Hit a wall, all call for willing helpers.


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Hello thehelper!
So, Ive been working on this RPG. I'm not quite where I'd like to be with triggers, but I believe I'm getting better. However, Ive hit a wall. This is an all call for any willing and able bodied trigger makers willing to throw a newb a bone and ** Begin Edited** become a team member! ** End Edit** Ive terrain-ed approx 1/5th of the map, and am in the process of scaling XP rewards, quest rewards, Items, and making the quests mesh/intermingle. Side effects include being spread to thin. **Begin Edit**As far as team member positions are concerned,

Someone with a good amount of knowledge about Triggers, or a Jass programmer.

Someone interested in making custom skins would be welcome, and add a nice touch to the map. I don't believe it would be too daunting a task to manipulate the colors on a few of the hero models I'm using, to match their marvel comics counter parts. However, I don't have any image editing software at my disposal, as such, I've not even begun.

The far out one... a modeler. Id sooner see a skinner, because if this project does get custom models, it would just be a gigantic task. And I wouldn't want to have a map with 12 custom models for the X-Men, fighting against knights the entire time >.<
**End Edit**

A little background, if you have not read the post in the members projects thread, this is going to be an X-Men RPG with a plot straight from the Comics. A few of my favorite story arcs compiled / smashed together in a way that pleases the X-Men fans (characters available) but may piss off some more hardcore readers because, (and regrettably) of a willingness to let people play as the heroes they want, I had to cut and change the story in a way that didn't badger the works of the original books, without ruining the actual lore.

I'm really throwing myself at the mercy of the other map makers here. Each hero is a mutant so I gave them all a 'filler' spell that increased mana regeneration (mutant mastery) **Begin Edit** If a triggerer or Jass programmer is found, and has a great idea, I'd be more than happy to get rid of this spell. It exists because for some heroes, I had no problem thinking up awesome moves that matched the hero personality, and others I was coming up blank. Below is a list of each hero, their model, base stat, attack type and spells/projected spells. Everything below is subject to change.**End Edit** Anyway, if you've read this far, I'll assume your down for at least reading the ideas...

ArchangelStrength, ranged hero
Originally Angel, after being captured by Apocalypse his mutation was manipulated and enhanced turning his angelic wings to metal, able to launch poisonous darts from them. Despite Apocalypse's methods, Archangel was saved by his team mates and continues to be an active member of X-Force.

Completed Spells
Cruel Barbs based off black arrow, primarily for the enhanced damage, the minion is very weak, and mostly used for his second move...
Only the Strong based off Death Pact, he sacrifices a minion for 100-700% health and mana. (additional 100% per rank)
Both spells have 7 ranks.

Pending Spells
A lvl 10 single rank ability that could make him fly without letting him avoid boundaries, while still preventing melee units from hitting him. Alternative suggestions welcome.
a lvl 15 spell to define the character. Having poison darts, minion sacrificing, and hopefully flight by this point, I really don't know where else to go with him.

WolverineStrength, melee hero
Gifted with heightened senses, regenerative capabilities, and claws, Wolverine was subjected to experiments under the Weapon X program and trained to be a killer. His claws and skeleton were coated in an unbreakable metal called adamantium. He lives on trying to accept the terrible things hes done while moving forward.

Completed Spells
Garrote based off Doom. Duration set instead of "till death" deals damage over time, spawns no creature if dieing unit is effected by Garrote (Doom)

Healing Factor based off Unholy Aura. .10 range so it only affects Wolverine, 6% health regen per second, 6% movement speed increase.

"Best there is..." based off Drunken Brawler. 15% crit, 10% evade, 50 bonus damage when crit procs.

Pending Spells
Eviscerate based off Storm Bolt. Single target nuke. I'd like it to grant bonus damage if targeted unit has Garrote debuff. I'd also like it to simulate "On next attack" by basing it off a searing arrows ability.

Cyclops Intelligence, ranged hero
One of the original members, now the leader of the X-Men. Throughout the story he will tell Wolverine to kill Cyclops's own son Cable, and basically become the leader of all mutants on the planet.

Completed Spells

Concussive Slam based off Storm Bolt. Causes knock back to target, and all targets withing 200 range of target. Lots of fun to watch :)

Pending Spells

a lvl 1 ability that I really don't know what to do other than keep away from buffs like searing arrow. While those type of moves aren't bad, I don't want them to be a recurring theme across the map. (though if nothing else presents itself there are plenty of like abilities to put on each ranged character) Ideas are in the open, ideally would be lvl 1, and rank up 7 times at a 3 lvl interval.
a lvl 10 single rank ability. Ive been trying to turn Upgrade moon glaive into a hero ability, but despite following a tut, could not get this upgrade ability to work on any heroes. If Upgrade moon glaive wont work, Vorpal Blades may. As an alternative, a short duration buff that increases all heroes xp gain rate by a significant amount. Other suggestions welcome, but so far he does have a ranged attack simulating optic blasts (his major selling point) and an AoE ability that is unique to the ranged characters. And finally an Ult. My initial idea was a massive CD cone attack mimicking his Optic Rage from the X-Men Legends titles, or Concussive Overload from MvC series.

