location. Units in the circle are silenced and cannot attack or get attacked. However, their hp/mana regeneration is stopped. Instantly kills any summoned unit.

Level 1: Duration 5 seconds.
Level 2: Duration 6 seconds.
Level 3: Duration 7 seconds.
Level 4: Duration 8 seconds.

Divine hammer
Charges thunder energies within his hammer and slams the target dealing bonus damage and stuns nearby enemies depending on hero's intelligence. For each 10 intelligence stuns for 0.5 seconds.

Level 1: Deals 150% weapon damage.
Level 2: Deals 200% weapon damage.
Level 3: Deals 250% weapon damage.
Level 4: Deals 300% weapon damage.

Protector of Light (aura)
An aura that grants nearby allied units chance to avoid incoming spell attacks. Cannot avoid twice within 5 seconds.

Level 1: 15% chance.
Level 2: 18% chance.
Level 3: 21% chance.
Level 5: 25% chance.

Archangel (ultimate)
Van'Lewith transforms into Archangel, God's right hand, giving him 100% bonus damage, hp, mana, improved abilities and magic damage return. Also, when a nearby allied hero dies it has a 50% chance to come back to life with 50% hp.

Level 1: Gives 250 hp and mana, returns 33% spell damage.
Level 2: Gives 350 hp and mana, returns 66% spell damage.
Level 3: Gives 550 hp and mana, returns 100% spell damage.
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  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would like to see it again like Ghan had it the first time with pagination though - without the pagination that view will not work but with pagination it just might...
  • The Helper The Helper:
    This drink recipe I have had more than a few times back in the day! Mind Eraser

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