[Contest] Holy Spells Contest!


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
Reaction score
You gave up on the spell... because it lags?


I actually made a holy spell recently but it's for my hero in the rpg I'm making. Can I post it here or is using it in the map prohibited although the map isn't even near publishing?


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
Reaction score
I actually made a holy spell recently but it's for my hero in the rpg I'm making. Can I post it here or is using it in the map prohibited although the map isn't even near publishing?
If you hadn't told us, we would have had no idea.


je'ne sais pas
Reaction score

Dude just submit your spell it might just be you that lags, come on i wanna see it ^^ im sure everyone else does too!
Reaction score
I shall submit is at it is currently. I have no reason to work on it anymore.

I submit it later to today, it's not for rating.


Change can be a good thing
Reaction score
ug, I just cannot get the bugs out of my spell for the life of me, looks like it may be a no show for me


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
Reaction score
I'm updating my spell and changing its title soon.

Bug fixes FTW.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
I'm done with it
//                                             Field of Sin                                           |  
//                                                  by                                                |  
//                                                ~Gals~                                              |  
// To Implement:                                                                                      |                           
//                                                                                                    |
//    1. Copy the dummy unit "DummyClapper" into your map.                                            |
//    2. Copy the spell "Field of Sin" into your map.                                                 |
//    3. Copy the dummy spell "Dummy Clap" into your map.                                             |
//    4. Copy the buff "Field of Sin" into your map.                                                  | 
//    5. Copy this trigger into your map.                                                             |
//    6. Copy the model "HolySpiral.mdx" and "Nebula.mdx" into your map (Export and Import).          |  
//    7. *Optional* Copy the icon "BTN_CR_Rebirth.blp" and "DISBTN_CR_Rebirth.blp" into your map.     |  
//                                                                                                    |  
// Credits to:                                                                                        |  
//                                                                                                    |
//    1.Crazyrussian for the spell's icon.                                                            |  
//    2.WILL's nebula model.                                                                          |
//    3.Daxtreme&#039;s implementing method <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue    :p" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":p" />                                                            |

    unit                Caster
    group               UnitInRange
    trigger             SlowTrg 
    trigger             EndTrg
    trigger             Sudden
    trigger             Effe
    lightning array     CLightning
    lightning array     CLightningz 
    timer               TimeEnd 
    integer             Rotate           = 0
    integer             Count            = 0
    location            CastLoc

//------------------------------------------All Constant functions------------------------------------//

constant function RawBuff takes nothing returns integer
return &#039;B000&#039;     //rawcode of SlowingBuff

constant function RawFoS takes nothing returns integer
return &#039;A000&#039;     //rawcode of Field of Sin

constant function RawLight takes nothing returns string
return &quot;HWSB&quot;    //rawcode of the healing lightning

constant function DummyID takes nothing returns integer
return &#039;h001&#039;     //rawcode of the dummyclapper

constant function DummyClap takes nothing returns integer
return &#039;A001&#039;     //rawcode of the dummyclap

constant function duration takes nothing returns integer
return 15 //duration of the spell takes

constant function Mulx takes nothing returns integer
return 5 //How much damage dealt and hp heal? (Level of Ability * &lt;Value&gt;)

constant function Rad takes nothing returns integer
return 500         //Radius of the spell

constant function WantSurrucEffe takes nothing returns boolean
return true        //Do you want the effect that appear when the casting of the spell?

constant function WantAngelEffe takes nothing returns boolean
return true        //Do you want the angel effect at the end of the spell? 

constant function EffePerio takes nothing returns real
return 0.05        //How fast you want the triangle to spin? (The less number you put, the faster it spins)
//-----------------------------------------End of all CONSTANT FUNCTION------------------------------------//

//---------------------------------User Defined Function-------------------------------------//
function GetLoc takes location source1, real dist1, real angle1 returns location
    local real x2 = GetLocationX(source1) + dist1 * Cos(angle1 * bj_DEGTORAD)
    local real y2 = GetLocationY(source1) + dist1 * Sin(angle1 * bj_DEGTORAD)
    return Location(x2, y2)
//---------------------------------User Defined Function End---------------------------------//

//-----------------------------------------------Trigger SlowTrg Start----------------------------------------------//
function SlowCond takes nothing returns boolean //the condition of picking units
return IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)==false and GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0==true
endfunction                        //Picked unit is not a structure and it is Alive

