Euthanasia. is it right?


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If you dont know, Euthanasia is derived from the Greek word meaning "good death" is the practice of ending life in a painless matter. This is usually used for patients that have a terminal illness and are in severe pain.

I will make my stand here, and now.

I believe that Euthanasia is COMPLETELY wrong, human life is too precious to just be thrown away like that.

The doctors should do all in their power to revive the patient until there is absolutely no more chance of revival, clinical and brain dead. Even if the patient is in severe pain, human life is far too precious to just be thrown away, you can never know until you try.

I wont be posting anything here, unless its about the discussion in general, not the debate, the condition of the debate. ive made my point :)

I have already tried to raise this opinion to someone else, other then being called a religious fanatic for my opinions, nothing happened. Once i stated that all humans have souls they went on to say everything about the human body, cells, organs, the such. To be revered as persons, of course i stopped once i noticed how mad and crazy the person was... so yes, i have no desire to get into this discussion, only to raise my viewpoint and see if anyone else has the same opinion i do, either by religious or personal feelings

Usually, the 2 standpoints are.

"Its up to the person"
"Human life is far to precious to waste by early death, and treatment until utter failure(death). (in other words, have faith)"


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I think that everyone can decide if they want to live or to die. No one can force you to live if you're in too much pain to take it. That's just cruel. So doctors taking the patients life? Well. It depends on the situation slightly. If the case is that there's an illness that puts the patient in severe pains, he should have the option to let a doctor take his life.


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I believe that it is your own choice whether to take your life and if someone wants to, it would be better to do it in a painless and quiet manner rather than, for example, jumping off a bridge.


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There was a case on Euthanasia once... forgot when/where. But the doctors refused to "painlessly kill" the patient, so in the end she took her own life.

I disagree when you say that doctor's should do everything in their power to revive patients. I believe that doctor's should do everything in their power to fulfill the wishes of their patients. If a patient doesn't want to transfer blood and would rather die, then the doctor should not force the patient to just because "life is so precious".

On a side note: Most doctors will not even consult with Euthanasia patients because of all the paperwork (due to the legal/moral matters the public have attached to it), they will most likely point there finger to someone else, and you can't blame them. Doctors do not want to be in a position where they have to take the life of a patient because it's their will, really! You can't really blame the doctors anything. The problem lies with the patients and the public that can't make their mind on Euthanasia.

If you want this to stop try to approve a law clearly stating what the rules for Euthanasia are, if you can't then keep participating in internet debates.


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I think you would change your mind if you had a terminal illness. Did it take you like.. two seconds to come up with that stance? It sounds pretty good, doesn't it? As long as you don't try to force your opinion on anyone else..


Анна Ахматова
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No. The patient may conceive the idea that it's an obligation to kill him or herself due to the inability to function properly at that current time. Doctors may slack in their profession. We should always strive to preserve life. If we want to prevent it, we should stop reproducing.

Those who are terminally ill should spend their little time preparing themselves for death. They should not force it upon themselves. Death is a process such as love and maturity is. If you force yourself to love, you hate. If you force yourself to grow, you regress.

Suicide and euthanasia is the "easy way out." Despite how difficult it is to kill oneself, suicide should always be looked down upon. It hurts the living and euthanasia does the same.

Life is a wonderful thing. We should love it and respect it even if we're suffering daily. Selfishness and greed is immoral such as suicide is.

Please don't tell me to put myself into the shoes of a dying person. Does a certain circumstance change a philosophy? It should not, but you would be an unfaithful coward for abandoning yourself to death. A dignified being would stand to himself until his or her last breath. We are not savages in this cruel world.


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No. The patient may conceive the idea that it's an obligation to kill him or herself due to the inability to function properly at that current time. Doctors may slack in their profession. We should always strive to preserve life. If we want to prevent it, we should stop reproducing.

Those who are terminally ill should spend their little time preparing themselves for death. They should not force it upon themselves. Death is a process such as love and maturity is. If you force yourself to love, you hate. If you force yourself to grow, you regress.

Suicide and euthanasia is the "easy way out." Despite how difficult it is to kill oneself, suicide should always be looked down upon. It hurts the living and euthanasia does the same.

