Other Cold Wars Footmen / Ultimate Footmen .90


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This is about the 2 upcoming maps that me and Ultimate Footmen clan HAWK are creating. Cold Wars Footmen is a map made from scratch by me, but Ultimate Footmen, as I'm sure some of you know, is a map created by The Helper's very own VG_Emblem with the help of Mr.Apples with later versions.

We have considered re-doing Ultimate Footmen for a long time, since the creators gave up/moved on with it, and yet people on B.net are still playing Ultimate Footmen even more than when it was released.

So my clan chieftain Stormahawk confronted Mr.Apples about his idea for redoing Ultimate Footmen, and Mr.Apples gave him permission to do this, and sent him the unreleased Ultimate Footmen .90 :D

This will not be some cheap ripoff of Ultimate Footmen, like so many others are doing, but this is an actual continuation of the map, since we have a creators permission. I would like an OK from VG_Emblem, but he has disappeared :(

Below is the guide to CWF, and after that is what we are planning to do for Ultimate Footmen .90.


The last post of this map was around March 08, and much progress has been done. Despite come criticism, I am not abandoning the project because of the size and scale of it, but am still working heavily on it. Here's a far more detailed description of the map:

1.***Races: There are 12 races, and each race can be upgraded 6 times. When you start the game, you have a simple worthless building, called the Temple of Choice.
You can then choose from this building which race you would like to be. The first upgrade (choosing the race) is free. The second upgrade costs 1,000, the third costs 3,000, the fourth costs 6,000, the fifth costs 10,000, and the final super strong sixth upgrade costs 20,000. The final teir has incredible chaos damage, very high armor, and very high health. They also have special abilities
You can buy upgrades for your units, each upgrade having 25 levels to it, like in ultimate footmen. The upgrades are Attack Damage, Defense, Health, and Attack Speed. Each races third teir has a special Magic Immune upgrade, but it only affects the third teir. If you buy the Magic Immune upgrade and you upgrade out of the third teir, you will get a refund of the Magic Immune upgrade. Here are the 12 races and the units they summon:

1# Footmen
2# Riflemen
3# Spell Breakers
4# Knights
5# Gryphons Riders
6# Black Knights - Critical Strike, Evasion, Life Steal attack.

1# Grunts
2# Headhunters
3# Raiders
4# Wyverns
5# Tauren
6# Warlords - A passive bouncing attack, like the Huntresses' glaives.

1# Ghouls
2# Crypt Fiends
3# Gargoyles
4# Abominations
5# Frost Wyrms
6# Dreadnaughts - Each attack fires 3 projectiles instead of 1.

4.Night Elf
1# Archers
2# Huntresses
3# Dryads
4# Mountain Giants
5# Chimeras
6# Watchers of the Sentinel - While not attacking, they are invisible.

5.Robot ( I know, bad robot names)
Each Robot teir is weak in damage, attack speed, health, and defense compared to the other races, but they have special passive abilities to make up for it.
1# Mini-Bot - Gives a small chance to bash an enemy unit (doesn't effect heroes, that would be gay)
2# Dodger-Bots - Gives a small chance to Evade enemy attacks.
3# Critical-Bots - Gives a small chance to deal 2-3X normal damage.
4# Sky-Bots - Flying plane with a weak Incineration-type of attack.
5# Annihilator-Bots - Has increased defense, and melee units that attack it will receive damage in return.
6# Juggernaut Bombships - No abilities.

The Demon race specializes in high amounts of health.
1# Felhounds
2# Felguards
3# Voidwalkers
4# Doom Guards
5# Nether Dragon
6# Hell Pegasus - A powerful Immolation.

The Elemental race are large in numbers, so they aren't too powerful. They do however have small chaos damage attacks.
1# Water Elementals
2# Fire elementals
3# Thunder Elementals
4# Stone Elementals
5# Nature Elementals
6# Death Elementals - Each attack has a small chance to instantly kill the enemy unit. Doesn't effect heroes.

The Trolls are meant to be like the Orcs, but with mostly ranged units and less health.
1# Axe Throwers
2# Berserkers
3# Witch Doctors
4# Batriders
5# High Priests
6# Icecrown Overlords - A super-slow cold attack.