function ForSlowCond takes nothing returns nothing
local unit cr //local a unit variable with name &quot;cr&quot;
    if IsUnitInRangeLoc(GetEnumUnit(),CastLoc, Rad()) == true then  //If the picked unit is within  range of the caster then
        if IsUnitAlly(GetEnumUnit(),GetOwningPlayer(Caster))==false then  //If the unit is an enemy of the caster then
            set cr = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(Caster), DummyID(), GetUnitX(GetEnumUnit()), GetUnitY(GetEnumUnit()), 270) //Create a dummy and set it to the unit variable we localed just now (cr)
            call UnitAddAbility(cr, DummyClap()) //Add dummyclap to cr
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel(cr, DummyClap(), GetUnitAbilityLevel(Caster, RawFoS())) //Set the level of dummy clap equal to the level of Fields of Sin of the caster
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(cr, &#039;BTLF&#039;, 2) //We add 2 seconds expiration timer to cr (BTLF is the &quot;Generic Expiration&quot; time for the unit)
            call IssueImmediateOrder(cr, &quot;thunderclap&quot;) //Order cr to cast Dummyclap (Which is based on thunderclap ability)
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(&quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Resurrect\\ResurrectTarget.mdl&quot;,GetEnumUnit(),&quot;origin&quot;)) //Create an awesome special effect on the targeted unit
            call UnitDamageTarget(Caster, GetEnumUnit(), GetUnitAbilityLevel(Caster,RawFoS())*Mulx(),true,false,ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS) //Dealt damage to the targeted unit (Level of Field of Sin of the caster * 5)
        elseif IsUnitAlly(GetEnumUnit(),GetOwningPlayer(Caster)) == true then //Else if the Unit is an ally of the caster then
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(&quot;HolySpiral.mdl&quot;,GetEnumUnit(),&quot;overhead&quot;)) //Create an awesome special effect around
            call SetUnitState(GetEnumUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE,GetUnitState(GetEnumUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE)+(GetUnitAbilityLevel(Caster,RawFoS())*Mulx()))//Increase the hp of the ally (Regen Level of FOS of caster * 5 hp per 0.5 seconds)
        endif //closing IF    
    elseif IsUnitInRangeLoc(GetEnumUnit(),CastLoc, Rad()) == false then //Else if the picked unit is Not within range of the caster then
        call UnitRemoveAbility(GetEnumUnit(),RawBuff()) //Remove the Slowing buff from the picked unit
    endif //closing another IF
set cr = null  //Nulling cr because it is not used anymore

function SlowAct takes nothing returns nothing  //This is the main action of SlowTrg
set UnitInRange = CreateGroup() //We create a group with a name &quot;UnitInRange&quot;
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(UnitInRange, GetLocationX(CastLoc), GetLocationY(CastLoc),1000, Condition(function SlowCond)) //We pick units into the last created group (Unit within 1000 range is being picked and it conditions are at Function SlowCond)
call ForGroup(UnitInRange, function ForSlowCond) //We starts the loop action of the group (Using function ForSlowCond)
call DestroyGroup(UnitInRange) //Destroy UnitInRange to prevent future leaks
//-----------------------------------------------Trigger SlowTrg End----------------------------------------------//

//-----------------------------------------------Trigger EndTrg Start---------------------------------------------//
//This trigger is clearing all those messy things in the end...it triggers when the timer expired
function ForClearBuff takes nothing returns nothing
call UnitRemoveAbility(GetEnumUnit(),RawBuff())

function EndTrgAct takes nothing returns nothing
local location circle
local integer loop1 = 1
local integer loop2 = 36                //localinzing variable
local group all = CreateGroup()
local integer start = 1
local integer end = 50
call DestroyTimer(TimeEnd) //Destroy the expired timer to prevent leaks
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(all, GetLocationX(CastLoc), GetLocationY(CastLoc),2000, Condition(function SlowCond)) //pick every unit in 2000 range from the caster into group &quot;all&quot;....condition are using function SlowCond
call ForGroup(all, function ForClearBuff) //loop of the group starts (code from function ForClearBuff)
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[1])
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[2])
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[3])  //Destroy all those create lightning
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[4])
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[5])
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[6])
    //-------------------------------Awesome Special Effects Starts-------------------------------------//
        if WantAngelEffe() == true then
                    exitwhen loop1&gt;loop2
                set circle = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad(), loop1*10)
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectLoc(&quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Resurrect\\ResurrectCaster.mdl&quot;,circle))
                call RemoveLocation(circle)
                set loop1 = loop1+1
    //-------------------------------Awesome Special Effects Ends-------------------------------------//
call RemoveLocation(CastLoc) //Remove location to prevent leaks (location removed is CastLoc)
    exitwhen start&gt;end
    call DestroyLightning(CLightning[start]) //Destroy the circle lightning
    set start = start+1
call DisableTrigger(Effe) //Disable Trigger (Effe)
call DestroyTrigger(Effe) //Destroy Trigger (Effe)
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger()) //Destroy Trigger (This trigger)
call DestroyTrigger(SlowTrg) //Destroy Trigger (SlowTrg)
call DestroyTrigger(Sudden)  //Destroy Trigger (Sudden)
call DestroyGroup(all)    //Destroy the group localed in this trigger (all)
set all = null  //null it to prevent leaks
set circle = null //Nulling circle
//-----------------------------------------------Trigger EndTrg End---------------------------------------------//

