[Contest] Official Christmas Spell Contest Voting


Change can be a good thing
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Official Christmas Spell Contest Voting Thread

The thread is for the purpose of tallying up all votes for the spells in the contest, in order to crown a winner!

The prize for this contest, and, hopefully, future contests, will be a not yet determined added amount of rep, or a custom icon*, which will be displayed below your avatar, boasting of your spell making prowess.
*Conditional upon an OK from TH.

Rules for Voting:
  • There is no poll, so you most post with your choices and a brief description as to why you chose those spells
  • You may only vote once per contest, and your vote must consist of spells you think deserve first, second, and third place in the contest
  • You must review all of the posted spells before coming to your conclusions
  • You may not vote for your own spell, so don't ask
  • Any member of TH is allowed and encouraged to vote, as long as they follow the rules
  • Don't be an idiot, NO EXCEPTIONS

Grading will be accomplished as follows:
  • All posts that follow the guidelines will be tallied up, and the top five will move onto the judges grading round, where the two judges will grade the spells based on the rubric displayed in the main contest thread
  • Final scores will be 50% determined by the public poll and 50% by my grading score
  • Places will then be assigned based on the highest average score

Deadline for Voting:
The deadline is 5 days from now, Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008 at midnight eastern time.

Have fun and good luck to all.

*Re-read the rules for voting. I will not repeat myself and the repercussions for not following them are steep. :cool:


  1. Hatebreeder - Frost Mortem
  2. Arkan - Arctic Maelstrom
  3. Elumork - Calling of the Frost Goddess
  4. Trollvottel - Ice Thingy
  5. garet10 - Blizzard Spell
  6. turok255 - Frost Ring
  7. darkRae - Hailstorm
  8. PiCkstix - Prison of Ice
  9. Grymlax - Frozen Vessel
  10. The Undaddy - Snowball
  11. T3rm1nat0r - Shards of Ice
  12. Naminator - Frozen Expansion
  13. waaaks! - Frozen Death
  14. Smith_S9 - Frozen Spirits
  15. FroznYoghurt - Chilling Alchemy
  16. Überplayer - Ice Burst
  17. ~Gals~ - Shiva Faeries
  18. DrinkSlurm - Cool Whip
  19. Bloodydood - Ice Cage
  20. Pyrograsm - Borealis Beam


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The Undaddy

Creating with the power of rage
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Since I'm too lazy to read the code,I'll grade the spells by how cool and original I think they are. :D

3.Frozen Vessel
I think it's quite an original idea,but it's like just a spell,like Finger of Death,not enough eyecandy :rolleyes:.So it gets a third place.
I like eyecandy

2.Chilling Alchemy
Lots of ice and damage hero,I liked the cast,and the snowman's cool.Does quite a lot of stuff,which is good.I don't like straight forward spells.(much)

1.Arctic Maelstorm
A pure damage channeling spell with shitloads of eyecandy.


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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3.) Frozen Expansion:

Very nice, I like its idea, and it looks quite original to me, much like an ice nova, but yet it has its own spice.

Very nice to the look of it, much eyecandy; nice twirls and twists.

The damage and the attack is working fine with me, and I think its pretty neat.

Overall great job, but not perfect

2.) Chilling Alchemy:

Wow, I found this spell hilarious, nice job. Its not done quite that well, I have got to say, sorry, but it is very fun to play with and can be useful when you need it.

Eyecandy, is alright, strange, yet sweet.

The damage and technique works fine, I like it, good job,

Like always, it works, but not perfect, :D

1.) Shiva Faeries:

Okay, so it's not uberly original, but it is entirely edited and is really good looking. Great job, that all I have to say.

The look is nice, it looks like, something not totally custom made, maybe in a patch of blizzard. Eyecandy works for me.

Damage and the effect is cheaply moderate, so it is fair and can't be really over abused, or can it, but I like it.

Good job mate, keep it up!

Merry Christmas!


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why does the rar file for all spells has only few spells in it?

1. Arctic Maelstrom
i like the cool effects, it has moderate damage, and can be usable to all maps, and i also think that it doesnt lag
2. Chilling Alchemy
the spell is unique and fun to use, thats all i can say
3. Frozen Spirits
it has lack of eye candy, but the code looks good, and it has unique ideas

now updated


Nobody rides for free
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I have not looked at the coding so I rate on how I experienced them in-game.