Life is a wonderful thing. We should love it and respect it even if we're suffering daily. Selfishness and greed is immoral such as suicide is.

Please don't tell me to put myself into the shoes of a dying person. Does a certain circumstance change a philosophy? It should not, but you would be an unfaithful coward for abandoning yourself to death. A dignified being would stand to himself until his or her last breath. We are not savages in this cruel world.

I agree with you on your stance on Suicide and Euthanasia, how it is immoral, harmful, hurtful to others, egoistic, etc.
I do not agree with you when you say that we should ALL follow this way of thinking.

I also have some criticism/questions for what you wrote.

In your first paragraph you imply that doctors sometimes slack, and that the patient may conceive the idea that it's an obligation to kill himself.
Could it be possible to use more solid statements next time? You make random claims and attach no statements. (it just lacked cohesion)
You then claim that because we prevent life we should stop reproducing.
If life is at such a high priority perhaps we should also stop all wars, the existence of guns/weapons, death penalties, and anything else made for the purpose of killing. If you agree with all these points then the argument you used is valid as your opinion (that not many other people would find realistic), if not you are using the argument out of convenience, which I find deeply immoral.... but I doubt you did that.

In the second paragraph you said quote "They should not force it upon themselves. Death is a process such as love and maturity is."
Then you connect that with quote " If you force yourself to love, you hate. If you force yourself to grow, you regress."
I am confused. Death is a natural process, therefore we must not force death?
If we force to love we get the opposite hate, if we force growth we get the opposite.
Wouldn't your logic imply that forcing death would equal life? But most importantly, isn't your logic flawed when you state that we should not, due to it's lack of "naturalness"?

In paragraph 3 you state that euthanasia and suicide is the easy way out. Is this bad? because you never clarified if it was good or bad.
Personally I find the easy way the good way, but that's just me.
You then state that it hurts the living, but if I were to have a theoretical cat that was in deep deep pain, I would feel better if he/she would be relieved of it rather than he/she being alive for my sake, or anyone else(the guilt would be just too much for me :(). So I guess in some situation Euthanasia would be painful for others, yet I can also think of situations where it would lead to more guilt. I agree that suicide usually only brings despair though.....

I agree with you 100% on the fourth paragraph.

I also agree with you 100% on the 5th paragraph, and I will definitely not tell you to step into other people's shoes!


Анна Ахматова
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You then state that it hurts the living, but if I were to have a theoretical cat that was in deep deep pain, I would feel better if he/she would be relieved of it rather than he/she being alive for my sake, or anyone else(the guilt would be just too much for me :(). So I guess in some situation Euthanasia would be painful for others, yet I can also think of situations where it would lead to more guilt. I agree that suicide usually only brings despair though.....

I may have been rambling. I'm not going to explain everything because we think differently.

Remember friend, the easy way isn't always the right way.

A cat is an animal. I'm a vegetarian and I refuse to kill animals. Sometimes I crave a hamburger, but I don't eat one. Yet, I believe humans should not lower themselves to the level of an animal. Creatures of this world may have the ability to think and feel emotion (if scientists ever discover this as truth), but they're not human. Thus I believe this euthanasia is alright. We don't have advance medical technology for animals anyways. Why make them suffer when they have no chance? Most animals die in a different way. They refuse to eat and just waste away unlike humans who have obligations to humanity.

Am I saying a white person is different from a black person due to his or her race? No. This is totally different, and I've had people fire back at me with this. Humanity is different from animals. We are more sophisticated. We can communicate with each other and understand abstract thoughts.

We have yet to understand animals, and until they stand up and talk among us, we never will.


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Please don't tell me to put myself into the shoes of a dying person. Does a certain circumstance change a philosophy? It should not, but you would be an unfaithful coward for abandoning yourself to death. A dignified being would stand to himself until his or her last breath. We are not savages in this cruel world.

Yes: plain and simple. To say that you would stay true to yourself in every situation, no matter where "you" were born is.. well, whatever. As long as you don't judge or enforce rules on the people that are in that situation, you can believe whatever you want. But it certainly isn't your decision what other people do to themselves.