//-------------------------------------------------Trigger Effe Start---------------------------------------------------//
//This trigger is the system that makes the triangle inside the circles turns...it is hard to modify...it is not recomend to modify it
//JASS newbie might had trouble modifying this...though
function EffeAct takes nothing returns nothing
local location circle 
local location circle2      //Localizing all variable
local integer loop1 = 1
local integer loop2 = 36
//==================Checking system Start================//
//(Better Not to modify this unless you know what you are doing)
set Count = Count +1              //These lines are a lightning checking system which prevent crashes between lightning effect
            if Count &gt;=2 then       //Same as last line
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[1])
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[2])
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[3])
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[4])
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[5])
    call DestroyLightning(CLightningz[6])
    set Count = 1
//==================Checking system End=================//
            //---------Triangle 1-----------//
            set circle = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad()-50, 45+Rotate) //Top Right Position
            set circle2 = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad()-50, 90+45+Rotate) //Top Left Position
            set CLightningz[Count]=AddLightningEx(RawLight(), true, GetLocationX(circle), GetLocationY(circle), GetLocationZ(circle), GetLocationX(circle2), GetLocationY(circle2), GetLocationZ(circle2))
            call RemoveLocation(circle)
            call RemoveLocation(circle2)
            set Count = Count +1
            set circle = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad()-50, 90+45+Rotate) //Top Left Postition
            set circle2 = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad()-50, 90+180+Rotate) //Bottom Position
            set CLightningz[Count]=AddLightningEx(RawLight(), true, GetLocationX(circle), GetLocationY(circle), GetLocationZ(circle), GetLocationX(circle2), GetLocationY(circle2), GetLocationZ(circle2))
            call RemoveLocation(circle)
            call RemoveLocation(circle2)
            set Count = Count +1
            set circle = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad()-50, 90+180+Rotate) //Bottom
            set circle2 = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad()-50, 45+Rotate) //Top Right
            set CLightningz[Count]=AddLightningEx(RawLight(), true, GetLocationX(circle), GetLocationY(circle), GetLocationZ(circle), GetLocationX(circle2), GetLocationY(circle2), GetLocationZ(circle2))
            call RemoveLocation(circle)
            call RemoveLocation(circle2)
            set Count = Count +1
            //----------Triangle 1 End------//
            //----------Triangle 2----------//
            set circle = GetLoc(CastLoc,Rad()-50, 180+45-Rotate) //Bottom Left
            set circle2 = GetLoc(CastLoc,Rad()-50, 270+45-Rotate) //Bottom Right
            set CLightningz[Count]=AddLightningEx(RawLight(), true, GetLocationX(circle), GetLocationY(circle), GetLocationZ(circle), GetLocationX(circle2), GetLocationY(circle2), GetLocationZ(circle2))
            call RemoveLocation(circle)
            call RemoveLocation(circle2)
            set Count = Count +1
            set circle = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad()-50, 270+45-Rotate) //Bottom Right
            set circle2 = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad()-50, 90-Rotate) //Top
            set CLightningz[Count]=AddLightningEx(RawLight(), true, GetLocationX(circle), GetLocationY(circle), GetLocationZ(circle), GetLocationX(circle2), GetLocationY(circle2), GetLocationZ(circle2))
            call RemoveLocation(circle)
            call RemoveLocation(circle2)
            set Count = Count +1
            set circle = GetLoc(CastLoc,Rad()-50, 90-Rotate) //Top
            set circle2 = GetLoc(CastLoc,Rad()-50, 180+45-Rotate) //Bottom Left
            set CLightningz[Count]=AddLightningEx(RawLight(), true, GetLocationX(circle), GetLocationY(circle), GetLocationZ(circle), GetLocationX(circle2), GetLocationY(circle2), GetLocationZ(circle2))
            call RemoveLocation(circle)
            call RemoveLocation(circle2)
            set Count = Count +1
            //--------Triangle 2 End------------//
  set Rotate = Rotate +10
//-------------------------------------------------Trigger Effe End---------------------------------------------------//

//-----------------------Main Trigger Starts (This trigger&#039;s configuration)-------------------------//
function Trig_HolyFieldSet_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean // &lt;------ The Condition of this Trigger
return GetSpellAbilityId() == RawFoS()  //Ability being casted == Field of Sin

function Trig_HolyFieldSet_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local location circle
    local location circle2  //Localizing all thoses variable
    local integer loop1 =1
    local integer loop2 =0
 set Sudden = CreateTrigger() 
 set EndTrg = CreateTrigger()       //Creating neccesaries trigger (Sudden,EndTrg,SlowTrg,Effe)
 set SlowTrg = CreateTrigger()
 set Effe = CreateTrigger()
 set TimeEnd = CreateTimer() //Create a Timer
 //================================Trigger Registration Start==================================//
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(Effe,EffePerio(),true) //Add event to Effe
    call TriggerAddAction( Effe, function EffeAct ) //Add action function to Effe (EffeAct)
    call DisableTrigger(Effe)                        //Disable this trigger
 call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(Sudden, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST)        //Add event to Sudden(Unit finish casting a spell)
                                                                                    //When the unit suddenly moved ...stunned...or anything...it will straight cancel the action he was doing
 call TriggerAddCondition(Sudden, Condition(function Trig_HolyFieldSet_Conditions))//Add condition to this trigger (Using the same condition as HolyFieldSet)
 call TriggerAddAction(Sudden, function EndTrgAct)                                  //Add action to Sudden (EndTrgAct)
   call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(SlowTrg,.5,true)  //Add event to SlowTrg (Every 0.50 seconds)
   call TriggerAddAction(SlowTrg, function SlowAct)//Add action to it (SlowAct)
   call DisableTrigger(SlowTrg)                     //Disable this trigger
//================================Trigger Registration End==================================//

