Create -A- Hero!


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I like my games to be friendly to anyone, even people with Dial Up (I was one of them once) so I make sure my games are small file sized and has likable characters in them. BUT. I figured the ultimate way to make people like my map was to make the people part of my map. I want to let people submit ideas for the Hero they would most like to play as in my AoS that I'm making. Please give as much detail as possible so I can create the character to your best licking, i mean liking (joke.) Be Creative PLease? :banghead: Common People...


ok then

lets see for your character are you going to make whole new models or skins? Or are u usin what u got becuase that would change wat character i would want!


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Just suggest what skin or model I should make (i can only make skins) or give me a link to a good one you have found. Or any regular Wc3 models you want to go with your character. just tell me.


what kind of heroes? i mean just normal skills or tigger skills?


try to make this

Holy Guardian(ranged, intel) mayb use the farseer model

iternal punishment: does some damage, slows, reduces armor.

Holy Aura: Helps allied units regain life and mana

Light Minions: is like dark arrows cept they spawn little people to heal your allies

(Ultimate) Unfinished work: its reincarnation

O yah how do u make skins???


The Forest Watcher
Ranged Archer
Model could be high elven archer except bigger.

Base Skill: Hide
"The Forest Watcher knows his surroundings so well that he can blend in with nature, unable to be seen. This takes up his concentration, though, and he can't move as fast as he normally can. When he attacks while hidden, he uses the element of surprise to daze(stun) his enemy for a few seconds."
Each level would increase how fast he moves during this, how long it lasts, and how long the stun is.

Base Skill: Arrow of Nature
"The Forest Watcher puts enchanted seeds inside of his arrowhead, and when it hits the enemy they fall to the ground and grow into gigantic roots, entangling the enemy for a few seconds while also hurting them"
Each level increases damage of roots, length of entanglement, and how far away he can be while shooting the arrow.

Base Skill: Ent Apparition
"The Forest Watcher calls upon the spirits of the trees that once stood in the place near the enemy and orders them to attack one target."
Each level increases the amount of ents and the damage each of them do. This would be a triggered spell and I assume you'd have to create dummy units of ancient protectors and give them an attack, then only give them enough time to attack once.

Ultimate: The Watchers
"The Forest Watcher summons a whelpling/drake/dragon to aid him in combat. These 'watchers' have an enormous view from where they fly, and they can see everything in the forest, even invisible units. They also have a formidable attack."
Each level changes the unit, increases line of sight and damage. This would be an invaluable skill against ganks, as you could see lots of things. Also, the dragons should not have a fixed time where they should live.


Death is Not the End
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Sometime next year, I'll be starting on a Dragoon Campaign. It's like a Elven story but in ancient times the Elves whom I call: Dragoons. Here are some of which I'll use in the campaign.

Name: Vandalar Tenrix
Hero: Corrupted Dragoon
Model: Black Model of Spellbreaker
Class: Knight/Mage
Range: 128 (Melee)
Str: 19
Agi: 25
Int: 21
Spells: Corrupt, Flare of Darkness, Will of Darkness, and Nightmare.

Corrupt: Cost 8/16/24 Mana. Cooldown is 2/1/0 seconds.
Vandalar can corrupt minor creatures sometimes on contact. Adds 6/12/18 damage per attack, and can control creatures (Level 1-5) upon striking 5%/10%/15% of the time.

Flare of Darkness: Cost 135/120/105 Mana. Cooldown is 9/10/11 seconds.
Graduated from the Dragoon academy of the Mystical Arts, the Magical Arts, and the Forbidden Arts, Vandalar can create a explosion of darkness, damaging all units (including allies) in a radius. Deals 45/90/135 damage per second, the Flare lasts 3/4/5 seconds in a radius of 250/300/350, and burns units, dealing 3/6/9 damage per second.

Will of Darkness: Passive
Vandalar foolishly put on the Soulbinding armor, corrupting his spirit forever. This ability drains his mana by 2/4/6 per second, but grants a bonus 4/6/8 hit point regeneration per second.