The drain are quick and lethal, with very fast attack and movement speed, and low damage and health.
1# Thrashers
2# Arbiters
3# Salamanders
4# Harpies
5# Asassins
6# War Druids - A passive "Black Arrow' type ability, that raises powerful minions to fight from enemies killed by your attacks.

The Naga have weak siege attack, allowing them to take down groups of units and base kill more effectively.
1# Mer'gul slaves
2# Snap dragons
3# Sirens
4# Couatls
5# Myrmidons
6# Hydras - each time a Hydra is killed, 2 lesser Hydras spawn from its corpse.

The Nerubians have light defense and heavy attack damage.
1# Mace Fiends
2# Webspinners
3# Faceless Darkcasters
4# Arachnathids
5# Unbroken Legends
6# Brood Mothers - Have a powerful slow poison attack.

12.Blood Elf
The Blood Elf units are very unique, a combination of the Human Alliance's strategic units and the Night elves' guile.
1# Swordsmen
2# Archers
3# Sorceresses
4# Dragonhawk Riders
5# Blood Knights
6# Blood Slayers - Instead of chaos damage, they deal magic damage. They also give a percent chance to Banish enemies, and they can cast Purge.

2.***Shops: There are 10 shops in the game, each with unique and important items. The shops are listed below: (The Recipe shop, Personal Creep shop, and Personal accessory shop can be found in a special safe-spot behind your base)

1.Recipe Shop
You can combine various items in the game at this shop to make mega items.

2.Personal Creep Shop
This is where base creeps such as Troll Priests and Repairers can be purchased.

3.Personal Accessory Shop
This are where simple non-battle items are bought (Dagger of Escape, Sobi Mask, Amulet of Life ect.)

4.Battle Creep Shop
This are where powerful creeps made for war are bought.

5.War Accessory Shop
This shop is for items such as Mask of Death and items that give Auras.

6.Spell Shop
This is a unique type of shop where you can buy charged items that casts spells. Each one costs 1,000 gold, and depending on the strength of the spell, it has anywhere from 1-15 charges. For example, if you buy the spell Big Bad Voodoo, it only has 1 charge. if you buy a spell like Flame Strike, it has 7 charges. Buy a spell like Death Coil, and you get 15 charges.

7.Weapons Shop
As the name goes, you buy weapons that give increased attack damage and offensive abilities.

8.Armor Shop
This is where you buy items that give increased defense and defensive abilities.

9.Tome Shop
This is where you can buy tomes to upgrade your heroes level and stats.

10.The Frozen Throne
This is where you buy end game items where the other shops just wont cut it. Give extremely powerful abilities, defense, and attack damage.

3.***Heroes: Posting 120 heroes and their descriptions here would be monumental, however, I will do it if you all would like me to, and if I get an OK from a moderator (I don't know if it's against the rules to have a page as giant as this would be).

4.***Miscellaneous Facts: This is regarding all things that don't fit into the other topics.

Each player has 1 tower in front of their base. You may choose its type out of 3 categories:
1# Arcane - Has magic attack type, and at higher upgrades can cast things like silence and purge. Meant to own pesky heroes.
2# Bomb - Has large splash damage, meant for large armies of weak units.
3# Arrow - Fires extremely quick, high damaging arrows, meant to kill small numbers of enemies quickly.

Once your tower is killed you cannot build another, so guard it fiercely.

2.Safe Zone
In some footmen, there is a spot near your base where you can go where enemies cant. Its not much of a safe zone, because you can get killed easily. I'm putting a circle of power in the middle of each teams base that transports a hero that goes into it to a far away mini-base, with 3 shops, and a fountain of mana and health.

5.***Modes: Cold Wars Footmen has not 2 modes ( AR or AP for example) but 12.

1.All Pick
Allows you to either choose your hero or random it, depends whichever you want.

2.All Random
Randomly chooses everyones hero.

3.Powers Mode AP
This is where it gets complicated. A power is a race and the heroes related to a race. For example, the Naga power is the Naga race, and Naga heroes such as Naga Sea Witch, Sea Giant, Naga King, ect. If you chose the Naga power you are given the naga units to tech into, and you can choose from a list of NAGA ONLY heroes. There are 12 Powers for the 12 races. Each power has the same number of heroes to choose from (Lets say, 10-11 each). Powers Mode AP lets you choose your Power and your Power's hero, or random them both if you'd like.