set Caster = GetSpellAbilityUnit()  //set Caster = the ability caster
set CastLoc =  GetUnitLoc(Caster)   //set CastLoc = the position of the caster
    //=================================Circle Creation Start=====================================//
    set loop2 = 36    //the loop2 represent degree (i uses 10*loop2 later)
        loop   //We will start a loop
        exitwhen loop1&gt;loop2  //The exit condition of this loop (When loop1 is bigger than loop2
        set circle = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad(), loop1*10) //set circle to 1st position (CastLoc offset by x range towards loop1*10 degree
        set circle2 = GetLoc(CastLoc, Rad(), (loop1*10)+10) //set circle2 to 2nd position (CastLoc offset by x range towards loop1*10+10 degree
        set CLightning[loop1] = AddLightningEx(RawLight(), true, GetLocationX(circle), GetLocationY(circle), GetLocationZ(circle), GetLocationX(circle2), GetLocationY(circle2), GetLocationZ(circle2)) //We connection the 2 points by a lightning effect
            if WantSurrucEffe() == true then
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectLoc(&quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\Reincarnation\\ReincarnationTarget.mdl&quot;,circle)) //we create a awesome special effect at the same time
        call RemoveLocation(circle) //Remove located location to prevent leaks (location being removed is circle)
        call RemoveLocation(circle2)//same as last line...(location being removed is circle2)
        set loop1 = loop1+1 //set loop1 = loop1+1...increase the integer of loop1 to make it reach the condition to exit this loop
    //=================================Circle Creation End=======================================//
call EnableTrigger(SlowTrg) //enable SlowTrg
call EnableTrigger(Effe)    //enable Effe
call TimerStart(TimeEnd, I2R(duration()), false, null) //Start Timer(Timer being started is TimeEnd and the duration is stated at top....the constant function area
call TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEvent(EndTrg, TimeEnd)  //Add event to EndTrg (Event is when TimeEnd expired
call TriggerAddAction(EndTrg, function EndTrgAct)      //Add action to EndTrg (EndTrgAct)
set circle = null        //null circle...since we are not using it from now on
set circle2 = null       //same as last line
//-----------------------Main Trigger Ends (This trigger&#039;s configuration)-------------------------//

function InitTrig_FieldofSinSet takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_FieldofSinSet = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_FieldofSinSet, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_FieldofSinSet, Condition( function Trig_HolyFieldSet_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_FieldofSinSet, function Trig_HolyFieldSet_Actions )

View attachment 11081


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
Reaction score
Put the damn spell in a scope.

And prefix your fucking functions.

Master Mazer

Ill give it a try... my first contest to enter :D it wont be good... but ill try to find somthing :D ioll edit this post if i decide not to.


i cant... i didnt think i would have to "code" iun order to do what i wanted but it doesnt worky =( o well good luck every1 that trys!


What is this i dont even
Reaction score
Well your better work fast, got til Saturday. Im just here to motivate people. I neve finish contest things. I want Ghan to slap me next i time i enter a contest. Wooo go people.

Master Mazer

ive never coded before so i cant... i was going to do somthing called Invicable Heal. It heals a area of 1500 aroudn you of allied units, and puts them all invurnable for 5 seconds+ adding 10% damage. If i was able to work it i would but idk how to code. O well... ill stick on trying what i got


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Doesn't sound so hard or bad. You could do it :p Just add a few SE and you'd be set.


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
Reaction score
I have updated my spell.

Chains of Solidarity v1.10
(That's "solidarity", not "solitude")


The Spell said:
— Chains of Solidarity

Links the caster and target unit together with a bond of immeasureable energy from their own life-forces. All units in the path of this link will constantly be healed for a small amount.

Level 1 - Heals 35 health per second, lasts 11 seconds.
Level 2 - Heals 50 health per second, lasts 12 seconds.
Level 3 - Heals 65 health per second, lasts 13 seconds.