1. Snowball
I liked this spell the most, it's pretty simple but functional, and the frost path looks cool. Suits a yeti hero very well.

2. Calling of the Frost Godess
I like the progressive animations used in this spell.

3. Chilling Alchemy
At first glance I thought this spell was pretty damn random and made no
sense, then I saw the bouncing snowman... and I was right :D Funny spell


Formerly Smith_S9
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My votes:

1. Ice thingy - Trollvottel
In my oppinion, this is the most useful spell from all of them. It's simple, with no many head-dazzling effects (spell effects, not SFX) and pretty nice looking. It fits in a Warcraft map and that is a big plus in my eyes. I don't like spells that have a lot of stages and stuff (I know, mine also kinda has 2 stages, but who said I like mine? :p). Hell, he even took care of destructables :D.

I noticed that the code doesn't uses all the new methods (structs and whatever), but I don't do it either so I'm not going to criticise the spells from this point of view. I think I noticed 2 special effects leaks, though. Btw, good thing he got the rid of that idle worker icon on the dummies :D.

2. Ice Burst - Uberplayer
The spell looks awesome and the code is a bit beyond me, that's why I thought this deserved a place in my top 3. However, what brought the second place to this spell and not first was the fact that the ice blocks were created even outside the map boundaries and, on the first level, the 2 ice paths could easily avoid your main target :p. This drops the usefulness of the spell a little, IMO.

Anyway, it's a great spell and I'm astonished that no one voted for it so far.

3. Cool Whip - DrinkSlurm
This one is also really cool, I like that whip really much! However, it has a huge downside: the direction targetting doesn't always work and when it works, it turns at a wrong angle most of the times :p. However, the idea and the look of this spell pleasure me a lot so it gets my third place.

Guys, you should also open them in We and test them from there ;). It's not fair that some of the spells don't appear.


New Member
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I don't feel like i'm qualified to vote here, as i'm not a JASSER and neither did i have much time to look through all these spells, but here's my vote:

3rd Place --> Borealis Beam
A bouncy ball eh?
Love this as it is not lagging, but it doesn't have any explosive special effects around it.
From what I saw, its quite a plain spell. It needs to get a wrap up with some more cool sfx to it. But nice try!

Rating - 6.49

The Runner Up --> Snowball
The special effects on this spell is basically not bad in my opinion, but it is still lacking of some originality.
There are a lot of this kind of spell being made in various Maze maps. It is just like a ball rolling and damaging any unit that comes through.
The difference is just those, ice shards.

Rating - 6.5/10

!!!THE WINNER!!! --> Shiva Faeries
Yes, it is a Jass spell, I can't read on it, and thus i give higher marks for it than other spells that are GUI.
I like the originality of this spell, it's probably looks alike to the Locust spell in Warcraft, but it truly has its difference as I saw that the movement of the faerie is triggered.
My opinion of this spell is as Xapphire says, it is like a patched version of Locust.

Rating - 7/10

I'll try and use this spell in my map, if the maker don't mind. :p


New Member
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1) Arctic Maelstorm, Looks good, Works good, Eye-Candy.

2) Cool Whip, Could use a better name but, Definately an original idea.

3) Frozen Death, Not enough eye-candy, Good spell though.


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
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Kildare said:
3rd Place --> Borealis Beam
At least it's in orange :D

I really wish I'd found something more flashy to put in the spell, but I simply couldn't come up with anything better.... Pleasing the eyes, sadly, means everything in these contests because if you don't make the spell look flashy and awesome you're never going to get it past the public vote and into the hands of people who actually look at how the spell is made.

Another thing I realize now I should have done is revealed the whole map upon startup... because without that you can't see the balls going everywhere like they do.

I also intentionally gave the spell no cooldown so that people could spam it and see how it didn't lag. For future testers: try repeatedly pressing B and then clicking all around the Archmage to summon balls in all directions without any lag :D

At any rate, I've played all of them. And seen the same Frost Bolt icon used 5 times. And I was disappointed by the "OMGWTFLOL I R CAN MAEKZ FROST NOVA EFFECTS EVERYWHERE!!!!111!!1oeneone!!1eleven11!1!" approach that most spells seem to take.