All Along the Watchtower
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I think everyone has the right to their own body.

No. The patient may conceive the idea that it's an obligation to kill him or herself due to the inability to function properly at that current time.

In this situation the patient should receive counselling, and if they are completely set on the idea, then it is their decision and should be respected as such.

Doctors may slack in their profession. We should always strive to preserve life. If we want to prevent it, we should stop reproducing.

I think doctor's should ease suffering, but above all respect the patient's wishes.

For example if a patient refused to take treatment for a curable disease because of their religious views, they have the right to do so. They should not be strapped down to a hospital bed and forced to take the treatment because 'Life is precious'.

Those who are terminally ill should spend their little time preparing themselves for death. They should not force it upon themselves.

Who are you to decide this for other people? They should be allowed a time and place of their choosing to die peacefully surrounded by loved ones.

Suicide and euthanasia is the "easy way out." Despite how difficult it is to kill oneself, suicide should always be looked down upon. It hurts the living and euthanasia does the same.

I am always baffled by people who deem euthanasia an 'easy way out'. It is not easy to decide to end your only life.

As for 'hurting the living' / 'upsetting loved ones' - you're saying that people should be forced to stay alive with terminal illnesses and, quite often is the case, agonizing pain because people close to them are being selfish in not wanting to lose a loved one.

Life is a wonderful thing. We should love it and respect it even if we're suffering daily. Selfishness and greed is immoral such as suicide is.

Selfishness and greed are indeed immoral. It is selfish to tell someone they can't be relieved of constant pain because their death will upset you.

Please don't tell me to put myself into the shoes of a dying person. Does a certain circumstance change a philosophy?

This, to me, is an incredibly fatuous statement. Empathy certainly should be capable of changing a philosophy.

A dignified being would stand to himself until his or her last breath. We are not savages in this cruel world.

Which is more dignified;

Dying alone in the middle of the night in agony, screaming as organs fail and you are harshly taken from the world.

Peacefully dying with your family and friends able to say their goodbyes at your bedside.

Remember friend, the easy way isn't always the right way.

This is true, and the people close to a terminally ill patient who wishes to be euthanised should accept that the moral thing to do would be to deal with the loss of life if it means relieving someone of literally un-livable pain.

The 'easy way' for the bystanders would be to avert the emotional stress of losing someone by having them stay alive in pain for as long as possible.

Yet, I believe humans should not lower themselves to the level of an animal.

Well, the reality of it is we are animals. Not that the term lowers our worth at all.

Creatures of this world may have the ability to think and feel emotion (if scientists ever discover this as truth), but they're not human. Thus I believe this euthanasia is alright. We don't have advance medical technology for animals anyways. Why make them suffer when they have no chance? Most animals die in a different way. They refuse to eat and just waste away unlike humans who have obligations to humanity.

Here, you're saying animals have more rights than humans.

The animals have the right to be put out of their misery but humans must suffer?


Анна Ахматова
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Yes: plain and simple. To say that you would stay true to yourself in every situation, no matter where "you" were born is.. well, whatever. As long as you don't judge or enforce rules on the people that are in that situation, you can believe whatever you want. But it certainly isn't your decision what other people do to themselves.

The question was if euthanasia was right. I stated no. I never forced my opinion on anyone. Doing so would take action.


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The question was if euthanasia was right. I stated no. I never forced my opinion on anyone. Doing so would take action.

Fair enough. And, I don't mean any offense, but do you truly believe that if you had a painful and/or terminal disease, living in agony with most of your generation dead, you would fine the will to live for three to four more years?

I have known people in this situation, including people in my family. It really takes it out of a person, especially one with no religion to speak of.


Анна Ахматова
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Fair enough. And, I don't mean any offense, but do you truly believe that if you had a painful and/or terminal disease, living in agony with most of your generation dead, you would fine the will to live for three to four more years?

I have known people in this situation, including people in my family. It really takes it out of a person, especially one with no religion to speak of.

I've heard of stories about grandfather's blowing their brains out because they felt unless to their family. The family was left in shock. Horrible. This man was apparently an atheist. He selfishly took his life because he felt like it.