Nightmare: Cost 250 Mana. Cooldown is 180 seconds.
By binding the forces of Shadows and Darkness together, Vandalar can create the world into a living nightmare. All enemy units within a 900 radius, goes into a deep sleep. After the effect is delivered, Vandalar can convert 25% of the damage inflicted on a target. Buff lasts 60 seconds and sleep lasts 60 seconds (30 on heroes).

Name: Arcanus Valezor
Hero: Spellweaver Legend
Model: White Model of Spellbreaker
Class: Knight/Mage
Range: 128 (Melee)
Str: 18
Agi: 20
Int: 27
Spells: Omnisicience, Purify, Mind Crush, and Master of Magic.

Omnisicience: Passive
Arcanus is omnisicient, allowing him to see in the front and back of him clearly. As a genius, he can spot invisible units at a 500/600/700 radius, a bonus 200/350/500 eyesight at day and night, and allows him to dodge attacks 15%/20%/25% of the time.

Purify: Cost 35/30/25 Mana. Cooldown is 2/1/0 seconds. Can be Autocasted.
Graduated from the Dragoon academy of the Mystical Arts, the Magical Arts, and the Holy Arts, Arcanus can cleanse any status to normal and can heal allied units. Can dispell some/most/all buffs and heals the target 25/50/75 hit points.

Mind Crush: Cost 120/130/140 Mana. Cooldown is 15/12/9 seconds.
Arcanus has many secrets that he can pull out. One of them is Mind Crush. Using this costs efficient mana but ruins an enemy mind violently. Destroys 90/180/270 mana from the primary target and destroys 50/100/150 mana to those in a 200/300/400 radius.

Master of Magic: Cost 300 Mana. Cooldown is 240 seconds.
As the top genius of Quel'thalas, Arcanus can use up vast amounts of mana to drain life and mana to thiose in the way. Units in a 700 radius near Arcanus will be drained of 40 hit points and 30 mana per second, giving it to Arcanus. Arcanus may move with this spell activated and lasts 60 seconds.

Tell me, are these good enough or what? Rate it something out of 10 if you wish.


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i have an idea about it but i have problems about the name....
maybe you could make your own name for it....

Hero base Paladin>skin>make him an undead paladin
Job> Unholy Knight

(well im using much non-triggered spells)
First spell> Death coil
Second spell> Courruption aura(devotion aura that gives opponent -(value) def.)
Third spell> Animate dead
Ultimate> Fallen wisdom(active) maybe last for 20-30 seconds give the hero ultimate regen, immune to magics and incredible attackspeed.


Death is Not the End
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Name: Kel'thuzad (Improved)
Hero: Lich Lord
Model: Lich
Class: Mage
Range: 600
Str: 16
Agi: 14
Int: 27
Eternal Rest, Frost Breath, Cripple, Raise Army.

Eternal Rest: Cost 150/145/140 Mana. Cooldown is 25/20/15 seconds.
Lich Lords can learn more dark arts such as sleep, similar to the Dreadlord's. The Lich Lord can create a mist that makes all units under it asleep for 40/50/60 seconds in a 400/500/600 radius.

Frost Breath: Cost 90/100/110 Mana. Cooldown is 9/8/7 seconds.
As with all Liches, they have the power to slow and damage enemy units with the power of frost. Deals 85/170/255 damage, slows movement by 10%/15%/20%, slows attack speed by 5%/10%/15%, and is shot in a radius of 350/450/550. Buff lasts 5/10/15 seconds.

Cripple: Cost 200/150/100 Mana. Cooldown is 20/15/10 seconds.
Only Liches who have been revived as Warlocks or Necromancers have this spell. This spell slows a target by 35%/50%/65% and slows attack speed by 30%/40%/50%. Lasts 45/50/55 seconds.