It's a bad thing to promise, but I will make a comment about each and every spell in a bit. I might even start tonight.


So many apples
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Same for me.
Using Jass definatly gives you an advantage in the part "Coding".
For GUIers, they're a bit disadvantaged what "Coding" concerns. So they put some flashy effects in their Spells, to draw attention, and gain some points.

So, it's kind of balanced. Although the "Coding" Part should be more important than the effects, because JAss users can do the same shit.

I'll also go though the coding in the next few days... Oh, and Happy New Year ^^ Well, in forecast ;)
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1. darkRae - Hailstorm
-I was supposed to use this kind of idea in the holy spell contest, but I failed :p.. This works as designed and is really nice looking. Some more effects upon landing would've made it even better.

2. Hatebreeder - Frost Mortem
-Liked the charging part, and the nova blast in the end was really nice. Would be better if it was MUI.

3. Pyrogasm - Borealis Beam
-I always liked these bounce spells :). Very well coded, even though you cannot use NewGen.


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
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Well, I'm keeping to my word and here are the beginnings of what I have to say about each spell. I'll finish the rest soon.
  • To be honest, I really didn't find the spell to be that fun whilst in-game, but it was fully MUI and didn't really lag very much at all, which I did appreciate.
  • You don't need 4 different dummy units and 3 different dummy spells to cast the storm bolt on (you shouldn't have needed 3 different Hail units either, but you said there was a bug with that...). You should have only needed 1 dummy unit and 1 stunning spell, the spell with 3 levels.

    When you needed to stun/damage units, just create a dummy unit, add the stunning spell to it, set the level of the spell to the custom value of the unit, and do what you would normally do with it.

    As for the other dummy unit, instead of picking every unit owned by each player, you could have had 1 global group which contained all the dummy units and then you just looped through that group, weeded out the dead units, and acted upon which ones were valid. This would also have removed the need to do any Integer A looping and all that jazz.
  • You tried to make it configurable, but you kind-of failed. AoE1 and AoE2 should have been global arrays with the index corresponding to the level of the ability and whatnot instead of them being static and configured in each trigger.
  • You should have prefixed your variables.
  • You didn't leak anything that I could see, and you had (overall) a very good approach to the spell. It was rather nicely coded :D

Ice Burst
  • It was a bit fun to play with, and the terrain changing was cool (now I know why the testmap had bad terrain), but damn the spell was laggy. The knockback did not settle well on my computer
  • Glad to see you used some constant functions instead of just constant globals for the spell configuration. I really hate it when people only use globals for all things.
  • When checking to see if a unit is alive, always compare its life to 0.405, not 0. Units die when they have < 0.405 life, and are corpses between 0 and 0.405 life. Additionally, you should use GetWidgetLife(...) instead of GetUnitState(..., UNIT_STATE_LIFE).
  • Why do you reference dat.caster in your create method? It would be smarter just to use the caster argument because it saves an array lookup that involves some math (these are structs, remember).
  • Uhh... you should know to use timers instead of PolledWaits.
  • Because you're in a scope, there's no need to prefix your function names, simply put the "private" keyword before each of them. Additionally, make your InitTrig look like this and it will add the proper suffix for you: public function InitTrig takes nothing...
  • Why use local triggers? The global is already there.
  • Preloading is good... I forgot to do it.
  • Except for when dealing with unit facings, you should simply work in radians; it will save you lots of converting in the future and, well, you need to use them.
  • Using a null boolexpr in GroupEnumUnits... actually causes a memory increase. To avoid it, use stuff like BOOL_EXPR_TRUE from CSSafety (look there to see how it works).
  • When using UnitApplyTimedLife, I'm not really sure what happens if you use 0 as the 2nd argument... I always use 'BTLF', and 0 might not cause an expiration timer to be added to the unit.
  • Aside from you minor errors in coding, it would behoove you to make all instances of the spell run off of 1 timer that uses an IBdata array to loop through all active instances of the spell and shuffles them around as necessary. I really don't feel like explaining it in detail, but if you look at how my spell is coded to run off 1 timer, you should get the idea.