Because I use Mac OS X, my code tends to get fucked up when looked at in the World Editor. To rectify this, simply use the code in the attached text file instead of that in the map trigger or use the below code. (Note: vBulletin has been known to screw with JASS tags, so please quote this post and get the correct code from there)
//                            Spell Name: Chains of Solidarity                             \\
//                                 Spell Author: Pyrogasm                                  \\
//                                                                                         \\
//                                Follows the JESP Standard                                \\

constant function CoS_AbilityId takes nothing returns integer
    return &#039;A000&#039; //Rawcode of the spell itself

constant function CoS_DummyUnitId takes nothing returns integer
    return &#039;h000&#039; //This unit MUST have a &quot;cast backswing point&quot; of 0.00
endfunction       //And CANNOT have negative regeneration

constant function CoS_DummyLightningSpellId takes nothing returns integer
    return &#039;A001&#039; //The &quot;CoS Dummy Lightning spell&quot; determines the lightning effect

constant function CoS_DummyBuffSpellId takes nothing returns integer
    return &#039;A002&#039; //The &quot;CoS Dummy Buff Spell&quot; spell

constant function CoS_BuffId takes nothing returns integer
    return &#039;B000&#039; //The &quot;Chains of Solidarity (Buff)&quot; buff

constant function CoS_CrowFormAbilityId takes nothing returns integer
    return &#039;Amrf&#039; //Medivh&#039;s Crow form ability; you don&#039;t need to change this rawcode unless
endfunction       //you modified it in your map. If you have, copy it, reset the copied one,
                  //and use its rawcode here.

constant function CoS_BreakDistance takes integer Level returns real
    return 1500.00 //If the two units are farther than this distance apart, the spell
endfunction        //Will end.

constant function CoS_DummyFlyHeight takes integer Level returns real
    return 30.00 //If you want the lightning effect on the caster to be higher or lower.
endfunction      //It will always go directly to the target.

constant function CoS_Duration takes integer Level returns real
    return 10.00 + (1.00*Level) //Duration of the lightning effect is changed in the Object Editor

constant function CoS_HealthPerSecond takes integer Level returns real
    return 20.00 + (15.00*Level) //In Health per Second

constant function CoS_LineWidth takes integer Level returns real
    return 145.00 //Distance from center to outer edge of line

constant function CoS_CircleOptions takes integer Level returns integer
     return 3 //0 = no circles; 1 = only around target; 2 = only around caster; 3 = around both

constant function CoS_CircleRadius takes integer Level, integer WhichCircle returns real
     if WhichCircle == 1 then     //Radius of the circle(s) around the caster/target
         return 75.00             //This might conceivably be the same as the LineWidth.
     elseif WhichCircle == 2 then //To make it only affect the caster/target, simply put 10.00
         return 75.00             //Or something.
     return 0.00                  //Just a safety return; don&#039;t change this

constant function CoS_MinHeight takes integer Level returns real
    return 0.00 //No units below this height will be affected

constant function CoS_MaxHeight takes integer Level returns real
    return 500.00 //No units above this height will be affected

constant function CoS_TimerInterval takes integer Level returns real
    return 0.04 //Interval that the timer runs at; this affects the lightning effect

constant function CoS_HealAllies takes integer Level returns boolean
    return true

constant function CoS_HealEnemies takes integer Level returns boolean
    return false

constant function CoS_HealOnCast takes integer Level returns boolean
    return false

constant function CoS_EffectPath takes nothing returns string
    return &quot;Abilities\\Weapons\\WingedSerpentMissile\\WingedSerpentMissile.mdl&quot;

constant function CoS_EffectAttach takes nothing returns string
    return &quot;chest&quot;

constant function CoS_EffectInterval takes nothing returns real
    return 0.48 //This should probably be a multiple of the timer interval

//                                Start External Functions                                 \\

// Function by grim001
function GroupEnumUnitsInQuad takes group g, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4, real minHeight, real maxHeight, boolexpr f returns nothing
    local real maxx
    local real minx
    local real maxy
    local real miny
    local unit u
    local real ux
    local real uy

    if x1 &gt;= x2 and x1 &gt;= x3 and x1 &gt;= x4 then
        set maxx = x1
    elseif x2 &gt;= x1 and x2 &gt;= x3 and x2 &gt;= x4 then
        set maxx = x2
    elseif x3 &gt;= x1 and x3 &gt;= x2 and x3 &gt;= x4 then
        set maxx = x3
        set maxx = x4

    if x1 &lt;= x2 and x1 &lt;= x3 and x1 &lt;= x4 then
        set minx = x1
    elseif x2 &lt;= x1 and x2 &lt;= x3 and x2 &lt;= x4 then
        set minx = x2
    elseif x3 &lt;= x1 and x3 &lt;= x2 and x3 &lt;= x4 then
        set minx = x3
        set minx = x4

    if y1 &gt;= y2 and y1 &gt;= y3 and y1 &gt;= y4 then
        set maxy = y1
    elseif y2 &gt;= y1 and y2 &gt;= y3 and y2 &gt;= y4 then
        set maxy = y2
    elseif y3 &gt;= y1 and y3 &gt;= y2 and y3 &gt;= y4 then
        set maxy = y3
        set maxy = y4

