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*New information will be underlined (I will try to update daily)
** Please have a quick read and tell me your thoughts. I really appreciate your input :p!



This is a game based around the Roman Gladiators of 100-200BC. It differs from other gladiator style games in that it is slightly more cinematic, with some short cut scenes like the king deciding a gladiators fate. It also has a more "real" feel. With abilities trained by a person and bandages instead of potions etc.

It also has an advanced combat system which aims to reduce the "just stand there and the guy does it by himself" approach. You control your characters every swing and block, so you can't abandon him to do the work for you.

There will also be less and stronger enemies. Around 1-2 times the amount of players. These will either be other gladiators or beasts. Enemies will have a more realistic approach and have their own abilities.

There will also be different "special" rounds which involve the players being pitted against each other in all on all or teamed battles. Such rounds will be controlled so there is not uneven teams etc.

Instead of buying individual weapons or picking something your with all the way through, you buy weapon sets like "Net and Trident" or "Longsword and Shield". You level up your skill in these sets to train special abilities. Things like being able to throw your sword or a shield bash. After a few levels you can hold two sets, so you can switch ingame depending on the situation.

You also level up your character and put points into basic skills like Leadership or Willpower. As you level up you go through different ranks of gladiator. The person you train your skills off depends on these ranks and certain weapon abilities may require a certain amount of points in various skills. You can't shield bash without the required strength or you can't throw your spear without the required accuracy etc.

Current Progress:

Terrain: 99% - Unless i end up making it round
Doodads: 80%

Gladiator Area
Terrain: 99%
Doodads: 70%
Trainers: 0%
Shops/Tents: 0%

Heroes: 0%
Enemies: 0%
Crowd: 0%

Other Stuff
Dungeon: 90% (Just need to add creeps to kill)
Mode Selection Area: 2%

The Map


As the map shows there are 4 basic areas.

1. The Main Arena. This is where all the actual battling takes place.
a) Main Gladiator Entrance
b) Beast Entrance
c) Enemy Gladiator Entrance
d) Kings Throne
e) Gladiator Spectator Area

2. Gladiator Area. Where the gladiators go when they're not fighting.
a) Door Room. Far left door goes to the arena, top left goes to spectator area, top right goes to dungeon (more into that later)
b) This is the common area. Various gladiators and trainers are located here
c) The top of this area is where the armor and weapons are, while at the bottom each player has their own tent and armor rack.
d) This is the physical training area, you can smash crates for scraps and rats come out for you to fight. Or you can shoot the archery targets.

3. This is the dungeon. If you fail in the Arena or are sentenced to death you are chucked in here for an amount of time. You automatically increase in willpower slowly by just being there and there are some ghosts and rats etc. to fight.

4. This is the area where red picks original game modes and can change stuff. (This may or may not exist in the final version)

Weapon Sets:

The weapon sets are designed to be equally powerful when used correctly. Each weapons advantages should weigh out its disadvantages.

This is how it should work for.. say a Shortsword and Large Shield:

You have two attacking buttons to press, "Swing" and "Stab". The swing is more affected by armor and shields but can deal more damage. The stab can still be blocked by a shield but does more damage to less armored units etc.
You can click the buttons individually or turn on autocast. Only one type of attack or defense can be on autocast at a time.

Your shield adds a bit of damage reduction but also has its own button, "Block". When this button is pressed you raise your shield (canceling any attack) and try to block the next attack by your enemy. It wont have a 100% block chance more like 60-70%. This can be increased by better skills.

This may seem like a lot but shields can have less chance to block or be bypassed by certain weapons and weapon skills.

Ranged Weapons

It may just be me but i find in gladiator style games the ranged characters main attack is a little boring, so I'm going to make it that the ranged attack is a lot more powerful (when it hits - it can be blocked by shields armor etc.) and is casted in a direction, not automatically targeted. You have to aim it, counter for movement etc. and it can hit your own team-mates as well. In other words its a lot more difficult to hit an enemy but a big payoff when it does. As a ranged attacker you would probably also have a melee set of weapons aswell incase you can't hit an enemy.

Every time you shoot, you also use up arrows/bolts. You can also get higher level arrows/bolts as you get higher levels with the weapon.