Cool Whip
  • I, umm, expected it to oscillate like a Sine wave :D, not merely invert itself back and forth across an axis. But, I suppose that would have been cool too. It was very hard to aim, and it would have been nice to be able to stop channeling at will, but other than that the spell was simple and somewhat useful (the slow wasn't really noticeable).
  • So... all the damage, durations, and stuff is controlled through the object editor, eh? That makes it easier in the coding department then, I suppose. The rawcode globals could use some better names I would say.
  • Because you're in a scope, there's no need to prefix your function names, simply put the "private" keyword before each of them; same goes for the struct and your configuration globals. Additionally, make your InitTrig look like this and it will add the proper suffix for you: public function InitTrig takes nothing...
  • Instead of doing set data.cwgoup = CreateGroup() every time the spell is cast, you can set cwgroup to be an empty group by default like so (in the struct declaration): group cwgroup = CreateGroup(). Same with data.c1.
  • Use a variable for the level of the spell instead of getting it each time you need it.
  • Oh, so there just simply isn't a configuration section. All those things like the duration of the spell, how often the units are created, etc., should be configurable with constant globals and/or constant functions. (True, this is a spell contest, not a configurability contest, but I like configuration options)
  • Why do you have local group cwgroup? It's not even used.
  • You can just initialize data as GetTrimerStructA(t) if you put its declaration below t's.
  • You could store heroX and heroY in the struct instead of getting it every time (saving function calls).
  • Good use of tempgroup to avoid unnecessary creation of groups... but you don't always need to use it (like when you do the loop after checking the hero's life). You need to clear the group anyway.
  • When checking to see if a unit is alive, always compare its life to 0.405, not 0. Units die when they have < 0.405 life, and are corpses between 0 and 0.405 life (a unit will never have < 0 life). Additionally, you should use GetWidgetLife(...) instead of GetUnitState(..., UNIT_STATE_LIFE).
  • As I said to Überplayer: it would behoove you to make all instances of the spell run off of 1 timer that uses an IBdata array to loop through all active instances of the spell and shuffles them around as necessary. I really don't feel like explaining it in detail, but if you look at how my spell is coded to run off 1 timer, you should get the idea.
  • I must say that the spell is rather well coded for a new JASS-er, but I really wish the spell itself was cooler and more wave-like. :p

Shiva Faerie
  • Not really the most fun to play around with, but it was more inventive than a fair amount of the spells; the stunning was weird and I could get really far away from my faerie minions at times.
  • Your constant globals don't need a prefix because you're in a scope and they're private; same goes for functions.
  • I'm perfectly serious here: do you really need methods for coordinate projection and the distance formula?! If you do, I must say that's rather sad... you didn't even inline them.
  • .froze, .Fmovem, and .DS can all be initialized in the struct declaration (as I showed DrinkSlurm) instead of in your create method.
  • Your indentation is... wonky. Not that I think your code is worse because of it, but some things are just weird to look at ><
  • Why use local triggers? The global is already there.
  • Use GetTriggerUnit() instead of GetSpellAbilityUnit().
  • You create a unit at the point (sf.cx, sf.cy), and then you call GetUnitX(...) on it to get its X coordinate. You already know what it is!
  • You have local triggers. With TriggerActions. You're not destroying the TriggerActions, but you are destroying the triggers. This both leaks and causes major fuckups with H2I and I2H systems/maps. Nobody believes me, but read about it here: Triggers and Conditions and Stuff.

    Thus, you should use conditions instead with your triggers. You don't have waits in the actions anyway, so there's no problem there. You could also add the addition of this conditionfunc to the create method.
  • SF_FLYSPEED is a very misleading name for a variable, especially with the description "Flying speed of those faeries. (The lower the number is, the faster it flies.)". You should have called it "TIMER_INTERVAL" or something.
  • Using a null boolexpr in any function that uses a boolexpr actually causes a memory increase. To avoid it, use stuff like BOOL_EXPR_TRUE from CSSafety (look there to see how it works).
  • Use a variable for GetTriggerUnit() in your frozeAct method.
  • It doesn't matter what facing a dummy unit has when it's created, so just creating it facing 0 degrees is better than using a function call to find what you think its facing ought to be.
  • All-in-all, I think the idea was OK, but your methods for going about the spell had a few large-ish errors (your reliance on ridiculous methods and leaking TriggerActions/fucking up H2I/I2H systems). I've seen better coding from you.