Raise Army: Cost 300 Mana. Cooldown is 300 seconds.
The only Lich class that has this is a genius. A intelligent Lich can't use this power but a genius can. Using this can raise up all units (regardless of recent player's control) for 120 seconds in a area of 1000.


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i have many hero in mind but i'll eventually put them in my map. is that allowed? i mean i wouldn't mind sharing a hero...


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ifu tell me ahead of time, u can post em ya.. if u tell me not to i won't use em but ya it'd like to hear it@


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I love crazy ideas.

Space Bender Guy

Ability #1:
Creates a portal at a target location on the map. Any units that enter the portal is instantly teleported to NAME's location. Channeling. Time and cooldown increase with level.

Ability #2:
Targeted unit blinks a certain distance in a random direction (checks for collision so ppl cant get trapped). Distance increases with level.

Ability #3:
NAME begins to move entirely by blinking. (If he would walk to a location he blinks there instead in periodic jumps.) Max distance of blinks increases with level.

and the Ultimate:
NAME creates a gravitational field. Lesser units are caught in it and swirl around him dealing damage to any enemy heroes that get too close. Can pick up both allied and enemy creeps. Number of creeps it picks up and radius of the spin increase with level.

I might use individual abilities in the future but prob not the hero as a whole.


Those who misplace trust in gods learn their fate.
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heh, I thought this would be something else.


Stone Warrior
Model: Avatar form of MK or Mountain Giant, without the green stuff on his shoulders and such.
Name: Norran Rafindel
Attributes: Strength is Primary
Strength: 28
Agility: 14
Intelligence: 18
Class: Tank
Range: Melee

Stone Soldiers: Splits himself into 2 different Stone Soldiers, which increase in power with every level.
They start with Hardened and Resistant Skin. Costs 150 Mana, Stone Soldiers last 60 seconds, at least one must survive to reform Stone Warrior, Cooldown 120 seconds.

Stone Soldier Gaia:
HP: 600/750/900 HP
MP: 100/150/200 MP
Attack: 45-55/55-65/65-75 or something.
Range: 128
Model: Smaller Version of Mountain Giant
Other Abilities: First: Hurl Boulder, Second: Thorns Aura
Thrid: Devotion Aura (Change name).
Defense: Fortified 5/7/9

Stone Soldier Magi:
HP: 550/650/750 HP
MP: 200/275/350 MP
Range: 600
Model: Small Version of Avatared MK, missile model is Storm Bolt.
Other Abilities: First: Impale, Second: Shadow Strike (Change Name), Third: Stone Shield (Frost Armor, no slow).
Defense: Heavy 3/4/5

How to use: Like the Storm, Earth, and Fire ability, Gaia is Earth and Fire put together. Meanwhile, Magi is a weaker version of Storm, as he does not have Wind Walk to help him escape.

Hardened Skin: The Stone Warrior's skin is so tough that enemies attacking it will wither their weapons with every attack. (-5 attack). Plus, every attack made against him will be reduced by 5 damage, minimum 5 damage. Passive.

Mountain Strike: Base it off of War Stomp. The Stone Warrior slams the ground with so much force that all units around him are affected by a Rock Slide (Have Mountain Strike cast a small "Rain of Fire" without the fire around every unit in a 400/500/600 area of effect. "Rain of Fire" deals 100/150/200 damage to all units around it.

How to Use: In large groups of enemies, this ability can deal some massive damage. However, a one-on-one battle can still be good, if you use it right.

Hurl Boulder: Like Stone Soldier Gaia, except it stuns longer, deals more damage, and has more range.
1000 Range, 3/4/5 second stun, 250/350/450 damage.

How to Use: Best used right before Mountain Strike, to deal extra damage and close in on the enemy.

Avalanche: Have it cast stampede, except there will be a lot more missiles, and there will be a small stun, but smaller area. Missile art is rocks. Multiple Rocks.
45 damage per rock, 50 rocks per wave, 700 area of effect, .5 second stun.