To prepare for death, a person must go through some stages. Once that person accepts his or her own fate, she or he must comfort the family or friends. This is the time to revisit life and wish it farewell. It's also time to find religion or curse it. The process of death completes life for both the dying person and the mourners.

Well, the reality of it is we are animals. Not that the term lowers our worth at all.

Then why don't we kill off the mentally ill? They're suffering too.


Just Smile.
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If i found out i was in terrible pain, and was going to die in 2 months, and that it was untreatable you better damn well believe I wouldn't want to go through that. And ANYONE saying I cant take MY LIFE should learn what MY means.


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What's wrong with the youth in Asia?

Seriously though..of course it's right. If I come to a point in my life where I'm in unbearable pain (physical, emotional, mental), and I decided to end it, then I'm going to.

In fact the only form of killing I have no problem with, is the killing of one's self. Just as you have the right to make choices regarding your life, you should be able to make them regarding your death.

And don't tell me that killing one's self is "greedy" or "selfish" because really, that's kind of stupid. A greedy, selfish person would probably be trying to stay alive at any cost, don't you think?
Aren't you being the selfish one? "People shouldn't take their lives because life is precious!"
Wait a second...that sounds vaguely familiar...

I should probably go to sleep now...

(P.S.-As opposed to "selfish": If you look at it semantically, isn't killing one's self the most selfless thing one can do? Hah)


Анна Ахматова
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(P.S.-As opposed to "selfish": If you look at it semantically, isn't killing one's self the most selfless thing one can do? Hah)

... No. Why are you killing yourself? Because you can, and you don't care how other people feel about it.


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I meant, if you kill yourself, you'll be literally self-less.

>>Because you can, and you don't care how other people feel about it.
Isn't this a generally accepted philosophy, as long as you don't infringe on others' rights (which you aren't if you take your own life)?
And besides, if you start saying I can't kill myself because of that...then I can't do anything other people don't want me to do either...right?


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>... No. Why are you killing yourself? Because you can, and you don't care how other people feel about it.

But there's still nothing wrong to do what you want with your life. If you don't want to live, why should you be forced? Life should be for those who want to live.


Frog blast the vent core!
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I personally don't care either way, but it honestly should be the patient's decision ultimately. I have some awfully realistic views on life and death, and probably will be shunned for saying them, so I will keep those to myself.


The Invisible Observer
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To remark flatly on the subject as a whole, someone dying is not going to be positive, its a system where not everyone can be pleased about it, and everything else to follow is in my mind is just little "What if?" situations where we place our selves in these scenarios where we really wouldn't act at all in the ways we speculate ourselves to.

Lots of speculation.

They refuse to eat and just waste away unlike humans who have obligations to humanity.

Yeah some humans do. Most don't. I'd be willing to back up that most humans do just waste away.

We are more sophisticated. We can communicate with each other and understand abstract thoughts.

More sophisticated, but not quite understanding yet.

In this situation the patient should receive counselling, and if they are completely set on the idea, then it is their decision and should be respected as such.

What if it weren't their decision to receive counselling? :O

/Furthering silly semantics

I am always baffled by people who deem euthanasia an 'easy way out'. It is not easy to decide to end your only life.

Odds are it would be a somewhat compulsive subconscious system of thinking that would spur such actions, not an active process of inner speech.
(Lets compare this to getting up on a cold morning, you put off getting out of bed and actively think it, and all of a sudden your out of bed, without thinking of doing so, suicide I guess might be similar.)

Which is more dignified;

Dying alone in the middle of the night in agony, screaming as organs fail and you are harshly taken from the world.

Peacefully dying with your family and friends able to say their goodbyes at your bedside.

This of course depends on if being dignified is important, and if either of the two cases given fulfill ones feelings attached to being dignified.

Dying is dying, I think in most cases its not a beautiful thing, and while dying with family around might be nice on the active 'dying' person, the whole family will have a completely different stress put on them. So whether or not the overall situation is better or worse then one another is quite blurry.

What's wrong with the youth in Asia?

Damn kids in Asia.
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