Pieces of armor have more of a passive block or damage reduction to them. You can wear 4 different pieces of armor. Chest, Legs, Hand, Feet. These are not in your inventory, they are moved about in a separate "stash"-like object next to your tent.

Item List:

Weapon Sets

- Net and Trident
Great special weapon, net your enemy and switch to a ranged attack or use to flank them and deal extra damage.

- Large Shield and Spear
Best defensive set. Extremely good protection and defensive abilities but still with a descent offense

- Medium Shield and Shortsword
The best for all-rounder duties. Good defensively and offensively.

- Small Shield and Longsword
Less defense than the Medium Shield but makes up for it in a strong attack and more offensive abilities.

- Greatsword
Slow attack speed and very limited defense but definitely makes up for it in its devastating damage.

- Medium Shield and Flail (Passive swinging animating FTW :p)
Another great special weapon. Build up momentum with your swinging and deal great damage.

- Medium Shield and Club
Similar to Medium Shield but uses more strength and has some nice stun abilities.

- Warhammer
Requires great strength to wield and has very limited defense but when one of those swings is on-target you'll deal unstoppable damage.

- Duel Shortswords
Limited defense but extremely fast attack speed. With these blades flying around your going to get a hit in quite often.

- Shortbow
No defense but very fast attack speed and devastating to enemies at close range.

- Longbow
Slower attack speed but higher damage and can shoot further.

- Crossbow
Long reload time but the high speed bullets are easier to hit harder targets and devastating damage.

Basic Gameplay:

I was thinking of a short cinematic for the start, maybe showing everyone walking into the arena and a pan around the arena from a third person view or something like that. You can type -help for a quick tutorial if your new that would quickly explain how to fight and stuff.

After each round you go back to the Gladiator Area for a small amount of time where you can get a bit of training in, get some new abilities, get some new weapons or armor etc.

All of the kings guards and the king himself are neutral passive. They wont attack you unless you attack them. If you do attack them or attack one of your allies they will attack you back with a large amount of force. Eventually putting you in the dungeon.

*The following may or may not be implemented in game >>>

This is an idea I've been having about how death should work. When you run out of HP you don't die. You are Knocked out. You fall to the ground and have a small amount of health but cannot move. Enemies wont attack you unless they have no choice (eg. your soloing). When in this unconscious state you are able to be dragged/carried away by fellow gladiators to safety. When the round is finished the king will decide your fate. If he decides you fought well enough then he'll let you off. Otherwise your thrown in the dungeon. The dungeon will actually make you stronger but is really boring because you lose contact with your allies (chat turned off) and your in an enclosed space.

Another idea is that by getting the killing blow on an enemy or doing stuff that looks really cool (like killing two enemies with a sweeping blow or something like that) you get "Popularity Points" or PP. This shows how much the crowd likes you (and helps in saving you from a down-turned thumb :p). This could also be used as a replacement for gold (possibly).

Possible Reasons for Gain or Loss of Popularity:

- Dealing Damage (Small Amount)
- Rescuing an Ally (Lots)
- Killing Blows (Lots)
- Using Special Abilities (Moderate Amount) - Will probably have restrictions to avoid spamming

- Taking Damage (Small Amount)
- Running Away (Lots)
- Being Knocked Out (Lots)



^ Shot of main entrance, spectator area and Kings Throne


^ Arena looking at front


^ Arena looking at back


^ Gladiator Area (incomplete)


^ Dungeon from editor


^ Dungeon from ingame


^ Ingame shot of open gates


These are probably some questions you may want answered, so I'm going to save my time and yours and answer them now ;)

Q. The dirt ground in the Arena looks so flat and bare? Aren't there any obstacles to use?

A. I was going for more of a "realistic gladiator arena look" but yes you do need some obstacles. Instead of using pre-built obstacles you are able to build your own using barricades built from scrap wood you can get from the training area.

Q. Why are there just bare walls behind the open gates?

A. I am going to either make or get made a prop thats flat and looks like the entrance to a tunnel and put it behind all of the doors.

Q. On the subject of the doors, how do you get through to each area? Do you click on the doors and they open?

A. No. The doors will either be open or shut depending on what is happening at the time. When it is time for a battle the main door will open letting you through. You just need to walk in front of the open door and you will be taken to the specific place.

You Can Help!