4.Powers Mode AR
Same as the one above, except it randomly chooses everyones Power and hero.

5.Team Powers Mode AP
Assigns each team Powers that match each other. For example, team 1 (red, blue, and teal) Get the Human, Blood Elf, and Robot Powers, because they match each other. Team 2 (Purple, Orange, and Yellow) Get the Orc, Troll, and Draenie Powers. Team 3 gets the Undead, Demon, and Nerubian powers, and team 4 gets the Night Elf, Naga, and Elemental Powers. Each player on a team is given a different Power, so that there will always be Blood Elf, Human, and Robot (A.K.A., you wont see a team with 2 Blood Elf Powers, ect.) In this mode, the age old problem of the "luck decides victory" thing about AR has been solved. No more will you get a Paladin with all living heroes, or vice versa. AP allows each player to choose his Power's hero, or random it if he chooses so. Regardless of the mode, which Power Team your team gets is chosen by random.

6.Team Powers Mode AR
Same as above, but randomly chooses everyones hero based off their Power.

7.Heroes Only Mode AP
Disables the ability for your base to spawn units, making it a hero-only war. The Battle Creep shop and the Spell shop are also disabled. Choosing the AP mode lets everyone choose their hero, or random it if they prefer to.

8.Heroes Only Mode AR
Same as above, but randomly chooses everyones hero.

9.No Heroes Mode
Makes it so that there are no heroes, only units. Disables both creep shops. Sounds boring, but if you think about it, has the opportunity to be very fun. Requires much more strategy.

10.Gold Rush Mode AP
This is a good mode to do if you want something new. Gives each player 10 gold every second. Allows everyone to choose their heroes or random them if they prefer to.

11.Gold Rush Mode AR
Same as above, but randomly chooses everyones hero.

12.Mimick Mode
An interesting mode, randomly chooses everyones race and hero to be exactly the same. Picture 12 Blademasters with, say, Naga armies running around. It would be awesome, plus this mode could be used to resolve grudge matches for people who want to do AR, but don't want different heroes making it an uneven match.

I want this map to take footmen wars to the next level. Many are saying footmen are dead, and I hope to revive it with this map. All this requires is good, unique gameplay, and someone who's willing to keep making updates and different versions.

There will be a chart on the top right of the screen, which records the amount of hero kills each player has. The player with the most hero kills will receive gold every minute.

Ultimate Footmen .90

Here are our goals that come to mind when making this map:

1. Re-balance some of the heroes which can be OP in situations

2. Fix some bugs that are in the game

3. Add additional teirs, and fix the Demon Teir (They cost more than other races, but are in fact weaker :nuts:)

4. Add heroes (around the number of 25)

5. Add items, re-balance some OP items, and add shops. We may even put in a recipe shop.

Would like somne input from the fans of Ultimate Footmen, since this will be the new official version, your ideas about what you don't like and what you would like are crucial.

Thank you for reading this massive guide :D:D:D


You can change this now in User CP.
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ah, these were those "massive" maps you were talking about. they seem realy kool... :thup::D


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Thx. Heres the progress of the map:

Terrain - 80%
Heroes - 75%
Units - 54%
Shops - 90%
Triggers - 10%







The Evolved Panda Commandant
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It seems like another one of those UBER FOOTMEN maps. Level 100...

That doom tank looks imba... Why does it have to be that high level? Do the units stick with the balance? And your final units for the tiers are unbalanced, imo.

Critical Strike, Evasion, and Lifesteal? best one! The Night Elves' last unit sucks. This is a footmen map, not a strategic one where you need to ambush people.

But good luck with this!


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Consider how long it takes to level heroes in footies maps, only the longest of the longest games will make it to level 100.
Lol agreed, the Night Elf teir seems silly, but aren't the Night Elves supposed to hide all the time? :D I dunno what else to have them do. Oh well, we'll see how beta testing goes :thup:
Thx for the gl ;)


AKA: Demtrod
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well i dont know what model the last NE unit got, but, i got an idea for an ultimate;
Tearing Shot: When a sentinal shots a shot it focuses all her strength to her arrow dealing a % damage to all units in a range of 125 behind target.