How to Use: Since it has a stun effect, it can be used close range. However, at this point, enemies can surround and murder you, so be careful.

Silent Samurai
Model: Any "Holy" unit. Medivh with a BladeMaster weapon works really well.
Name: Kaotsumono (T is silent)
Attributes: Agility is primary
Strength: 22
Agility: 28
Intelligence: 15
Class: Melee Harasser/Supporter
Range: Melee

Disarming Slash: Kaotsumono strikes his target with a magical buffer; all other buffs affecting the target unit are removed. Plus, for every buff the unit has, the attack deals 25/50/75 extra damage, and it counts Auras. Initial Damage is 100/200/300.

How to Use: Best used if the enemy has lots of buffs or auras; since this ability is melee ranged, the damage isn't too great. However, if, for example, a tauren is under the effect of Bloodlust, Endurance Aura, Healing Salve, or something, Disarming Slash can murder it.

Bushido Blade: A holy light envokes Kaotsumono's blade, allowing it to do extra damage (5/10/15) against any enemy for a set amount of time. During the time it is put on autocast, it also has a 1/1.75/2.5% chance for every attack to revive a recently fallen non-hero ally. Costs 10 mana per hit.

How to Use: Since it costs a lot of mana, it is best to use it when there is either a strong enemy or a lot of enemies in range. Chances are some units will be dead around you, so use it to help revive units and to kill enemies.

Silent Strike: The Samurai teleports behind the target enemy unit, and slashes it once, then teleports in front of it, slashes once, and then teleports back to his original area.

Aura of Honor: Kaotsumono's presence is so great that all units around him have a 3/4/5% chance, every second, to be effected by a 10-second Inner Fire. Plus, all units already gain a 5/10/15% bonus to Life Regeneration or something.

How to Use: Aura of Honor is best used when multiple units are damaged, but since it is an aura, it doesn't really matter. Just put the Inner Fired units up in front, if they are tanks.

Death of Heaven: When Kaotsumono falls from the battlefield, all units around him will recieve a super Inner Fire, which adds 10 bonus armor, 25% more attack, and a 25% more life regeneration for 60 seconds. All enemies will take 100 damage.

How to Use: Since this is activated when the Samurai dies, most enemies will be pretty damaged, unless you are soloing. When the units come under the inner fire, they will most likely rape.

Model: Blood Mage, Priest, or Druid of the Talon
Name: Sanctus Librai
Attributes: Intelligence is Primary
Strength: 17
Agility: 19
Intelligence: 29
Class: Ranged Spellcaster (Focus on supporting summoning or abilities)
Range: 700

Unknown Arts: Malum creates a Nexus of swirling energy, and reaches in and grabs a random item/power. Every level increases items/powers you can get. At first, all you can get for items are a potion of healing, potion of mana, or a 100% reveal of the map for 1 second. At next level, you can get a better potion of healing, a better potion of mana, a 100% reveal of the map for 1 second, a Scroll of Healing, or a Bloodlust to all units around him. At level 3, you get all those, better scroll, potions, and Scroll of Mana, or the ability to summon two units.
Alternatively, you can make it a ward, that has no attack but a Pheonix Fire type ability, which gives a weak rejuvenation on all units around it, once. Rejuvenation increases with level.

How to Use: For the first idea, just use it when you are in need of items, but cannot afford to lose any gold. However, this should have a long cooldown. For the second idea, summon it when your units really need it, in the middle of a giant battle. As it gives the rejuvenation, it will help the units survive.

Enlightening Ward: Malum places an open book on the battlefield, (100 HP), which every second deals a 30 damage Holy Light to enemies, while healing allies for 15 HP. Costs 15 mana per second, and can be deactivated at any time within that period.

Archon Protectors: Two "Angels" come from the heavens to aid units around the Loremaster. Angels have different ablities, one is a offensive supporter, giving them Bloodlust or Roar. One is a defensive supporter, giving them Inner Fire, Frost Armor, or any healing or armor increasing abilities. Time is 60 seconds, Angels increase in power with level. Their attack should be relatively weak, but have a lot of defense and/or HP.