Arctic Maelstrom
  • It was an extremely "WOW! Shabang! Effectslol!" spell that I didn't find to be particularly useful (tree destroying was good, though), but it did its job of pleasing everyone who likes eye-candy. Not really my type of spell, though it looked nicely done.
  • You're in a scope. You don't have to prefix anything that has the "public" or "private" keyword in it.
  • You should use a combination of constant globals and constant functions so that things like damage, AoE, frequency, etc., can all use whatever formula the map maker wants to use instead of being forced to use stuff like "Factor is multiplied by ability level".
  • Shouldn't nukdata be a private struct too?
  • Why use local triggers? The global is already there.
  • You forgot to null fx in the Arctic_Action function.
  • The timer interval should be a constant global.
  • You could have used a localplayer If block to make the fade filter work only for the player casting the spell; not sure if you wanted to do that, though.
  • It would be smart to make a custom create method for the arcticdat struct that set all of its relevant variables (.x, .y, .wfx, .dmg, etc.) upon creation (as ~GaLs~ did)
  • You could have made an onDestroy method that destroyed .wfx and .fx in it and simply destroyed the struct to clean up.
  • The way you pick X/Y coordinates to nuke actually picks a point in a square, not in a circle. To make it pick a point in a circle, you'd have to do some coordinate projection (which you can figure out from the PolarProjectionBJ function). Same thing with the dummy effect creation.
  • You already have GetUnitX(dat.caster) stored as dat.x, so why not just pass that variable to NukeBallArea when you call it instead of getting the value again?
  • Same thing with the create method for nukdata (having it set all the variables, etc.)
  • Glad to see someone else using only 1 timer for all the movement of projectiles; it really does reduce the lag.
  • For safety reasons, you should always have exitwhens in loops with >= instead of just ==.
  • When you do your slot shuffling for all the nukdatas in the nuk_Ar array, you didn't do it properly. Instead of set nuk_Ar[noparse][/noparse]=nuk_Ar[nukTotal-1] you should have written set nuk_Ar[noparse][/noparse]=nuk_Ar[nukTotal], else you're moving the wrong struct.
    [*]Even with your polar projection for effects, you should work simply in radians, not degrees.
    [*]Instead of setting g = CreateGroup and then destroying it again for every instance you loop though, you should just make it an empty group when it's declared and then clear the group (actually, it gets cleared automatically) after using it each time.
    [*]The line where you check unit conditions to see if the unit should be damaged should be in a function that's configurable.
    [*]Overall, it was very good; the acceleration was a nice touch and you definitely knew what you were doing to reduce possible lag and prevent border crashes. Quite a nicely coded spell, I must say.

Ice Cage
  • The spell was... nearly pointless. I don't see why I would want to incase myself in ice for some time and slow attackers (doesn't Frost Armor already do that) for an extremely long time. Sure, I did some damage to my attackers but I didn't get credit for the kills.
  • GUI converted to JASS is just dumb. I don't know why you did that because it's obvious you don't know what to do with JASS.
  • Game-Time waits are bad because they're inaccurate, you should use a timer instead.
  • Instead of constantly ordering the hero to stop and altering its movespeed, you could have paused it (Unit - Pause <Unit>) or stunned it with a stormbolt-based ability for some duration.
  • The "A unit is attacked" event is horrible. It doesn't fire when damage happens, but rather when a unit begins its attack. That means when a ranged unit's projectile is launched or a melee unit starts its attack animation. You can fire this event and then order the unit to stop attacking and the event will still fire whilst the unit's attack cooldown does not.

    The only way around this is to use an attack-detection engine (emjlr3 has made one, Vexorian has made one, a few others have made some), but it really doesn't look like this spell has a future anyway so I wouldn't bother with it.
  • I really can't say anything other than "bad". Bad concept for an idea, bad coding, bad choice to convert it to JASS.

