How do I change tooltips for Stop Hold Position Move Patrol, etc?


New Member
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I know about the Game Interface and I have changed the icons, but there is no way I can find any Text 'General' 'Message' related to these abilities. Please help, I've been looking for a solution for around 4 hours now!

Thank you!


New Member
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lol, ofc you can, give me a second and i will show you.

1. make a new textfile (.txt) and name it w/e you want, i would name it "CommandStrings"
2. copy this into it:
Ubertip="Orders your units to move to the target area by the cost of your stamina, you cannot move if your stamina becomes zero."

Ubertip="Orders your units to move to the target area, and attack any enemy units they see on the way. If you order them to attack a specific unit, your units will ignore other enemy units and will attack the targeted unit until it is destroyed."

Tip=Attack |cffffcc00G|rround
Ubertip="Orders your units to fire at the targeted area of ground until they are told to stop or are given another order."

Tip=|cffffcc00B|ruild Structure
Ubertip="Brings up a list of the available buildings that you may choose to construct."

Tip=|cffffcc00B|ruild Structure
Ubertip="Brings up a list of the available buildings that you may choose to construct."

Tip=|cffffcc00B|ruild Structure
Ubertip="Brings up a list of the available buildings that you may choose to construct."

Tip=Create |cffffcc00B|ruilding
Ubertip="Brings up a list of the available buildings that you may choose to create."

Tip=Summon |cffffcc00B|ruilding
Ubertip="Brings up a list of the available buildings that you may choose to summon."

Tip=Cancel (|cffffcc00ESC|r)
Ubertip="Drops the current un-issued order and allows you to select a different order."

Tip=Cancel (|cffffcc00ESC|r)
Ubertip="Drops the current un-issued order and allows you to select a different order."

Tip=Cancel (|cffffcc00ESC|r)
Ubertip="Stops training the current unit."

Tip=Cancel (|cffffcc00ESC|r)
Ubertip="Stops reviving the current unit."

Tip=|cffffcc00D|refence Position
Ubertip="Enter a defending position, that reduse incoming damage with 15%|n|cffffff00[|r|cffff0000WARNING|r|cffffff00]|r|cffff0000 |r|cffffff00THIS ACTION WILL AUTOMATIC END TURN.|r"

Tip=|cffffcc00C|rheck Range
Ubertip="Want to find out the distance between your fat ass and a location?|nUse this."

Tip=|cffffcc00S|rell Items

Tip=Set Rall|cffffcc00y|r Point
Ubertip="Orders units that pop out of the building to immediately attack move to the targeted area. You can rally point gold mines or trees to auto-harvest. You can rally point a unit to have new units follow it when they finish building."

Tip=Her|cffffcc00o|r Abilities
Ubertip="Opens the abilities menu and allows you to assign unused points to the Heroes' abilities."

Ubertip="Orders your units to stop whatever order they were previously given. Units that have been told to stop will attack enemy units and move to engage nearby enemies."

//Tip=Increase |cffffcc00A|rgility

//Tip=Increase |cffffcc00I|rntelligence

//Tip=Increase |cffffcc00S|rtrength

Emptycontrolgroup=Unable to form an empty control group.
Invalidcontrolgroup=Unable to form a control group with units you do not control.
Itemincontrolgroup=Unable to form a control group with items.
Nofood=Build more Farms to continue unit production.,Build more Burrows to continue unit production.,Summon more Ziggurats to continue unit production.,Create more Moon Wells to continue unit production.

Maxsupply=Unable to create unit due to maximum food limit.
Nogold=Not enough gold.
Nolumber=Not enough lumber.
Nomana=Not enough mana.
Cooldown=Spell is not ready yet.

Noroom=Cargo capacity unavailable.
Canttransport=Unable to load target.
Cantdevour=Unable to devour target.
Cantcyclone=Unable to cast Cyclone on this target.
Cantspiritwolf=Unable to cast Feral Spirit on this target.
Cantpossess=Unable to cast Possession on this target.
Onlyattackers=Must target a unit capable of attacking.