    if y1 &lt;= y2 and y1 &lt;= y3 and y1 &lt;= y4 then
        set miny = y1
    elseif y2 &lt;= y1 and y2 &lt;= y3 and y2 &lt;= y4 then
        set miny = y2
    elseif y3 &lt;= y1 and y3 &lt;= y2 and y3 &lt;= y4 then
        set miny = y3
        set miny = y4

    call SetRect(udg_CoS_Rect, minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(udg_CoS_Group, udg_CoS_Rect, f)
        set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_CoS_Group)
        exitwhen u == null
        call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_CoS_Group, u)
        if GetUnitFlyHeight(u) &lt;= maxHeight and GetUnitFlyHeight(u) &gt;= minHeight then
            set ux = GetUnitX(u)
            set uy = GetUnitY(u)
            if (uy - y1)*(x2 - x1) - (ux - x1)*(y2 - y1) &lt;= 0. then
                if (uy - y2)*(x3 - x2) - (ux - x2)*(y3 - y2) &lt;= 0. then
                    if (uy - y3)*(x4 - x3) - (ux - x3)*(y4 - y3) &lt;= 0. then
                        if (uy - y4)*(x1 - x4) - (ux - x4)*(y1 - y4) &lt;= 0. then
                            call GroupAddUnit(g, u)
//                                 End External Functions                                  \\

function CoS_CastConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == CoS_AbilityId()

function CoS_HealFilter takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit U = GetFilterUnit()
    local boolean Ally = bj_slotControlUsed[95] and IsUnitAlly(U, bj_forceRandomCurrentPick)
    local boolean Enemy = bj_slotControlUsed[96] and IsUnitEnemy(U, bj_forceRandomCurrentPick)
    set U = null
    return Ally or Enemy

function CoS_Callback takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer T = GetExpiredTimer()
    local string TTable = GetAttachmentTable(T)
    local unit U = GetTableUnit(TTable, &quot;CoS Caster&quot;)
    local unit U2 = GetTableUnit(TTable, &quot;CoS Target&quot;)
    local integer Level = GetTableInt(TTable, &quot;CoS Level&quot;)
    local real X = GetUnitX(U)
    local real Y = GetUnitY(U)
    local real X2 = GetUnitX(U2)
    local real Y2 = GetUnitY(U2)
    local unit Dummy = GetTableUnit(TTable, &quot;CoS Dummy&quot;)
    local real Duration = CoS_Duration(Level)
    local real TimerInterval = CoS_TimerInterval(Level)
    local group G
    local unit U3
    local real HealAmount
    local real Angle = CoS_BreakDistance(Level)
    local real Width
    local string EffectPath
    local string EffectAttach
    local real Elapsed = GetTableReal(TTable, &quot;CoS Elapsed Time&quot;)
    local boolean Effects
    local integer CircleOptions
    local group G2

    local real Side1X
    local real Side1Y
    local real Side2X
    local real Side2Y
    local real RX1
    local real RY1
    local real RX2
    local real RY2
    local real RX3
    local real RY3
    local real RX4
    local real RY4

    if Elapsed &gt; Duration or GetWidgetLife(U) &lt; 0.406 or GetWidgetLife(U2) &lt; 0.406 or (X-X2)*(X-X2)+(Y-Y2)*(Y-Y2) &gt; Angle*Angle then
        set Level = CoS_BuffId()
        call RemoveUnit(Dummy)
        call UnitRemoveAbility(U, Level)
        call UnitRemoveAbility(U2, Level)

        call PauseTimer(T)
        call CleanAttachedVars(T)
        call DestroyTimer(T)
        call SetTableReal(TTable, &quot;CoS Elapsed Time&quot;, Elapsed+TimerInterval)
        set Width = CoS_LineWidth(Level)
        set HealAmount = CoS_HealthPerSecond(Level)/(1.00/TimerInterval)
        set CircleOptions = CoS_CircleOptions(Level)
        set Effects = ModuloReal(Elapsed, CoS_EffectInterval()) &lt;= TimerInterval
        if Effects then
            set EffectPath = CoS_EffectPath()
            set EffectAttach = CoS_EffectAttach()

        call SetUnitX(Dummy, X)
        call SetUnitY(Dummy, Y)
        set Angle = Atan2((Y2-Y),(X2-X))

        set Side1X = X2 - X
        set Side1Y = Y2 - Y
        set Side2X = Width*Cos(Angle-1.5708)
        set Side2Y = Width*Sin(Angle-1.5708)

        set RX4 = X + Side2X*0.5
        set RY4 = Y + Side2Y*0.5
        set RX3 = RX4 + Side1X
        set RY3 = RY4 + Side1Y
        set RX2 = RX3 - Side2X
        set RY2 = RY3 - Side2Y
        set RX1 = RX2 - Side1X
        set RY1 = RY2 - Side1Y