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Nice. I'm confused though; is that for a Night Elf unit, or a hero? That one, "Ultimate" part confused me.


Giving new meaning to co-op... slowly
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Looks cool, keep it reasonably balanced and it'll go far. I've always enjoyed a game of foots, and I think the genre is craving a new map considering there hasn't been a new one in so long (pretty much the only foots you will see hosted are ultimate footmen 0.79-1.00 and footman frenzy 5.4, both long overdue for a decent update)

Just a question tho, I thought Mr Apples was cut out from the ultimate footmen map, if you play the final version 1.00 I remember at the start of the game it says something along the lines that Mr Apples has nothing to do with the game. I dunno if that means he stole the map from VG or what.

I'd say to you that you should really ask for VG's permission before making this map xcept for the fact he hasn't edited it in liek a year, so I guess he doesn't really give a damn anymore ;P


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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For the Night Elf unit ability, I think he means like in melee, the Glaive Thrower ability that allows it to damage to behind the unit. I like that; that would work. Try that for ultimate ability for last tier. :)


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=O a new footies eh? Also wow for the beggining tier idea(as in you start out wth a basic building and first of many tiers are free) Wow I had the "Exact" same idea, Not as many races because of balance, but pretty much the same idea lolz. Anyway You should impliment a AI system like in footman frenzy XV, serioulsy a good AI would make this VERY fun, if they used items, used good tactics, and used hero good, then wow it would be fun to use them as allies and enemies, maybe replacements?

Anyway if you need assistence in this I would be glad to help, I've been working on a footies map on my own, but if I can contribute to a footies project as official as this that would be better >_^

Also where are the chaos orcs o.o, they ownz!


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Looks cool, keep it reasonably balanced and it'll go far. I've always enjoyed a game of foots, and I think the genre is craving a new map considering there hasn't been a new one in so long (pretty much the only foots you will see hosted are ultimate footmen 0.79-1.00 and footman frenzy 5.4, both long overdue for a decent update)

Completely agreed, that's why I decided to do this. I'm gonna try to have everything in this map, and was even toying with the idea of having DotA like messages come up (E.G: TEAM 1 IS OWNING!!) and such.

Just a question tho, I thought Mr Apples was cut out from the ultimate footmen map, if you play the final version 1.00 I remember at the start of the game it says something along the lines that Mr Apples has nothing to do with the game. I dunno if that means he stole the map from VG or what.

I'd say to you that you should really ask for VG's permission before making this map xcept for the fact he hasn't edited it in liek a year, so I guess he doesn't really give a damn anymore ;P

This did concern me, I've read VG_Emblem's very own rants about this issue on this site :p. If you play Ultimate Footmen .79, and you read the loading screen, it reads as, "Created by VG_Emblem and Mr.Apples". It does not say, "Created by VG_Emblem with the help of his employee Mr.Apples". It lists that they both created the map. So despite later arguments and flamings, when it came down to where it counted, Mr.Apples was listed the co-creator of the game. Think of it like a contract :D

However, I would appreciate VG_Emblems opinion on the matter, but he is MIA for a few years as it seems........and as such, I assume he has moved on.:(

For the Night Elf unit ability, I think he means like in melee, the Glaive Thrower ability that allows it to damage to behind the unit. I like that; that would work. Try that for ultimate ability for last tier.

Ohhhh I understand. That's easy, I will add that to the final Night Elf teir in combination with the invisibility :D

=O a new footies eh? Also wow for the beggining tier idea(as in you start out wth a basic building and first of many tiers are free) Wow I had the "Exact" same idea, Not as many races because of balance, but pretty much the same idea lolz. Anyway You should impliment a AI system like in footman frenzy XV, serioulsy a good AI would make this VERY fun, if they used items, used good tactics, and used hero good, then wow it would be fun to use them as allies and enemies, maybe replacements?