I don't want to do this all myself. I can't actually do it all myself. I mean like this combat system is going to be really tricky... SO if you think you can help me with with anything please say!

Needed Stuff

- The above ^ wall "tunnel" doodad
- Weapon Models
- Armor Models (yes I'm thinking of attaching armor models too)
- Basic Gladiator Model
- Help with the more advanced triggers (possibly JASS)

I can do the basic triggering and with time.. The combat system (I've got a plan ;) ) I mainly need help with models and such. Also by correcting me, pointing out flaws, constructive criticism etc. YOU HELP ME IMMENSELY :D

More Information Coming Soon!

Download the current version of the map and try it out. Just walk around using the little beta tester guy and try out the following commands:

-dungeon > Sends you to the dungeon
-open spec > Opens gate to spectator area
-close spec > Closes " "
-open arena > Opens gate to Main arena
-close arena > Closes " "
-open dungeon > lets you out of dungeon
-close dungeon > closes doors if not already closed


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very nice!!!

but i would love it if the hero does not based on what the actual gladiator thingy
because not much hero skills you can make out from it. XD

~ Ayumi <3


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Thanks for the input ayumilove :)

I've was thinking about that. But i still think there could be lots of abilities for each weapon set. Ill start listing some of my ideas soon.

If anyones got any ideas about anything, or you you dont like any of mine :p make sure you tell me.


suga suga how'd you get so fly?
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i just wana give you some terraining suggestion
1) if you make the battling ground bigger and maybe round so it looks more like the gladiator stadium
2) On the seats it is not decorative enough maybe add some props and stuff
3) for the dungeon make it look horrible with dead bodies and everything

at the start you want the to make a cinematic thats goods and some suggestion is to make some like lord of the rings' music (almost like fairytale music you know what i mean).

If you are going to start off with an cinematic how about end with one too
make it at the end who ever got the most kills and put them on stage and make them like dying but fights off the last monster and wins...

yea something like that hope it gives you ideas


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you could add this

if hero carries this weapon, his weapon attachment change

so forexample
your hero doe not have any weapon, when he carries a sword,
he will be automatically carrying a sword

then allow the hero only to equipd some combo weapons
like shield and 1hndded sword, or only bow and arrow


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Ok. I went to the video store today and hired out Gladiator and Spartacus :p

I've watched Gladiator and got some new ideas, so ill chuck them on here soon.

1) if you make the battling ground bigger and maybe round so it looks more like the gladiator stadium

I was thinking just that. But wont it make it look all jagged? I'll give it a try on a version of the stadium now.

And ayumilove ill definately be using attachments :p and weapon sets will come with 2 weapons (some 2 handed weapons) that are made to be used with each other.

As for the end cinematic, after watching gladiator, i've descided to make the final level against the king himself. He takes all of the players at a time but uses different stunning and sleeping techniques etc. to keep most of the players stunned (bar 1 or 2) so its a fun/frustrating fight :p When the king runs out of health he doesnt die, it cuts to a cinematic of the final blow which'll probably be something really cool like the galdiator throwing his sword into his chest or something.

Thanks for the ideas guys! keep them coming ;)


Looks very nice . Always loved Gladiator - Styled games .

Maybe i missed it , but how do the gladiators actually enter the arena ?


I have the right to remain silent.
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... nice idea, though maybe not that unique...
thats all i gotta say.
(well, not really all, why is everyone stealing the map overview picture idea?:mad:)


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In the gladiator area (where all the doors are) you go through the far left door. You come out below the spactator area and the kings throne, theres a main gate just below.

Added a bunch of new info like a weapon list and reasons for popularity change :p


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First thing is first, please do not bump untill 24 hours later.

But I like the concept. Could use some work though. You said about making it real but how is buying items real? And you never said anything about revival? I think it should be if a unit kills something they can take the enemies weapons? Also nice attack system.


The screenshot where you can see the kings throne and a gate to the left . Including that gate i've got an idea . Before every round a man runs out of it . to the front ( in cinematic mode ) And shouts out who or what will be fighting in the arena next , If possible . Would look awesome :)


......and you are?
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This map looks really cool, I think that a good gladiator game could be made for warcraft III (aka this one) but I keep thinking of that other gladiator game that is on Bnet right now, wow it is terrible.


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First thing is first, please do not bump until 24 hours later.