Calling of the Frost Goddess
  • Wow, I wish I knew what this ability did. But I don't, really. Not even after testing; and the testing didn't even look cool. Nor is the spell MUI or leakless.
  • You leak special effects attached to units in "Calling of the Frost Goddess"
  • Your variables should be prefixed, and it would have benefitted you to have had a "Level" variable so you didn't have to compute that every time you wanted to use it.
  • 0.01 seconds is way too often to run a periodic trigger. At the fastest you should run it ever 0.03 seconds.
  • When setting a unit's flyheight, using "at 0.00" will make it instant.
  • More special effect leaks in the "then" actions part of "Calling of the Frost Goddess 4"
  • The first time "CotFG 4" (I decided to abbreviate it) runs, you're destroying special effects that don't exist. (The very first loop.)
  • You leak tons of locations when you set Projectile_Pos to different spots. And you're also leaking more when you move Dummy_Art[(Integer A)] to its new spot.
  • The second and third loops could be consolidated into 1. (As could the 2nd and 3rd loops inside the "then" actions)
  • Lots more special effect and point leakage in the 5th trigger.
  • The second If/Then/Else is pointless. If Number_Waves is not less than Number_Projectiles, then obviously it's greater than or equal to Number_Projectiles.
  • Waits are bad; you should use timers instead (though on this spell the effort might not be worth it).
  • The "A unit is attacked" event is horrible. It doesn't fire when damage happens, but rather when a unit begins its attack. That means when a ranged unit's projectile is launched or a melee unit starts its attack animation. You can fire this event and then order the unit to stop attacking and the event will still fire whilst the unit's attack cooldown does not.

    The only way around this is to use an attack-detection engine (emjlr3 has made one, Vexorian has made one, a few others have made some), but it really doesn't look like this spell has a future anyway so I wouldn't bother with it.
  • A wait of 0.02 seconds does not wait 0.02 seconds, but rather more like 0.27 seconds, throwing all of you wait loops off.
  • Definitely the leakiest spell I've seen so far (possibly of the contest) and though you managed to make it look interesting/cool-ish it really failed when it got down to the spell's makeup.


Youtube account suspended! youtube.com/ayumilove8
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My Vote:

1. Pyrogasm (fun to play with + nice effects)
2. Chilling Alchemy (fun to play with + nice effects)
3. Grymlax (I like how the spell functions!)

Below is a video preview of all the spells being submitted for this Christmas Contest ^_^


New Member
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[Christmas Contest] Voting

OK i did make a really serious list with the pros and cons of each and every spell. All nineteen of em.
But i have it on another computer atm so il just post the conlusion i came to right now cause it seems like the time is starting to run out.
here it is;


#3 - Ice Thingy Trolvottel

It is a really nice spell with the sfxes really smothly done, the whole thing is made very neatly. And i like that it's an "activate spell" and not just target-point-nuke. The next level of bladestorm. god job :).

#2 - Cool Whip Drinkslurm

By all means, cool. The movement of the whip is really cool and the choice of the a little more discreet dragonhawkbolt instead of some massive frosty-cloudy-shiny-thingy is great. That you are actually able to steer the whip is a huge plus.
I once considered making a whip spell but called it of as impossible pretty much before trying, great job. (whats with the riddicilously low damage amount though? :p)

#1 - Hailstorm DarkRae
Id never thought this would be my number one, it seems pretty dull at first, but the more you use it the better it gets... amazing.
The whole flow of spell is just so fucking great, the fall of the hails are so well animated and i know falls are hard to get to look good (gravititation is tricky :p). The whole spell is just so blizzardy, it has really captured the feeling of a blizzard, this is a friggin piece of art.
This is blizzard.
And as a GUI user i must give it an extra plus for being GUIMUI cause i know that is difficult (it's nothing decisive though :p).


Runner ups:

Some other spells that i think deserves mentioning:

Arctic Maelstorm Arkan
It is a really nice spell, it truly is. But it just goes against the grain to put a spell in the top three solely based on looks. There is more to spell making than eyecandy ;).

Borealis Beam Pyrogasm
It's a very inovative, smooth, and nice looking spell. State of the art triggering with the ricotcheting against not only units and destructibles but also terrain. But the looks reallly don't match the spell imo, and sadly that affects the overall feeling remarkably much. Also it kinda bugged when i tested. But still a friggin good spell. Great name also, strange but sweet.