X-23 Agility, melee hero
X-23 is weapon X's first successful clone of Wolverine... side effects include, its a girl. Found and rescued by the X-men shes now a member of the team, constantly watching wolverine trying to learn why he was so great (lets face it since he became a household name the pussification of Wolverine has snow balled)

Completed Spells
Healing factor see Wolverine's same named ability.

Pending Spells
I don't want her to be a replica of wolverine (even though that's exactly what she is) and I don't want any of the heroes having to many passives. I was thinking a maim and maybe a combination of wolverines first two moves, a move that deals decent initial damage and applies a DoT (wolverines DoT deals no initial damage) As an Ult I would really like to have a double attack. However, I have yet been able to create the double attack action. I had seen it in a spell pack map once long ago, but cannot find it again. basically all three moves up for grabs.

Emma Frost Intelligence, melee
Cyclops's girl friend, a telepath with the secondary mutation to turn into diamond. Formerly a member of the Hell Fire club, and one of the only survivors of the genocide committed on the Island Genosha, Emma Frost is trying to be an X-Man, even though it doesn't always agree with her.

Completed Spells
Psychic Lobotomy based off Soul Burn. Only changed the name to fall in line with the hero, the art, and scaling.

Charm same as above, increased level of creep able to be charmed, set the CD to be 5 seconds longer than duration, in the process of making elite enemies (that aren't bosses) un targetable.

Pending Spells
I would really like to see her turn into diamond, but not have her other skills (all telepathy based) available while in this form. Ideally it would be a lvl 10 based off robo-goblin. Shes used her telepathy more than once to make injured friends and foes stop feeling pain (tells your brain to stop processing pain) so Id also like to see something taking advantage of this, perhaps a lvl 15 ult based off healing spray? "Put you in a better place"?

Ice-Man Intelligence Ranged
Bobby Drake, one of the originals. Hes not new to being a super hero and has seen more combat than most. hes been de-powered, re-powered, shattered and frozen oceans. Ice-Man, despite having been in the game since the beginning, is only recently learning his potential.

Pending Spells
So I really would like some excellent displays of his manipulation of Ice. While he could easily be plugged with Frost arrows, Frost Armor, Frost Nova, and blizzard, I want at least one Aura that reduces movement speed of enemies that come in range of him, and an Ice trap. Maybe a stacking debuff that lowers movement/attack rate to a point that the target is frozen and takes double damage on next hit after becoming frozen. If you have ideas for cool ice moves (didja see what I did thar?) Id love to have it here.

Gambit Agility, ranged
Remy LaBeu has been a thief, a hero, a heart breaker, and a horseman of Apocalypse. His most recent activity put a truly dark side on the Ragin' Cajun. Able to transform into the Horseman of Apocalypse, death.

Completed Spells
Kinetic Overload based off Incinerate. Changed the art to make it simulate a kinetic charge/explosion.

52-Card Pick-up based off Cluster Rockets. Same as above.

Horseman of Apocalypse based off Voodoo Spirits. Changed the art for the locust model to disease cloud to simulate his new abilities as Death.

Pending Spells
A passive... Id like to keep with Gambit being a thief, so something mimicking a steal, BUT, Gambit really needs a passive to keep in theme with the other heroes.

Storm Intelligence, ranged
One of the few X-Men to ever compete with Cyclops for leadership of the team and succeed. She is an acting stand in leader on the field, queen of Wakanda, and while worshiped as a goddess in parts of Africa, she has humble beginnings as a pick pocket.

Completed Spells

Chain Lightning based off Chain Lightning. Rank one 0 bounces, each rank after that, an additional jump.

Tornado based of Tornado. Toned down the ability overall, working on making the units tossed up by tornado still be targetable by ranged characters.

Pending Spells
So far, I have two place holder spells, a lvl ten aura based off unholy Aura called "Soothing winds" that is one of the few character heals available in the map. And a lvl 15 Ult based off Monsoon with a very short duration that is supposed to deal a massive amount of damage in only a second. Im content with the place holders but know more could be used for a character with as much power as Storm.

Nightcrawler Agility, melee
A teleporter with demonic features. Nightcrawler was raised in a church and is a follower of the Catholic Faith. His skill with a sword combined with his abilty to scale walls and teleport make him a very agile warrior.

Completed Spells

Teleport Attack based off Storm Bolt. An Omnislash copy from Tinki3, changed the art to simulate Nightcrawlers actual teleporting, more ranks = more ports, damage based off agility.

Lightning Reflexes based off Berserk. For a set amount of time, Nightcrawler has a % chance to dodge, when successfully dodging, he teleports behind his attacker and strikes them for 50% of his agility. Based off a spell submission for a contest called Phase Swap, cannot find the original map with the spell to provide appropriete credit for the spell, if I cant find the creator, Ill be removing this ability. Also, because its an activated reactive ability, Id like to remove it altogether and make it a lvl 10 passive. Again, a triggerer willing to jump on board this project Im sure could make this happen. And if it does become a passive, that frees up a move for Nightcrawlers activated abilities.

Lightfooted based off item, movement speed. Permanently increases Nightcrawlers movement speed by 50.