Sorry About that :p I'm on school holls and wasn't doing anything that day. Really wanted some replies lol

But I like the concept. Could use some work though. You said about making it real but how is buying items real? And you never said anything about revival? I think it should be if a unit kills something they can take the enemies weapons? Also nice attack system.

Thanks! Yeah its a work in progress. And about items, I've decided on not actually selling items, you can get the weapon sets for free and the arrows and stuff will be free too. You just get them off the weapon racks, like a real gladiator would. With the upgradeable arrows etc. you can only use certain ones depending how skilled you are. You may even be able to unlock some special weapons if you have enough popularity.

And about revivals, If you die - you die. You don't come back. But the upside is that you don't actually die that often, only very rarely. When you run out of HP you are knocked out remember :p

The screenshot where you can see the kings throne and a gate to the left . Including that gate i've got an idea . Before every round a man runs out of it . to the front ( in cinematic mode ) And shouts out who or what will be fighting in the arena next , If possible . Would look awesome

I really like that idea :D I wasn't actually going to use the spectator area for anything, i cant remember why i even put it there... :nuts:

This map looks really cool, I think that a good gladiator game could be made for warcraft III (aka this one) but I keep thinking of that other gladiator game that is on Bnet right now, wow it is terrible.
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There are a few out there: Orc Gladiators, Legendary Gladiators and another one I've forgotten... are ones i know.

Ideas that i use in the game i WILL mention you in credits. I'm actually thinking of putting the credits in a command (-view credits or something) and also when people first join (while red is picking game modes)


suga suga how'd you get so fly?
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As for the end cinematic, after watching gladiator, i've descided to make the final level against the king himself. He takes all of the players at a time but uses different stunning and sleeping techniques etc. to keep most of the players stunned (bar 1 or 2) so its a fun/frustrating fight :p When the king runs out of health he doesnt die, it cuts to a cinematic of the final blow which'll probably be something really cool like the galdiator throwing his sword into his chest or something.

if you have the gladitor film then how about end with that guy die with slow poision the king use on him and he goes to heaven YAY happy ending or how about the king almost kills the gladiators but they use this speacial gladiator power which is to fight to death with greater power and wins the king
and for the weapons try not to make them very strong coz the real gladiator have real crap weapon


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I've watched Spartacus now too :p only bad thing was that he was only a gladiator for like 20 minutes.. then he ran away and made an army etc. lol oh well it was a good movie :)

and for the weapons try not to make them very strong coz the real gladiator have real crap weapon

Yeah i was going to try and emphasize the point that the weapons are quite crap but its how much skill you have that matters.

Something i did learn from Spartacus is that gladiator fight much better one-on-one than romans and other enemies do. So.. i might factor that in somehow.. but then again might do the opposite. That they work better as a group. We'll just have to see.

I have an idea that i want you guys to tell me what you think. I've though of a basic plot. You are all gladiators from all over Rome, some with more experience than others (whether you have played before etc) so when you join you are given an opening cinematic of a trainer talking to you, then he splits you in to two groups, the newbies and the people who have played before. The newbies are taught the basics of fighting, while the others are taught a random strategy out of about a dozen. So the more you play the game, the more strategy's you learn and the better you become.

The people who have played before will also be told the emphasis of being good leader and helping your less experienced allies.

This may sound like a long boring thing but it wont just be all cinematic, it'll cut in and out while you train, fighting each other in practice fights and fighting dummies. I'm going to try and cut down the time of this as much as possible so its not boring. It will be short and to the point. What do you think?


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Ok. new update. I tried making the arena round, it didnt turn out so well. Umm if anyone else wants to try I'd just edit the map and give it a shot yourself.

I'm currently working on the combat system, I'm reasonably sure that it can be done without JASS. I need some ideas on a good way to target an enemy or would you prefer to just attack an enemy without selecting them, which would be harder for me ;)

If you have any Ideas on special abilities for individual weapons, make sure you say them and they must be realistic.


As for the final cinematic you could use a bit of from the gladiator
Like , gladiators kill the king . And The Player 1 , or The One surviving or whatever . Is like wounded and escapes the arena , when he arrives home , he suddenly dies , Game over , bye bye :p


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I made a attempt and I'm pretty sure I failed at making the arena circular, since it looks more like a half circle now. I'll still put it up.


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