        set bj_slotControlUsed[95] = CoS_HealAllies(Level)
        set bj_slotControlUsed[96] = CoS_HealEnemies(Level)
        set bj_forceRandomCurrentPick = GetOwningPlayer(U)
        set G = CreateGroup()
        call GroupEnumUnitsInQuad(G, RX1, RY1, RX2, RY2, RX3, RY3, RX4, RY4, CoS_MinHeight(Level), CoS_MaxHeight(Level), Condition(function CoS_HealFilter))

        if CircleOptions &gt; 0 then
            set G2 = CreateGroup()
            set bj_groupAddGroupDest = G
            if CircleOptions == 1 or CircleOptions == 3 then
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G2, X2, Y2, CoS_CircleRadius(Level, 1), Condition(function CoS_HealFilter))
                call ForGroup(G2, function GroupAddGroupEnum)
                call GroupClear(G2)
            if CircleOptions == 2 or CircleOptions == 3 then
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G2, X, Y, CoS_CircleRadius(Level, 2), Condition(function CoS_HealFilter))
                call ForGroup(G2, function GroupAddGroupEnum)
            call DestroyGroup(G2)
            set G2 = null

            set U3 = FirstOfGroup(G)
            exitwhen U3 == null

            call SetWidgetLife(U3, GetWidgetLife(U3)+HealAmount)
            if Effects then
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(EffectPath, U3, EffectAttach))

            call GroupRemoveUnit(G, U3)

        call DestroyGroup(G)
        set G = null

    set U = null
    set U2 = null
    set Dummy = null

function CoS_Cast takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit U = GetTriggerUnit()
    local unit U2 = GetSpellTargetUnit()
    local integer Level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(U, CoS_AbilityId())
    local real X = GetUnitX(U)
    local real Y = GetUnitY(U)
    local real X2
    local real Y2
    local integer DummySpellId = CoS_DummyLightningSpellId()
    local unit Dummy
    local real Duration = CoS_Duration(Level)
    local real TimerInterval = CoS_TimerInterval(Level)
    local group G
    local unit U3
    local timer T = CreateTimer()
    local string TTable = GetAttachmentTable(T)
    local real HealAmount
    local real Angle
    local real Width
    local string EffectPath
    local string EffectAttach
    local integer CircleOptions
    local group G2

    local real Side1X
    local real Side1Y
    local real Side2X
    local real Side2Y
    local real RX1
    local real RY1
    local real RX2
    local real RY2
    local real RX3
    local real RY3
    local real RX4
    local real RY4

    set bj_forceRandomCurrentPick = GetOwningPlayer(U)
    set Dummy = CreateUnit(bj_forceRandomCurrentPick, CoS_DummyUnitId(), X, Y, 0.00)
    call UnitAddAbility(Dummy, DummySpellId)
    call SetUnitAbilityLevel(Dummy, DummySpellId, Level)
    call IssueTargetOrder(Dummy, &quot;fingerofdeath&quot;, U2)
    call UnitApplyTimedLife(Dummy, &#039;BTLF&#039;, Duration+TimerInterval)

    call SetTableObject(TTable, &quot;CoS Caster&quot;, U)
    call SetTableObject(TTable, &quot;CoS Target&quot;, U2)
    call SetTableObject(TTable, &quot;CoS Dummy&quot;, Dummy)
    call SetTableInt(TTable, &quot;CoS Level&quot;, Level)

    set DummySpellId = CoS_CrowFormAbilityId()
    call UnitAddAbility(Dummy, DummySpellId)
    call UnitRemoveAbility(Dummy, DummySpellId)
    call SetUnitFlyHeight(Dummy, CoS_DummyFlyHeight(Level), 10000.00)

    set DummySpellId = CoS_DummyBuffSpellId()
    set Dummy = CreateUnit(bj_forceRandomCurrentPick, CoS_DummyUnitId(), X, Y, 0.00)
    call UnitAddAbility(Dummy, DummySpellId)
    call SetUnitAbilityLevel(Dummy, DummySpellId, Level)
    call IssueTargetOrder(Dummy, &quot;unholyfrenzy&quot;, U)
    call IssueTargetOrder(Dummy, &quot;unholyfrenzy&quot;, U2)
    call UnitApplyTimedLife(Dummy, &#039;BTLF&#039;, 1.00)

    if CoS_HealOnCast(Level) then
        set HealAmount = CoS_HealthPerSecond(Level)/(1.00/TimerInterval)
        set Width = CoS_LineWidth(Level)
        set EffectPath = CoS_EffectPath()
        set EffectAttach = CoS_EffectAttach()
        set CircleOptions = CoS_CircleOptions(Level)

        set X2 = GetUnitX(U2)
        set Y2 = GetUnitY(U2)
        set Angle = Atan2((Y2-Y),(X2-X))

        set Side1X = X2 - X
        set Side1Y = Y2 - Y
        set Side2X = Width*Cos(Angle-1.5708)
        set Side2Y = Width*Sin(Angle-1.5708)

        set RX1 = X + Side2X*0.5
        set RY1 = Y + Side2Y*0.5
        set RX2 = RX1 + Side1X
        set RY2 = RY1 + Side1Y
        set RX3 = RX2 - Side2X
        set RY3 = RY2 - Side2Y
        set RX4 = RX3 - Side1X
        set RY4 = RY3 - Side1Y