Group Teleport based off mass teleport. The only ult in the map with multiple levels (this may change soon though) rank 1 is teleport a single ally, rank two, up to three allies.

Pending Spells
Nightcrawlers model is based off the Satyr, so he is frequently seen using a sword. If Lightning Reflexes is made passive, Id remove Light Footed, plug lightning reflexes, and see a new technique implied.

Psylocke Agility Melee
Betsy Braddock was a just developing teen, her powers new to her and she was scared of what was happening... when... no shit, she stumbled upon a ninja battle, and the evil ninja, swapped the good ninja's conscience with Betsy Braddocks... turning her into a full grown ninja with telepathic powers and the ability to emit psyhonic weapons.

Completed Spells

Telepathic Assault based off Finger of Death. A triggered ability made by Hellknight99 in a blademaster map pack. Its been modified to fit the scale of the map. Credits given in the map.

Pending Spells
Psylocke has a TON of potential. between being able to throw pshyonic projections of weapons, using the projections as melee weapons (auto attack) able to read minds, and a fully trained ninja, shes a pretty hard core bad ass. I'll probably be working Wind walk into her spells soon, but as of this post, she only has one move, Telepathic Assault, a lvl 15 ult.

ColossusStrength, melee
Born in Russia, Colossus was into arms dealing before being picked up by the X-men. He has left before to join Magneto, and returned to the X-Men. This character sacrificed himself to prevent the Mutant killing plague known as the Legacy Virus, from being spread. He was returned from the dead, however, Im not going to cover that here...

Completed Spells

Ground Pound based off thunder clap. Same as ability in game, scaled for map, and changed the art slightly.

[SIZE=4War Cry][/SIZE] based off Howl of Terror. Same as Thunder Clap.

[SIZE=4Steel Skin][/SIZE] based off Hardened Skin. Changed to a single rank, with a 20% chance to ignore all damage.

Punishing Blows based off Storm Hammers. 20% chance to knock back enemies on auto attack. Credits given in map for the knock back system.

Pending spells
While his spell list is complete, as stated early in this post, everything is subject to change. have a great idea, and wanna be a member of the team. I'm all ears for suggestions.

WarpathStrength, Melee
Born of Native American Descent, Warpath is the brother of the X-man Thunderbird, a potentially powerful mutant who unfortunately died early in his career. Granted Enhanced strength, speed, durability, reflexes, and senses. Dual wielding Twin Vibranium Bowie knives, he uses his powers to make the dream of Xavier a reality and the spirit of his ancestors to guide him.

Completed Spells

None :D

Pending Spells
I included the longer than normal bio because I JUST put Warpath in the map. I could think of plenty of placeholder abilities, but at the moment, if I get any one to join as a member, this is one clean slate hero with no moves. Good fits would be stampede with spirit wolf art, blood lust, something to simulate him throwing a dagger or if it an be triggered, a leap would be freaking awesome. I may change his model from Akama to the Blade master and just give him blade storm. Warpath is very quickly coming to Rival Wolverine in terms of badassery (see wolverine section regarding pussification)

So, now that wall of text has crit you for over 9000, please, respond! If this is way to many demands and Im coming off as some amateur asking better map makers to do my job, let me know. Ill hit the editor again and come back when I figure more out on my own. But as I'm asking for help with these things, I am still working on the plot, quest triggers, the item system, balancing stats/rewards. Scaling mobs and scripting boss fights. This isn't a request to get something done for me while I sit and wait, its a request to lighten the load of some triggers/spells I just cant wrap my head around or am to wrapped up in past abilities to figure out. I really need fresh objective feedback on this list. Even if you cant or wont make a spell for me, please, point me in the right direction. I really appreciate any feedback and help I can get with the task at hand. Thank you very much for your time, and as always, good luck to all my fellow aspiring map makers!

Im not sure how to put the drop down menus in posts (the show/hide spoilers) so if someone could tell me how to do that Id really appreciate it.
**Edit End**


Anyone who joins and becomes a member of this project will receive an equal share in credit. Thank you thehelper.net community for your time :)
Could you separate individual heroes with a [noparse]
[/noparse]? It's a bit difficult to tell the different heroes from each other.

It looks interesting, but I get the feeling that this project won't be easy for you. Triggers are integral to a good RPG, and so is dedication. The ideas have good potential, and if that potential is attained, this project has high hopes.

Here's a suggestion. Request for team members instead of people to make spells for you. People like to be treated as equals more than slaves at others' fingertips.
Updated and took your suggestions. Re-worded due to a lot of "I"s and "me"s. I never thought to make this into a group project, but I suppose if folks are interested, Id love to have partners in this maps completion. It would definatly help make this map, not only one for Marvel Fans, but one for RPG fans as well.
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    https://www.thehelper.net/pages/news/ is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example: https://www.rpnation.com/news/
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would like to see it again like Ghan had it the first time with pagination though - without the pagination that view will not work but with pagination it just might...
  • The Helper The Helper:
    This drink recipe I have had more than a few times back in the day! Mind Eraser https://www.thehelper.net/threads/cocktail-mind-eraser.194720/

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