Notentangledmine=Unable to use an Entangled Gold Mine.
Notblightedmine=Unable to use a Haunted Gold Mine.
Alreadyentangled=That gold mine is already entangled.
Alreadyblightedmine=That gold mine is already haunted.
Targetwispresources=Must target a tree or an Entangled Gold Mine.
Targetblightedmine=Must target a Haunted Gold Mine.
Entangleminefirst=Must entangle gold mine first.
Blightminefirst=Must haunt gold mine first.
Entangledminefull=That gold mine can't support any more Wisps.
Blightringfull=That gold mine can't support any more Acolytes.
Acolytealreadymining=The selected Acolyte is already mining.
Nototherplayersmine=Unable to use a mine controlled by another player.
Targgetmine=Must target a gold mine.
Targgetresources=Must target resources.

Humanbuilding=Must target a Human building.
Undeadbuilding=Must target an Undead building.
Underconstruction=That building is currently under construction.
Alreadyrebuilding=The building is already under construction.
Creeptoopowerful=That creep is too powerful.
Hibernating=That unit is already hibernating.
Immunetomagic=That unit is immune to magic.
Holybolttarget=Must target friendly living units or enemy Undead units.
Deathcoiltarget=Must target enemy living units or friendly Undead units.
Dispelmagictarget=Must target a unit or blighted ground.

Treeoccupied=That tree is occupied. Target a vacant tree.
Coupletarget=Unable to merge with that unit.
Mounthippogryphtarget=Must target a Hippogryph.
Archerridertarget=Must target an Archer.

Cantsee=Must explore there first.
Cantplace=Unable to build there.
Outofbounds=Targeted location is outside of the map boundary.
Offblight=Must summon structures upon Blight.
Tooclosetomine=Unable to build so close to the gold mine.
Tooclosetohall=Unable to create a gold mine so close to the town.
Buildingblocked=A newly constructed unit has no room to be placed.
Teleportfail=A unit could not be teleported.
Stumpblocked=Something is blocking that tree stump.
Cantland=Unable to land there.
Cantroot=Unable to root there.
Cantrootunit=Target is no longer rootable.
Mustroottoentangle=Must root adjacent to a gold mine to entangle it.
Mustbeclosertomine=Must root closer to the gold mine. 

Minenotentangleable=Gold mine couldn't be entangled.
Notinrange=Target is outside range.
UnderRange=Target is inside minimum range.

Notthisunit=Unable to target unit.
Targetunit=Must target a unit with this action.

Targetstructuretree=Must target a building or tree.
Targetground=Must target a ground unit.
Targetair=Must target an air unit.
Targetstructure=Must target a building.
Targetward=Must target a ward.
Targetitem=Must target an item.
Targettree=Must target a tree.
Targetrepair=Must target a building or mechanical unit.

Targetowned=Must target one of your own units.
Targetally=Must target a friendly unit.
Targetneutral=Must target a neutral unit.
Targetenemy=Must target an enemy unit.

Targethero=Must target a Hero.
Targetenemyhero=Must target an enemy Hero.
Targetcorpse=Must target a corpse.
Targetfleshycorpse=Must target a fleshy corpse.
Targetbonecorpse=Must target a skeletal corpse.
Targetundead=Must target an Undead unit.
Targetmechanical=Must target a mechanical unit.
Targetmoveable=Must target moveable units.
Targetorganicground=Must target an organic ground unit.

Targetancient=Must target an Ancient.
Targetarmoredtransport=Must target an armored transport.

Targetmanauser=Must target a unit with mana.
Targetbunkerunit=Must target a Peon.
Targetwisp=Must target a Wisp.

Targetacolyte=Must target an Acolyte.
Targetpit=Must target a Sacrificial Pit.
Needemptytree=That tree is occupied by an owl.

Cantfindcorpse=There are no usable corpses nearby.
Cantfindfriendlycorpse=There are no corpses of friendly units nearby.
Nounits=Unable to target units.
Noground=Unable to target ground units.
Noair=Unable to target air units.
Nostructure=Unable to target buildings.
Noward=Unable to target wards.
Noitem=Unable to target items.
Notree=Unable to target trees.
Nowall=Unable to target walls.
Nodebris=Unable to target debris.
Notfrozenbldg=Target building has been frozen.

Nottownhall=Must target friendly Town Hall.,Must target friendly Great Hall.,Must target friendly Town Hall.,Must target friendly Town Hall.
Notself=Unable to target self.
Notowned=Unable to target your own units.
Notfriendly=Unable to target friendly units.
Notneutral=Unable to target neutral units.
Notenemy=Unable to target enemy units.
Nothidden=Unable to target units inside a building or transport.