How to Use: When you summon these, pull these from the back of the battle to the middle, with the ranged people, or the back, with the spellcasters. Have the offensive one use roar in the front really fast, and keep it behind the front lines, but out of enemy fire. The defensive one should be used to its full extent; Frost Armor the tanks, Inner Fire the seige weapons or the Heroes.

Secret Magic: An area of effect, like tranquility, every unit around him is bestowed one or two of six different abilities: A weak Rejuvenation, a weak Inner Fire, a weak Bloodlust for allies, and for enemies, a weak Faerie Fire, a weak Cyclone, and a weak burning effect. At level one, one ability is bestowed. At level two, two abilities are bestowed, at level three, all three abilities are bestowed. Alternatively, you can have the abilities increase in power instead of number. 100/150/200 range.

How to Use: Since a random effect happens, it is best used on the tanks of either side. Since the good guys will always get the good abilities, use it without fear.

The Holy Script: Malum reads a holy script to the battlefield, invoking the wrath of the gods. Every unit around him is either healed or damaged, depending on whether the unit is a friend or an enemy. It lasts 30 seconds, with each missile/second dealing either 20 damage heal or 20 damage. Every unit affected will be affected by all of the Secret Magic abilities, other than the good ones for the enemies, or the bad ones for the allies.

How to Use: Like Starfall, but it provides a much more harder attack, so most enemies will fall quickly and most allies will kill quickly. Due to the fact that it inflicts all Secret Magic abilities, it is wise to use it where the Loremaster cannot get hurt.

I hope that helps.

EDIT: 5th ability added.


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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Frost Monarch - Frost Revenant Model

Intelligence-based hero, with a melee attack. The melee attack slows movement speed and attack speed by 10%, and 5%, respectively.
Strength: 18
Agility: 10
Intelligence: 25
Class: AoE destruction + super nuke.

Ability 1 - Ice Barrage - Based on Cluster Rockets, fires a bunch of icy projectiles through the air, which stun (and show a frozen animation instead of the stun animation) targets. The stun lasts 3 + 3*level seconds, but stunned units gain 20 temporary armor. Deals 75*level damage.

Ability 2 - Grip of Frost - Single target, must target a unit. Creates a line of ice (which stuns and gives +20 armor), which will strike the target and anything between the caster and the target. The target will take 100*level damage, and units inbetween will take 50*level damage.

Ability 3 - Icy Wind Cry - AoE, single click. A slam ability, which does two things:
Reduces the attack speed and movement speed of any affected units by 5%*level.
If the target is frozen, it deals 100*level damage to the target, over 30 seconds.

Ultimate - Shatter - Single target. Does two things:
Deals 1-100 damage, and slows the target's movement speed by 50%, and attack speed by 25%.
If the target is frozen, it deals an additional 1-500 damage, and if the target is still alive, knocks him back to base. 3 minute cooldown.


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Wind Mage (ranged intell) use a wind gust-looking thing for his attack missile

Ability 1, Tornado:
Target unit is picked up by a small tornado. The tornado's movement is controlled by NAME (low movespeed). Duration increases with level.

Ability 2, Wind Blast:
Pushes all units within a certain radius of NAME away from him. Enemy units take a small amount of damage depending on how far they travelled. Damage and Radius increase with level.

Ability 3, Flying:
NAME uses the power of the wind to gift him with the ability to fly temporarily. Duration increases with level. (you have the option of landing anytime in the middle)

Ultimate, Wind Blast:
Pushes all enemy units on the map in the direction NAME is facing at the time. Distance increases with level.


is now a game developer :)
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"The Dark Pharaoh"
Name: Mumm-rah
Model: Archimonde (The blue one)
Primary: Intelligence
Role: Annoyance, Ranged


Slow - hero ability based off the slow unit ability.