That is an extremely good idea, one I've never heard as an idea for this map (I've heard many). Problem is, exactly how hard is an AI to create? It seems no easy task. However, if I can do this, it will be fantastic, and will start on trying to make it happen if I can. Not only does it give the game value to play offline, but you don't even need full house to play like in most footmen. I like the idea of leaver allies being replaced by computers :D, I like that very much.

Anyway if you need assistence in this I would be glad to help, I've been working on a footies map on my own, but if I can contribute to a footies project as official as this that would be better >_^

Are you good with triggers? I honestly cannot even create simple ones, and I think triggers are evil. But If I'm to add all my ideas to this map, I need a great deal of triggers.

Also where are the chaos orcs o.o, they ownz!

:p I suppose I can replace a teir or 2 of the Demon race with Chaos orcs.


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Why not do these tiers

chaos orcs
blood elves
night elves

Really you should keep prime races and take out the other tiny ones. Anyway I dont know a whole lot about triggering xD, I can most likely do the spawn triggers though, messages in the beggining and stuff. But I'm real good with the object editor xD. Btw if you make a chaos tier.. I know the perfect unit thats just badass =P. Anyway I can do a little triggering like spawns and stuff, I'm still learning =P.

Chaos Warlord
All that needs to be done is get rid of hero glow.. I did this for my footies map and omfg it was epic looking =P

Btw if you can find a person REALLY good with the AI you can pull it off, If youve ever played footman frenzy XV, its just awesome, they the AI isn't perfect its limited but atleast it works and makes sp fun


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Why not do these tiers

chaos orcs
blood elves
night elves

Really you should keep prime races and take out the other tiny ones.

:rolleyes: I have all of those except for the Chaos Orcs, but they fit too closely with the Demon race. I think all 12 of my races will work nicely, mainly because I needed to be able to have 12 races for the 12 players for my interesting Powers and Team Powers modes (Read it, its complicated but awesome), AND these 12 races needed to be able to be divided into 4 teams of 3, with the 3 races on each team being similar (E.G: Naga, Night Elf, and Elemental / Orc, Troll, and Draenie ect.).

Anyway I dont know a whole lot about triggering xD, I can most likely do the spawn triggers though, messages in the beggining and stuff. But I'm real good with the object editor xD. Btw if you make a chaos tier.. I know the perfect unit thats just badass =P. Anyway I can do a little triggering like spawns and stuff, I'm still learning =P.

Same, I can perform almost anything in the object editor, and I can do the model importing and such. my only Achilles Heel are the blasted triggers.

Chaos Warlord
All that needs to be done is get rid of hero glow.. I did this for my footies map and omfg it was epic looking =P

Yes, I plan to get the hero glow model/trigger for each of my heroes. Whats funny is that I have this exact same model (General Frank owns btw) as my hero (Fel Beastmaster; picture Beastmaster with demons galore :D)

Btw if you can find a person REALLY good with the AI you can pull it off, If youve ever played footman frenzy XV, its just awesome, they the AI isn't perfect its limited but atleast it works and makes sp fun

This AI idea is starting to gain my interest extremely. Wouldn't you have to program the computer to get certain items for certain heroes, and use different strategy's (E.G: Units for aura heroes and such, and items for tank heroes/strong spellcasters)? Seems like you would have to program thousands of different scenarios, seeing as how many unit races, items, and heroes there are.


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thousands? Nah, you just make a script I guess of what the computer would always do and maybe some mix and match like this

Computer randomly picks a hero and a tier
Waits lets say 3 minutes to gather troops
masses to middle, attacking anyone near by
they sometimes kill there own units on low health
They spend the money they get from kills on next tier, then a few upgrades and repeat
When they are strong enough they attack the weakest player, if not the weakest a random player.
they focus on heroes sometimes

That kind of thing and you can get it where strats are mixed and randomized, so the comp isnt always predictable. But they would use w/e units they had, you dont have to make a scenario for each race, that would most likely eat up space like crazy.

It can be done, you just need to find someone who will be committed to it and will do it.
If you need some help on spawning triggers, I can help with that.

Also Why use the warlord as a cahos beastmaster? its a warlord lol, I think of you take off glow it fits PERFECT for a final tier, just make them bigger and stuff.