Notinvulnerable=That target is invulnerable.
Nohero=Unable to target Heroes.
Notcorpse=Target must be living.
Notfleshycorpse=Unable to target fleshy corpses.
Notbonecorpse=Unable to target skeletal corpses.
Notmechanical=Must target organic units.
Notorganic=Unable to target organic units.
Notdisabled=Caster movement has been disabled.

Cantattackloc=Unable to attack there.
Canttargetloc=Unable to target there.

Inventoryfull=Inventory is full.
NeedInventory=Only Heroes can pick up items.

Notsapper=Unable to target Sappers.
Notancient=Unable to target Ancients.
Notsummoned=Unable to target summoned units.
Nottransport=Unable to target transports or bunkers.
Notunsummoned=Target is being unsummoned.
Notillusion=Unable to target illusions.
Notmorphing=Unable to target morphing units.
Notdot=Unable to target a Druid of the Talon.

Illusionscantharvest=Illusions are unable to harvest.
Illusionscantpickup=Illusions cannot pick up items.

Cantpolymorphunit=This unit is immune to Polymorph.

Notundead=Unable to target an Undead unit.
Heromaxed=Hero is at max level.
HPmaxed=Hero has full health.
Manamaxed=Already at full mana.
HPmanamaxed=Already at full mana and health.

UnitHPmaxed=Already at full health.
RepairHPmaxed=Target is not damaged.

Alreadybeinghealed=Target is already being healed.
Pitalreadysacrificing=Sacrificial Pit is already sacrificing an Acolyte.
Outofstock=Out of stock
Cooldownstock=Out of stock
Cantdrop=Item must remain in your inventory.

Calltoarms=No Peasants could be found.
Backtowork=No Militia could be found.
BattleStations=No Peons could be found.

Unitattack=The battle has been joined.
Townattack=Our town is under siege!
Herodies=%s has fallen in battle.
Allyunderattack=%s is under attack.
Allytownattack=%s's city is under siege!
Allyminimapping=%s has marked the way.
Goldandlumberfromally=Received %d gold and %d lumber from %s.
Goldfromally=Received %d gold from %s.
Lumberfromally=Received %d lumber from %s.
Goldminedestroyed=A gold mine has collapsed.,A gold mine has collapsed.,Our gold source has been depleted.,Gold mine has been drained.
Upkeeplevel=Upkeep level %d.
Herokilledhero=%s was defeated by %s.
Herodeath=%s the %s (level %d) has fallen.,%s the %s (level %d) has been slain.,%s the %s (level %d) has been killed.,%s the %s (level %d) has fallen.
Goldminelow=A gold mine is running low.,A gold mine is running low.,We've almost depleted our gold source.,Gold mine is running low.
Controlgranted=You have been granted control of %s's units.
Controlrevoked=Control of %s's units has been taken away.

// UI Strings are now all defined in GlobalStrings.fdf

3. change for example
Tip=Attack |cffffcc00G|rround
Ubertip="Orders your units to fire at the targeted area of ground until they are told to stop or are given another order."


Tip=Attack |cffffcc00G|rround
Ubertip=&quot;Only dumb people would attack the ground and not the unit <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue    :p" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":p" />.&quot;

4. import it into your map and name it: Units\CommandStrings.txt


I'm still looking for my Tangent
Reaction score
I believe he wants the tooltips to change for the map,
As in, all players who play the game will have the tooltips for the "Patrol" , "Move", etc icons changed to w/e he wants.

Anachron says your method only changes his icons, not the icons in the map.

You're allowed to over-write 'Anything' in the MPQ? o.0
Seriously? ._.


New Member
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He is looking for changing it for all players, not only for him.

4. import it into your map and name it: Units\CommandStrings.txt
Have you tested it? I tried that as well at some time and it didn't work.


New Member
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Wow this is the first time I've ever visited this site and I've received help in less than 10 minutes... You guys are awesome, I'm going to check out the .txt file importing stuff now! Thanks abunch!

OH MY GOD It works! I'll be SURE to come back if I need help with my stuff, THANK YOU Sartan!


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Yup and I am going to sleep now. It is 2 a.m. here and I have school soon, lol! Again thank you Sartan and everyone else here for helping

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    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
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  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
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    You can get there if you click the bell icon (alerts) and choose preferences from the bottom, signature will be in the menu on the left there
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  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!
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