        set bj_slotControlUsed[95] = CoS_HealAllies(Level)
        set bj_slotControlUsed[96] = CoS_HealEnemies(Level)
        set G = CreateGroup()
        call GroupEnumUnitsInQuad(G, RX1, RY1, RX2, RY2, RX3, RY3, RX4, RY4, CoS_MinHeight(Level), CoS_MaxHeight(Level), Condition(function CoS_HealFilter))

        if CircleOptions &gt; 0 then
            set G2 = CreateGroup()
            set bj_groupAddGroupDest = G
            if CircleOptions == 1 or CircleOptions == 3 then
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G2, X2, Y2, CoS_CircleRadius(Level, 1), Condition(function CoS_HealFilter))
                call ForGroup(G2, function GroupAddGroupEnum)
                call GroupClear(G2)
            if CircleOptions == 2 or CircleOptions == 3 then
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G2, X, Y, CoS_CircleRadius(Level, 2), Condition(function CoS_HealFilter))
                call ForGroup(G2, function GroupAddGroupEnum)
            call DestroyGroup(G2)
            set G2 = null

            set U3 = FirstOfGroup(G)
            exitwhen U3 == null

            call SetWidgetLife(U3, GetWidgetLife(U3)+HealAmount)
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(EffectPath, U3, EffectAttach))

            call GroupRemoveUnit(G, U3)

        call DestroyGroup(G)
        set G = null

    call TimerStart(T, TimerInterval, true, function CoS_Callback)

    set U = null
    set U2 = null
    set Dummy = null

function CoS_InitRect takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer T = GetExpiredTimer()                 //For some reason, initializing in the InitTrig
    set udg_CoS_Rect = Rect(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)   //Is broken...
    call PauseTimer(T)
    call DestroyTimer(T)
    set T = null

function InitTrig_Chains_of_Solidarity takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_Chains_of_Solidarity = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(gg_trg_Chains_of_Solidarity, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
    call TriggerAddCondition(gg_trg_Chains_of_Solidarity, Condition(function CoS_CastConditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_Chains_of_Solidarity, function CoS_Cast)

    call Preload(CoS_EffectPath())
    call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.10, false, function CoS_InitRect)

The spell download can be found here.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>Put the damn spell in a scope.

And prefix your fucking functions.

Who you are replying...Me?
Then sorry, i dont know how to use scope >.>


I am back with Chocolate (:
Reaction score
Can you put me on the pending list? I would like to join but I'm afraid I have no time (studies you see, examinations coming) to make the spell - so if the deadline has reached and I still havent submitted you can ignore my name in that list there. ;)

My Spell name will MOST LIKELY be:
1. Holy Circle
2. Spirit of the King
3. Judgement of the King
4. Revival of Death
5. Hail of the King

The answer:
What? Don't ask me, I don't know! I already said:
>My Spell name will MOST LIKELY be! I didn't say 'Which spell name am I going to choose?'


New Member
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Sanctuary of Light




Sanctuary of Light
Gods hand is felt upon the earth, damaging the enemys of Sage and lowering their attack damage.
With the help of God's touch Sage opens 8 Seals of Purity creating a cleansing sanctuary where the men that fight alongside him will have their armor increased and will heal all units and damage all undead in the sanctuary on death.
In adition, if an enemy unit is slain in the sanctuary the killing unit will gain increased attack speed for a short duration. However, if a seal is destroyed, the godsent sanctuary will be vanquished. 1.5 seconds casting time

LvL 1
- 400 area of effect. 250 damage on summon, 5 point armor increase, lowers enemy attack damage by 20% and increases attack/movement speed by 40/25 on kill. Heals/damages 150/75 on death. Last 20 sec.

LvL 2 - 500 area of effect. 350 damage on summon, 10 point armor increase, lowers enemy attack damage by 30% and increases attack/movement speed by 50/35 on kill. Heals/damages 200/100 on death. Last 25 sec.

LvL 3 - 600 area of effect.450 damage on summon, 20 point armor increase, lowers enemy attack damage by 50% and increases attack/movement speed by 60/45 on kill. Heals/damages 250/125 on death. Last 30 sec.

Cooldown: 80/120/160

I know this looks somewhat like Uareanoobs spell but i assure you that i had thought of this long before he posted his spell. Thanks to ~GaLs~ for tipping me off on the custom value thingie. Thanks to Jontini for beta testing and grammar. Im not that used to jass yet so this thing might as well leak as a kitchen sink, i tried to make two of my loops leakless at lest.

Spell designed and created by FroznYoghurt <o/.


  • Sanctuary Of Light.w3x
    102.2 KB · Views: 233


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>Thanks to ~GaLs~ for tipping me off on the custom value thingie
well..full credit to tinki3...he though me that..

Well..Nice spell you have...
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  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!

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