Also if a AI is made on this, it gives it a even greater boost on making this the best footies out there. I would play it a LOT of its done right. i play footies XV a lot on SP, the AI isnt that good, they dont attack bases and don upgrade until final tier, but its still fun to practice.

and its perfect for subs


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That actually did it make the AI sound much easier :p
Perhaps the AI could be programed to roam around with hero feeding and whatnot for a little bit too? That'd be epic, if the computer is smart enough for it.

It can be done, you just need to find someone who will be committed to it and will do it.
If you need some help on spawning triggers, I can help with that.

Thanks, but my previous triggerer got that out of the way already. What I need help with are tavern triggers, a myriad of spell triggers, item recipe triggers, and I need to stop myself before I begin a rant on the triggers needed in this map and my inability to create them.

Also Why use the warlord as a cahos beastmaster? its a warlord lol, I think of you take off glow it fits PERFECT for a final tier, just make them bigger and stuff.

Oh come on, he totally looks, attacks, and moves like a beastmaster (Pretty sure his model was made after a Beastmaster). Besides, I wanted a ranged tier for final demon upgrade. If I wanted a melee tier I'd have probably gone with this: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...v=status=g&search=fire%20skeleton&d=list&r=20

Also if a AI is made on this, it gives it a even greater boost on making this the best footies out there. I would play it a LOT of its done right. i play footies XV a lot on SP, the AI isnt that good, they dont attack bases and don upgrade until final tier, but its still fun to practice.

and its perfect for subs
Alright, I've made up my mind now, I'm going to have an AI in this map :cool:.


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lol btw way, the warlord looks like a beastmaster because thats what the warlord was made from, what the base model was that was used to make the warlord, so he has same highth, animations and such just looks a crap load different from beastmaster. People dont start from pure scratch *they dont normally do anyway* Like general franks orc spearman model was based off of assassin bandit creep or w/e, that was the base model until he turned it into a orc spearman >_^

btw I wouldnt recoment 100 levels until later versions, just make heroes more powerful you dont have to increase the level cap. Because 100 levels can make things a big disadvantage for people.


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lol btw way, the warlord looks like a beastmaster because thats what the warlord was made from, what the base model was that was used to make the warlord, so he has same highth, animations and such just looks a crap load different from beastmaster. People dont start from pure scratch *they dont normally do anyway* Like general franks orc spearman model was based off of assassin bandit creep or w/e, that was the base model until he turned it into a orc spearman >_^

Yah, I know, that's what I was trying to say...

btw I wouldnt recoment 100 levels until later versions, just make heroes more powerful you dont have to increase the level cap.

I'm not doing that to make heroes more powerful, I'm doing it as an awesome feature. I'm tired of getting to like, level 25 on a normal footies map and running out of spell levels, that annoys me.

Because 100 levels can make things a big disadvantage for people.

How so?


Working on a Map
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Ok, I just want to ask but is that the fear knight has as his first skill windwalk? If it is then that hero would be rigged. Did you know that you can cast windwalk in the middle of a channeling skill, and that skill looks channeling to me. Anyway, if you use the combo, you will be channeling the skill while invisible and thats quite rigged...

Other than that, pretty cool map but how come the Doom Tank has such mad health?


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Ok, I just want to ask but is that the fear knight has as his first skill windwalk? If it is then that hero would be rigged. Did you know that you can cast windwalk in the middle of a channeling skill, and that skill looks channeling to me. Anyway, if you use the combo, you will be channeling the skill while invisible and thats quite rigged...

I'm not sure if thats correct, it may be. I'd have to test it again to make sure, but I'm pretty sure in my previous tests when I activated Wind Walk he stoped casting it. Oh well, if it doesn't stop, I can make a quick trigger for it or something :thup:

Other than that, pretty cool map but how come the Doom Tank has such mad health?

The Doom Tank has so much health in that screenshot because hes using his level 10 final, Doom Walker (Corny name, I know). Transforms him from an Infernal Juggernaut to that giant scary walking mech bot you see there for a short time. In that form though he cant cast any of his spells, and he has very, very slow movement speed.


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This is making me want to add IA to the Ultimate footmen .90 map. The idea has been flying around in my head for a while, but I dont know how to do AI. It would be cool if we made an insanely skilled AI lol.
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