Calling of the Frost Goddess Elumork
Surprisinly nice the-longer-channel-the-biggger-nuke spell, and the eyecandy is almost a 10/10. The circling spheres are what makes the spell and they are weaved in without disturbing the flow of spell one bit. But the name buggs the hell outa me! Just "Call of Frost" would have been friggin cool. This is to long!
The complete list will come ;)
Also please test my spell cause i didn't think the video did it justice really :rolleyes:
(And the colours are suposed to be bronze, silver, gold in case anyone didn't get that)


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
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The "bug" you probably experienced, FrozenYoghurt, was that the ball got into a rut where it was surrounded by steep terrain and units in precisely the right places such that it wasn't able to move out of it's spot because it could not find a pathable spot.

Damnit. I forgot I'm on eastern time, which means I have 3 hours to finalize my top 3 list. The rest of my in-depth reviews will come later on this evening when I thought I was going to be able to submit them by...

1st place - Arctic Maelstrom
I hate spells that are eyecandy-based. I really do. I hated the fact that your spell was made to be as flashy and attention-drawing as possible, but I daresay that I do have to give props for a nice feel to the OMGWTFEFFECTS!!!11!1!!1 effects (dimming the screen was cool). You also had all the bases covered in your coding too. All the balls ran off the same timer to reduce lag, you had a method of making sure they didn't get caught in a corner indefinitely, and you prevented border crashes.

I won't say that I rated your spell higher because you used vJASS and structs, though I will say that I am normally able to nitpick spells made with vJASS to pieces and I wasn't really able to do that with yours because it simply didn't have many holes. Props for pleasing the eyes and the... eyes (what do you please with good coding anyway).​

2nd place - Hailstorm
No, it was not the most exciting spell in the world, but it did have a useful function and it wasn't simply an "OMGAOEDAMAGE" spell. The coding was superb (your method of MUI-ness was inventive), and aside from your minor coding flaws, I wouldn't have done much different.

Your spell is an example of why it's important to have exceptional coding in addition to or as opposed to having only some WTFLOL eye-catching effects.​

3rd place - Frozen Vessel
I'm not a fan of 2-part spells or floating text by any stretch of the imagination, but I must say I took a liking to this one. I understood it and you made sure for it to be very evident how many ice points I had (there were even error messages). My few gripes are that it's only MPI (the enabling/disabling of the spell on a per-player basis) and the error message didn't have an accompanying sound.

Your coding was also exceptionally well-developed and (as with the last contest) your spell definitely should be given credit for it.​


So many apples
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imGorgisXD (19 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
+2 Good comment Poor comment
Spells:1.Hatebreeder - Frost Mortem
2.Arkan-Arctic Maelstrom
3.Elumork-Calling of the Frost Goddess
4.Trollvottel-Ice Thingy
5.garet10-Blizzard Spell
6.turok255-Frost Ring
are those to left name of the characters or the online players?

Lol, in the YouTube Vid, I got first Place by some Guy :D :D :D
I feel realy greatful now :D
(At least someone liked my Spell :D )

Ummm... I need a bit with my Ratings. Like 2 - 3 Days =)


Change can be a good thing
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Pyro's was the last that will count, I will tally the votes when given the time, and we will start the judging phase.
Reaction score
I just counted the votes like this :p..

1st = 3p
2nd = 2p
3rd = 1p

1. Arkan - 12p
1. FroznYoghurt - 12p
3. darkRae - 8p
4. Elumork - 6p
4. ~Gals~ - 6p
4. Trollvottel -6p
5. Pyrograsm - 5p
5. The Undaddy - 5p
6. DrinkSlurm - 4p
7. Grymlax - 3p
8. Überplayer - 2p
8. Hatebreeder - 2p
9. Smith_S9 - 1p
9. Naminator - 1p
9. waaaks! - 1p
10. garet10 - 0p
10. turok255 - 0p
10. PiCkstix - 0p
10. T3rm1nat0r - 0p
10. Bloodydood - 0p

It seems that the spells with most random eye-candy won the public voting :).
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