Desert Dunes - Feral spirits - Summons custom tornado units that also damage the enemies, not only buildings.

Ultimate - Time Shatter - Slows everything in a 1000 radius from the pharaoh. Both allies and enemies are slowed.


"Storm Pandaren"
Name: Kix
Model: Storm (from Storm, Earth and Fire)
Primary: Agi
Role: Hero Killer, Melee


Attract - The pandaren stuns a target and pulls it towards him.
>>animation: red lightning bolt

Repel - The pandaren releases a strong electric surge that pushes the target back. The closer the target, the more damage it recieves.
>>animation: blue lightning bolt

Static Shield - Frost Armor - the pandaren creates a static field around him or around an ally that slows melee units that attack.
>>animation: purge buff

Storm Fury - the pandaren chooses a target then attacks it relentlessly.
>>animation: blinks to the target then teleports randomly around it while attacking multiple times.



Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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Laywer - The Herokiller from Hell

Ability 1 - Sue - Curses a target unit. Every time they deal damage, they are dealt the amount of damage they deal. Lasts X seconds.

Ability 2 - Red Tape - (based off slow) slows down an enemy in red tape, so they can't move, but their attack speed is only slightly slowed.

Ability 3 - Loophole - Reduces the targets armor by 10, 20, 30, for 15 seconds. Increases Sue's damage.

Ultimate - Counter-Sue - Reflects a single-target spell back at the caster every 30 seconds. EAT THAT, STORM BOLTERS!

Daemon Child FROM HELL - Always has 100 max HP.

Ability 1 - Daemon Swiftness - gives 70%/80%/90% evasion. When you click on icon, it activates windwalk.

Ability 2 - Daemon Blood - can cast demon blood on self, to gain spell immunity, but lose 30/20/10 armor. If daemon blood is activated while the demon child is killed, enemies nearby take 100/175/250 damage over 10 seconds.

Ability 3 - Daemon Blast - basically a shockwave spell. any units hit are stunned and knocked backward.

Ultimate - Daemon Magic - (single target anything) casts a random spell, out of the following:

Death and Decay
Rain of Fire - Level 3
Howl of Terror - Level 3
Flame Strike - Level 3
Starfall (more powerful)
Reign of Chaos
Shockwave - level 4


Death is Not the End
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Name: Nerubios
Hero: Nerubian Overlord
Model: Crypt Lord
Class: Guardian
Range: 135
Str: 25
Agi: 27
Int: 18
Chitinous Carapace, Aura of Spines, Nerub's Venom, Tendril Fury.

Chitinous Carapace: Passive.
All Nerubians have a chitinous carapac as they grow and age. Grows a secondary carapace which has sharp barbs that will give Nerubios 3/5/7 bonus armor and will reflect 15%/30%/45% of the melee damage recieved.

Aura of Spines: Passive.
Overlords are granted a special blessing from Nerub that will aid the Nerubians in battle. Nerubios emits an aura that will target nearby enemy units to be impaled. Every 7 seconds, a spiked tendril is unleashed, dealing 20/30/40 damage to the enemies within a 600 radius. The unit is stunned for 1 second after getting impaled.

Nerub's Venom: Cost 125/115/105 Mana. Cooldown is 12/15/18 seconds.
Nerubian Overlords are from the bloodline of Nerub and thus has poisonous barbs growing from their vey carapace. Nerubios breaks off a barb from his carapace which is filled with Nerub's venom. The barb strikes, dealing 50/80/110 initial damage and deals 30/60/90 damage per second afterwards. The effect lasts for 5/6/7 seconds.

Tendril Fury: Cost 300 Mana. Cooldown is 300 seconds.
Nerubios pounds his massive claws into the ground which will continually send spiked tendrils from the ground repeatedly in one place to another. Every second, at least 4 spiked tendrils dealing 20 damage at sent at random areas within the 900 radius of Nerubios. This is a channeled spell which will last 12 seconds.
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